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Created August 3, 2021 00:12
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* Aeotec Inc Dual Nano Switch without Energy Reading
* github: Eric Maycock (erocm123)
* Date: 2018-01-02
* Copyright Eric Maycock
* Includes all configuration parameters and ease of advanced configuration.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
metadata {
definition (name: "Aeotec Inc (ZW140) Dual Nano Switch", namespace: "erocm123", author: "Eric Maycock") {
capability "Actuator"
capability "Switch"
capability "Polling"
capability "Configuration"
capability "Refresh"
capability "Power Meter"
capability "Energy Meter"
capability "Temperature Measurement"
capability "Health Check"
fingerprint mfr: "0086", model: "008C" // Aeon brand
simulator {
preferences {
input description: "Once you change values on this page, the corner of the \"configuration\" icon will change orange until all configuration parameters are updated.", title: "Settings", displayDuringSetup: false, type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph"
tiles {
multiAttributeTile(name:"switch", type: "lighting", width: 6, height: 4, canChangeIcon: true){
tileAttribute ("device.switch", key: "PRIMARY_CONTROL") {
attributeState "off", label:'${name}', action:"switch.on", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff", nextState:"turningOn"
attributeState "on", label:'${name}', action:"", icon:"st.switches.switch.on", backgroundColor:"#00a0dc", nextState:"turningOff"
attributeState "turningOff", label:'${name}', action:"switch.on", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff", nextState:"turningOn"
attributeState "turningOn", label:'${name}', action:"", icon:"st.switches.switch.on", backgroundColor:"#00a0dc", nextState:"turningOff"
tileAttribute ("statusText", key: "SECONDARY_CONTROL") {
attributeState "statusText", label:'${currentValue}'
standardTile("refresh", "device.switch", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state "default", label:"", action:"refresh.refresh", icon:"st.secondary.refresh"
standardTile("configure", "device.needUpdate", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state "NO" , label:'', action:"configuration.configure", icon:"st.secondary.configure"
state "YES", label:'', action:"configuration.configure", icon:""
main(["switch","switch1", "switch2"])
def parse(String description) {
def result = []
def cmd = zwave.parse(description)
if (cmd) {
result += zwaveEvent(cmd)
logging("Parsed ${cmd} to ${result.inspect()}", 1)
} else {
logging("Non-parsed event: ${description}", 2)
def statusTextmsg = ""
result.each {
if ((it instanceof Map) == true && it.find{ it.key == "name" }?.value == "power") {
statusTextmsg = "${it.value} W ${device.currentValue('energy')? device.currentValue('energy') : "0"} kWh"
if ((it instanceof Map) == true && it.find{ it.key == "name" }?.value == "energy") {
statusTextmsg = "${device.currentValue('power')? device.currentValue('power') : "0"} W ${it.value} kWh"
if (statusTextmsg != "") sendEvent(name:"statusText", value:statusTextmsg, displayed:false)
return result
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicReport cmd, ep=null) {
logging("BasicReport ${cmd}, ${ep}", 2)
if (ep) {
def childDevice = childDevices.find{it.deviceNetworkId == "$device.deviceNetworkId-ep$ep"}
if (childDevice)
childDevice.sendEvent(name: "switch", value: cmd.value ? "on" : "off")
} else {
def result = createEvent(name: "switch", value: cmd.value ? "on" : "off", type: "digital")
def cmds = []
cmds << encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 1)
cmds << encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 2)
return [result, response(commands(cmds))] // returns the result of reponse()
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd) {
logging("BasicSet ${cmd}", 2)
def result = createEvent(name: "switch", value: cmd.value ? "on" : "off", type: "digital")
def cmds = []
cmds << encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 1)
cmds << encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 2)
return [result, response(commands(cmds))] // returns the result of reponse()
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.switchbinaryv1.SwitchBinaryReport cmd, ep=null) {
logging("SwitchBinaryReport ${cmd} , ${ep}", 2)
if (ep) {
def childDevice = childDevices.find{it.deviceNetworkId == "$device.deviceNetworkId-ep$ep"}
if (childDevice)
childDevice.sendEvent(name: "switch", value: cmd.value ? "on" : "off")
} else {
def result = createEvent(name: "switch", value: cmd.value ? "on" : "off", type: "digital")
def cmds = []
cmds << encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 1)
cmds << encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 2)
return [result, response(commands(cmds))] // returns the result of reponse()
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.multichannelv3.MultiChannelCmdEncap cmd) {
logging("MultiChannelCmdEncap ${cmd}", 2)
def encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand([0x32: 3, 0x25: 1, 0x20: 1])
