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Last active September 5, 2019 19:55
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Rails, Redis and Sidekiq







Specific Topics:


active record

Rake tasks:



  • The linux command line



Classic Season 1

  • 6 Conflicting Principles Design & OO 12 min
  • 7 Growing a Test Suite TDD 13 min
  • 8 Processes and Jobs Unix 15 min
  • 9 Exceptions and Control Flow Language Features 10 min
  • 10 Fast Tests With and Without Rails Rails 15 min
  • 11 Git Workflow Git 11 min
  • 12 Packaging in Ruby and Python Python 15 min
  • 13 File Navigation in Vim Editors 10 min
  • 14 Extracting Objects in Django Python 15 min
  • 15 Quick and Easy Perf Tests Types of Tests 13 min
  • 16 A Refactoring Story Design & OO 12 min
  • 17 Wrapping Third Party APIs Rails 17 min
  • 18 Clarity via Isolated Tests Test Isolation 10 min

Classic Season 2:

  • 1 Composing a Unix Command Line
  • 2 Tar, Fork, and the Tar Pipe
  • 3 Coupling and Abstraction
  • 4 Test Isolation and Refactoring
  • 5 Spiking and Continuous Spiking
  • 6 Notes on Stubbing
  • 7 Controller Refactoring Demo Part 1
  • 8 Controller Refactoring Demo Part 2
  • 9 Extracting From Controller to Model
  • 10 Acceptance Tests
  • 11 Extracting From Models
  • 12 Some Vim Tips
  • 13 History Spelunking With Unix
  • 14 Performance of Different Test Sizes
  • 15 Simple Bash Script Testing
  • 16 Splitting Into Fine Grained Tests
  • 17 Which Tests to Write
  • 18 TDDing Spikes Away With Rebase




  • 0 Getting Setup03:55

  • 1 JavaScript Drum Kit19:39

  • 2 CSS + JS Clock10:44

  • 3 Playing with CSS Variables and JS13:13

  • 4 Array Cardio Day 123:27

  • 5 Flex Panels Image Gallery13:10

  • 6 Ajax Type Ahead17:21

  • 7 Array Cardio Day 207:15

  • 8 Fun with HTML5 Canvas18:01

  • 9 14 Must Know Dev Tools Tricks10:36

  • 10 Hold Shift to Check Multiple Checkboxes11:18

  • 11 Custom HTML5 Video Player24:33

  • 12 Key Sequence Detection (KONAMI CODE)05:08

  • 13 Slide In on Scroll12:57

  • 14 Object and Arrays - Reference VS Copy11:28

  • 15 LocalStorage and Event Delegation30:24

  • 16 CSS Text Shadow Mouse Move Effect11:22

  • 17 Sorting Band Names without articles07:09

  • 18 Tally String Times with Reduce12:56

  • 19 Unreal Webcam Fun30:20

  • 20 Native Speech Recognition13:20

  • 21 Geolocation based Speedometer and Compass08:50

  • 22 Follow Along Links09:25

  • 23 Speech Synthesis16:56

  • 24 Sticky Nav10:02

  • 25 Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling and Once09:10

  • 26 Stripe Follow Along Dropdown21:12

  • 27 Click and Drag to Scroll14:09

  • 28 Video Speed Controller UI09:26

  • 29 Countdown Clock21:45

  • 30 Whack A Mole Game14:35

  • 31 That's All Folks!01:34


Every day one or two episodes of destroy all software in the morning before 11am: Every friday one episode of javascript30 and at least one chaper of the book: "The Linux command line"

Important: take you time to rethink what you have done, seen or read and write it down!

Date Source episode/description
10.01.17 Rubytapas: #453 Singleton Class
10.01.17 Link:
Rememberputs "#" * 90, puts caller, puts "#" * 90
12.01.17 Rubytapas: #454 Class method
.. Destroyallsoftware: Prettylogs
.. looking into that: link:
Remember: puts Category.first.to_yaml
17.01.17 Destroyallsoftware: 1/1 Statistics Over Git Repositories Git
17.01.17 Destroyallsoftware: 1/2 How and Why to Avoid Nil Language Features
18.01.17 javascript30: Number 6 Ajax Type ahead:
- fetch Data from a gist, search through that Data and find the correct match
- make it more usable by displaying the matches with every keystroke
-> addEventListener('keyup', ...)
19.01.17 Destroyallsoftware: 1/3 Building RSpec From Scratch TDD
- very cool to see how rspec might be build
23.01.17 Destroyallsoftware: 1/5 Extracting Domain Objects:
- How to extract a piece of code and ceate a new class for that and add new tests
- at the end your code is better readable and you have more isolated code that you can reuse
- better understandable concepts of how the rails app works
- which means shorter controller in rails
09.02.17 rubytapas: To eradicate Ruby nil values:
- very helpful espially because I just experienced the very same problem
10.02.17 Javascript30: Number 7: some exercises of array methods in javascript
Remember: make a class that replaces nil
instead of nil when not signed_in customer is found,
create a new class called unknown customer
13.02.17 Destroyallsoftware: 1/6 Object Oriented principles:
- pull code from the model to service classes
- Tell don't ask ( not inspect object and based on that state make a decision ) and single responsibility
14.02.17 Destroyallsoftware: 1/7 Growing a test suite:
- how to make a proper test suite that is not growing to long
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