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Created February 7, 2024 16:58
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Get intersection points of list of lines with a glyph in a font
from fontTools.pens.basePen import BasePen
from fontTools.misc.bezierTools import calcCubicParameters, solveCubic, _alignment_transformation, cubicPointAtT, _line_t_of_pt, linePointAtT
def _curve_line_intersections_t(curve, line):
aligned_curve = _alignment_transformation(line).transformPoints(curve)
a, b, c, d = calcCubicParameters(*aligned_curve)
intersections = solveCubic(a[1], b[1], c[1], d[1])
return sorted(i for i in intersections if 0.0 <= i <= 1)
def curveLineIntersections(curve, line):
Finds intersections between a curve and a line.
curve: List of coordinates of a cubic curve as four tuples (pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4).
line: List of coordinates of the line segment as a tuples (pt1, pt2).
A list of ``Intersection`` points as tuple of (x, y).
intersections = []
for t in _curve_line_intersections_t(curve, line):
pt = cubicPointAtT(*curve, t)
line_t = _line_t_of_pt(*line, pt)
pt = linePointAtT(*line, line_t)
return intersections
def linesIntersection(line1, line2):
Calculates the intersection point of two lines.
- line1, line2: A tuple of two points (pt1, pt2), where each point is a tuple (x, y).
s1, e1 = line1
s2, e2 = line2
x1, y1 = s1
x2, y2 = e1
x3, y3 = s2
x4, y4 = e2
denom = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4)
if denom != 0:
det_x = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2)
det_y = (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4)
x = (det_x * (x3 - x4) - (x1 - x2) * det_y) / denom
y = (det_x * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * det_y) / denom
if (min(x1, x2) <= x <= max(x1, x2) and min(y1, y2) <= y <= max(y1, y2) and min(x3, x4) <= x <= max(x3, x4) and min(y3, y4) <= y <= max(y3, y4)):
return x, y
class LineIntersectPen(BasePen):
def __init__(self, glyphSet, lineList):
lineList: [(start_pt, end_pt), ...]
self.lineList = lineList
self.intersections = set()
self.startPt = None
self.currentPt = None
def _moveTo(self, pt):
self.currentPt = pt
self.startPt = pt
def _lineTo(self, pt):
for line in self.lineList:
intersection_pt = linesIntersection((self.currentPt, pt), line)
if intersection_pt is not None:
self.currentPt = pt
def _curveToOne(self, pt1, pt2, pt3):
for line in self.lineList:
(self.currentPt, pt1, pt2, pt3), line))
self.currentPt = pt3
def _closePath(self):
if self.currentPt != self.startPt:
self.currentPt = self.startPt = None
def getIntersections(self):
return self.intersections
if __name__ == '__main__':
# following is a test for a font opend by RoboFont and it's supposed to show the intersections in the drawBot extension of RF
# first select a glyph!
from fontTools.pens.cocoaPen import CocoaPen
import drawBot as db
font = CurrentFont()
glyph = CurrentGlyph()
def draw_pt_list(glyph, pt_list, margin=100):
xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax = glyph.bounds
w = xMax - xMin
h = yMax - yMin
db.newPage(w + (margin * 2), h + (margin * 2))
db.translate(-xMin + margin, -yMin + margin)
db.line(start_pt, end_pt)
pen = CocoaPen(glyph.font)
db.fill(1, 0, 0, 1)
circle_radius = 5
for point in pt_list:
x, y = point
db.oval(x - circle_radius, y - circle_radius,
circle_radius * 2, circle_radius * 2)
y = 160 # chnage this to make the line move
start_pt = (0, y + 100)
end_pt = (1000, y)
start_pt_2 = (-320, y + -80)
end_pt_2 = (960, y)
p = LineIntersectPen(font, [(start_pt, end_pt), (start_pt_2, end_pt_2)])
draw_pt_list(glyph, p.getIntersections())
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