if (encapsulatedCommand) {
zwaveEvent(encapsulatedCommand, cmd.sourceEndPoint as Integer)
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.ManufacturerSpecificReport cmd) {
logging("ManufacturerSpecificReport ${cmd}", 2)
def msr = String.format("%04X-%04X-%04X", cmd.manufacturerId, cmd.productTypeId, cmd.productId)
logging("msr: $msr", 2)
updateDataValue("MSR", msr)
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.Command cmd) {
// This will capture any commands not handled by other instances of zwaveEvent
// and is recommended for development so you can see every command the device sends
logging("Unhandled Event: ${cmd}", 2)
def on() {
logging("on()", 1)
encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 1),
encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 2)
def off() {
logging("off()", 1)
encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 1),
encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 2)
void childOn(String dni) {
logging("childOn($dni)", 1)
def cmds = []
cmds << new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(command(encap(zwave.basicV1.basicSet(value: 0xFF), channelNumber(dni))))
cmds << new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(command(encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), channelNumber(dni))))
void childOff(String dni) {
logging("childOff($dni)", 1)
def cmds = []
cmds << new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(command(encap(zwave.basicV1.basicSet(value: 0x00), channelNumber(dni))))
cmds << new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(command(encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), channelNumber(dni))))
void childRefresh(String dni) {
logging("childRefresh($dni)", 1)
def cmds = []
cmds << new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(command(encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), channelNumber(dni))))
def poll() {
logging("poll()", 1)
encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 1),
encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 2),
def refresh() {
logging("refresh()", 1)
encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 1),
encap(zwave.switchBinaryV1.switchBinaryGet(), 2),
def ping() {
logging("ping()", 1)
def installed() {
logging("installed()", 1)
def configure() {
logging("configure()", 1)
def cmds = []
cmds = update_needed_settings()
if (cmds != []) commands(cmds)
def updated() {
logging("updated()", 1)
if (!childDevices) {
} else if (device.label != state.oldLabel) {
childDevices.each {
if (it.label == "${state.oldLabel} (Q${channelNumber(it.deviceNetworkId)})") {
def newLabel = "${device.displayName} (Q${channelNumber(it.deviceNetworkId)})"
state.oldLabel = device.label
def cmds = []
cmds = update_needed_settings()
sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 2 * 15 * 60 + 2 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "zwave", hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID])
sendEvent(name:"needUpdate", value: device.currentValue("needUpdate"), displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
if (cmds != []) response(commands(cmds))
def generate_preferences(configuration_model) {
def configuration = parseXml(configuration_model)
configuration.Value.each {
if(it.@hidden != "true" && it.@disabled != "true") {
switch(it.@type) {
case ["number"]:
input "${it.@index}", "number",
title:"${it.@label}\n" + "${it.Help}",
range: "${it.@min}..${it.@max}",
defaultValue: "${it.@value}",
displayDuringSetup: "${it.@displayDuringSetup}"
case "list":
def items = []
it.Item.each { items << ["${it.@value}":"${it.@label}"] }
input "${it.@index}", "enum",
title:"${it.@label}\n" + "${it.Help}",
defaultValue: "${it.@value}",
displayDuringSetup: "${it.@displayDuringSetup}",
options: items
case "decimal":
input "${it.@index}", "decimal",
title:"${it.@label}\n" + "${it.Help}",
range: "${it.@min}..${it.@max}",
defaultValue: "${it.@value}",
displayDuringSetup: "${it.@displayDuringSetup}"
case "boolean":
input "${it.@index}", "boolean",
title:"${it.@label}\n" + "${it.Help}",
defaultValue: "${it.@value}",
displayDuringSetup: "${it.@displayDuringSetup}"
/* Code has elements from other community source @CyrilPeponnet (Z-Wave Parameter Sync). */
def update_current_properties(cmd) {
def currentProperties = state.currentProperties ?: [:]
currentProperties."${cmd.parameterNumber}" = cmd.configurationValue
def parameterSettings = parseXml(configuration_model()).Value.find{it.@index == "${cmd.parameterNumber}"}
if (settings."${cmd.parameterNumber}" != null || parameterSettings.@hidden == "true") {
if (convertParam(cmd.parameterNumber, parameterSettings.@hidden != "true"? settings."${cmd.parameterNumber}" : parameterSettings.@value) == cmd2Integer(cmd.configurationValue)) {
sendEvent(name:"needUpdate", value:"NO", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
} else {
sendEvent(name:"needUpdate", value:"YES", displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
state.currentProperties = currentProperties
