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Created March 4, 2016 21:33
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HSTORE Model View Statistics
Let's say you got a Job model and you want to track index_count, show_count, etc.
Why not use Hstore?
Add a migration:
class AddHstoreCountsOnJobs < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :jobs, :index_count, :hstore, default: {}
add_column :jobs, :show_count, :hstore, default: {}
add_index :jobs, :index_count, using: :gin
add_index :jobs, :show_count, using: :gin
Add a scope to the model:
scope :increment!, -> (field=:index_count, query=self.all){
query.update_all("#{field.to_s} = #{field.to_s} || hstore(to_char(NOW(), 'DD/MM/YYYY'), coalesce(((#{field.to_s} -> to_char(NOW(), 'DD/MM/YYYY'))::int+1),1)::text)")
Add after_filters to your controller, and a way for finding @jobs even on Show:
after_filter only: :index do @jobs.increment!(:index_count) if @jobs end
after_filter only: :show do @jobs.increment!(:show_count) if @jobs end
def set_job
@jobs = Job.where("id = ? OR slug = ?", params[:id].to_i, params[:id])
@job = @jobs.empty? ? nil : @jobs.first
And Voila! View Stats stored on the model:
Job Load (4.3ms) SELECT "jobs"."id", "jobs"."index_count", "jobs"."show_count" FROM "jobs"
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<Job id: 5, index_count: {"04/03/2016"=>"4"}, show_count: {}>, #<Job id: 1, index_count: {"04/03/2016"=>"4"}, show_count: {}>, #<Job id: 2, index_count: {"04/03/2016"=>"4"}, show_count: {"04/03/2016"=>"3"}>]>
Updating the stats with only a few records is about 2.2ms. It will be interesting to see how it scales.
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