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Last active January 17, 2018 07:45
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State management by RxJS
import { Observable, Subject, BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs'
interface State {
counter: { count: number },
user: { name: string, age: number }
const models = {
count(intent: { inc$: Observable<number>, dec$: Observable<number> }) {
type S = State['counter']
return Observable.of((_s: S) => ({ count: 0 })).merge($.map(n => (s: S) => ({ count: s.count + n })),
intent.dec$.map(n => (s: S) => ({ count: s.count - n })),
user(intent: { update$: Observable<{ name?: string, age?: number }> }) {
type S = State['user']
return Observable.of((_: S) => ({ name: 'unknown', age: 0 })).merge(
intent.update$.pluck<Partial<S>, string>('name')
.map((name => (s: S) => ({ name, age: s.age }))),
intent.update$.pluck<Partial<S>, number>('age')
.map((age => (s: S) => ({ name:, age }))),
const actions = {
inc$: new Subject<number>(),
dec$: new Subject<number>(),
update$: new Subject<{ name?: string, age?: number }>(),
const intents = {
inc$:$.map(n => n * 10),
dec$: actions.dec$.map(n => n * 10),
update$: actions.update$,
const state$ = new BehaviorSubject<State>({} as any)
/* subscribe */
const subscription = attachMutations(state$, [
models.count(intents).let(makeStateful).map(s => ({ counter: s })),
models.user(intents).let(makeStateful).map(s => ({ user: s })),
// unsubscribe all mutation
state$.filter(s => s === null).subscribe(() => {
state$.map(state => state.user)
state$.pluck<any, number>('counter', 'count')
/* kick action */$.next(1)$.next(1)
actions.update$.next({ name: 'taro' })
actions.update$.next({ age: 10 })
actions.update$.next({ name: 'taro yamada', age: 20 })
// ─── LIB ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
function makeStateful<T>(reducer$: Observable<(state: T) => T>) {
return reducer$.scan((acc, fn) => fn(acc), {} as T)
// tslint:disable:no-shadowed-variable
function attachMutations<T>(state$: Subject<T>, mutations: Observable<Partial<T>>[]) {
return Observable.merge(...mutations)
.withLatestFrom(state$, assign)
.subscribe({ next, error, complete })
function assign(next: Partial<T>, cur: T) {
return Object.assign({}, cur, next)
function next(value: T) {
return state$.next(value)
function error(err: any) {
function complete() {
/* noop */
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typoerr commented Jan 16, 2018

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typoerr commented Jan 16, 2018

Use RxJS with React - Michal Zaleckiでは、actionからreducerまでにcurrentStateの参照が一切取得できないが、現実的にはintent層(reduxのmiddleware層)でcurrentStateに応じた処理(HTTP request等の副作用)を行うユースケースがある。


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typoerr commented Jan 16, 2018

initial stateはmodelの中でObservable.of(() => initialState)をするならば、const state$ = new BehaviorSubject<State>({} as any) でよい気がする.

逆にmodelの中でinitial stateを用意しない場合、intentを受けたobservableが返すreducer関数の中でstateの参照が必要なため、 BehaviorSubjectの中でinitial stateは必須になる。

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typoerr commented Jan 17, 2018

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