def update_needed_settings() {
def cmds = []
def currentProperties = state.currentProperties ?: [:]
def configuration = parseXml(configuration_model())
def isUpdateNeeded = "NO"
//cmds << zwave.multiChannelAssociationV2.multiChannelAssociationRemove(groupingIdentifier: 1, nodeId: [0,zwaveHubNodeId,1])
//cmds << zwave.multiChannelAssociationV2.multiChannelAssociationGet(groupingIdentifier: 1)
cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationSet(groupingIdentifier: 1, nodeId: zwaveHubNodeId)
cmds << zwave.associationV2.associationGet(groupingIdentifier: 1)
configuration.Value.each {
if ("${it.@setting_type}" == "zwave" && it.@disabled != "true") {
if (currentProperties."${it.@index}" == null) {
if (it.@setonly == "true") {
logging("Parameter ${it.@index} will be updated to " + convertParam(it.@index.toInteger(), settings."${it.@index}"? settings."${it.@index}" : "${it.@value}"), 2)
def convertedConfigurationValue = convertParam(it.@index.toInteger(), settings."${it.@index}"? settings."${it.@index}" : "${it.@value}")
cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(configurationValue: integer2Cmd(convertedConfigurationValue, it.@byteSize.toInteger()), parameterNumber: it.@index.toInteger(), size: it.@byteSize.toInteger())
} else {
isUpdateNeeded = "YES"
logging("Current value of parameter ${it.@index} is unknown", 2)
cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: it.@index.toInteger())
} else if ((settings."${it.@index}" != null || "${it.@hidden}" == "true") && cmd2Integer(currentProperties."${it.@index}") != convertParam(it.@index.toInteger(), "${it.@hidden}" != "true"? settings."${it.@index}" : "${it.@value}")) {
isUpdateNeeded = "YES"
logging("Parameter ${it.@index} will be updated to " + convertParam(it.@index.toInteger(), "${it.@hidden}" != "true"? settings."${it.@index}" : "${it.@value}"), 2)
def convertedConfigurationValue = convertParam(it.@index.toInteger(), "${it.@hidden}" != "true"? settings."${it.@index}" : "${it.@value}")
cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(configurationValue: integer2Cmd(convertedConfigurationValue, it.@byteSize.toInteger()), parameterNumber: it.@index.toInteger(), size: it.@byteSize.toInteger())
cmds << zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: it.@index.toInteger())
sendEvent(name:"needUpdate", value: isUpdateNeeded, displayed:false, isStateChange: true)
return cmds
def convertParam(number, value) {
def parValue
switch (number) {
case 110:
if (value < 0)
parValue = value * -1 + 1000
parValue = value
parValue = value
return parValue.toInteger()
private def logging(message, level) {
if (logLevel != "0") {
switch (logLevel) {
case "1":
if (level > 1)
log.debug "$message"
case "99":
log.debug "$message"
* Convert byte values to integer
def cmd2Integer(array) {
switch(array.size()) {
case 1:
case 2:
((array[0] & 0xFF) << 8) | (array[1] & 0xFF)
case 3:
((array[0] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((array[1] & 0xFF) << 8) | (array[2] & 0xFF)
case 4:
((array[0] & 0xFF) << 24) | ((array[1] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((array[2] & 0xFF) << 8) | (array[3] & 0xFF)
def integer2Cmd(value, size) {
switch(size) {
case 1:
case 2:
def short value1 = value & 0xFF
def short value2 = (value >> 8) & 0xFF
[value2, value1]
case 3:
def short value1 = value & 0xFF
def short value2 = (value >> 8) & 0xFF
def short value3 = (value >> 16) & 0xFF
[value3, value2, value1]
case 4:
def short value1 = value & 0xFF
def short value2 = (value >> 8) & 0xFF
def short value3 = (value >> 16) & 0xFF
def short value4 = (value >> 24) & 0xFF
[value4, value3, value2, value1]
def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.configurationv2.ConfigurationReport cmd) {
logging("${device.displayName} parameter '${cmd.parameterNumber}' with a byte size of '${cmd.size}' is set to '${cmd2Integer(cmd.configurationValue)}'", 2)
private encap(cmd, endpoint) {
if (endpoint) {
} else {
private command(physicalgraph.zwave.Command cmd) {
if (state.sec) {
} else {
private commands(commands, delay=1000) {
delayBetween(commands.collect{ command(it) }, delay)
private channelNumber(String dni) {
dni.split("-ep")[-1] as Integer
private void createChildDevices() {
state.oldLabel = device.label
try {
for (i in 1..2) {
addChildDevice("Metering Switch Child Device", "${device.deviceNetworkId}-ep${i}", null,
[completedSetup: true, label: "${device.displayName} (Q${i})",
isComponent: false, componentName: "ep$i", componentLabel: "Output $i"])
} catch (e) {
log.debug e
runIn(2, "sendAlert")
private sendAlert() {
descriptionText: "Child device creation failed. Please make sure that the \"Metering Switch Child Device\" is installed and published.",
eventType: "ALERT",
name: "childDeviceCreation",
value: "failed",
displayed: true,
def configuration_model() {
<Value type="list" byteSize="1" index="4" label="Overheat Protection. " min="0" max="1" value="0" setting_type="zwave" fw="">
The output load will automatically turn off after 30 seconds if temperature is over 100 C.
0 - Disable
1 - Enable
Range: 0~1
Default: 0 (Previous State)
<Item label="Disable" value="0" />
<Item label="Enable" value="1" />
<Value type="list" byteSize="1" index="20" label="After a power outage" min="0" max="2" value="0" setting_type="zwave" fw="">
Configure the output load status after re-power from a power outage.
0 - Last status before power outage.
1 - Always ON
2 - Always OFF
Range: 0~2
Default: 0 (Previous State)
<Item label="Last Status" value="0" />
<Item label="Always On" value="1" />
<Item label="Always Off" value="2" />
<Value type="list" byteSize="1" index="80" label="Instant Notification" min="0" max="3" value="2" setting_type="zwave" fw="">
Notification report of status change sent to Group Assocation #1 when state of output load changes. Used to instantly update status to your gateway typically.
0 - Nothing
1 - Hail CC (uses more bandwidth)
2 - Basic Report CC
3 - Hail CC when external switch is used to change status of either load.
Range: 0~3
Default: 2 (Previous State)
<Item label="None" value="0" />
<Item label="Hail CC" value="1" />
<Item label="Basic Report CC" value="2" />
<Item label="Hail when External Switch used" value="3" />
<Value type="list" byteSize="1" index="81" label="Notification send with S1 Switch" min="0" max="1" value="1" setting_type="zwave" fw="">
To set which notification would be sent to the associated nodes in association group 3 when using the external switch 1 to switch the loads.
0 = Send Nothing
1 = Basic Set CC.
Range: 0~1
Default: 1 (Previous State)
<Item label="Nothing" value="0" />
<Item label="Basic Set CC" value="1" />
<Value type="list" byteSize="1" index="82" label="Notification send with S2 Switch" min="0" max="1" value="1" setting_type="zwave" fw="">
To set which notification would be sent to the associated nodes in association group 4 when using the external switch 2 to switch the loads.
0 = Send Nothing
1 = Basic Set CC.
Range: 0~1
Default: 1 (Previous State)
<Item label="Nothing" value="0" />
<Item label="Basic Set CC" value="1" />
<Value type="list" byteSize="1" index="83" label="State of Internal LED use" min="0" max="2" value="0" setting_type="zwave" fw="">
Configure the state of LED when it is in 3 modes below:
0 = Energy mode. The LED will follow the status (on/off).
1 = Momentary indicate mode. When the state of Switch’s load changed, the LED will follow the status (on/off) of its load, but the LED will turn off after 5 seconds if there is no any switch action.
2 = Night light mode. The LED will remain ON state.
<Item label="Energy Mode" value="0" />
<Item label="Momentary Mode" value="1" />
<Item label="Night Light Mode" value="2" />
<Value type="list" byteSize="1" index="120" label="External Switch S1 Setting" min="0" max="4" value="0" setting_type="zwave" fw="">
Configure the external switch mode for S1 via Configuration Set.
0 = Unidentified mode.
1 = 2-state switch mode.
2 = 3-way switch mode.
3 = momentary switch button mode.
4 = Enter automatic identification mode. //can enter this mode by tapping internal button 4x times within 2 seconds.
Note: When the mode is determined, this mode value will not be reset after exclusion.
Range: 0~4
Default: 0 (Previous State)
<Item label="Unidentified" value="0" />
<Item label="2-State Switch Mode" value="1" />
<Item label="3-way Switch Mode" value="2" />
<Item label="Momentary Push Button Mode" value="3" />
<Item label="Automatic Identification" value="4" />
<Value type="list" byteSize="1" index="121" label="External Switch S2 Setting" min="0" max="4" value="0" setting_type="zwave" fw="">
Configure the external switch mode for S2 via Configuration Set.
0 = Unidentified mode.
1 = 2-state switch mode.
2 = 3-way switch mode.
3 = momentary switch button mode.
4 = Enter automatic identification mode. //can enter this mode by tapping internal button 6x times within 2 seconds.
Note: When the mode is determined, this mode value will not be reset after exclusion.
Range: 0~4
Default: 0 (Previous State)
<Item label="Unidentified" value="0" />
<Item label="2-State Switch Mode" value="1" />
<Item label="3-way Switch Mode" value="2" />
<Item label="Momentary Push Button Mode" value="3" />
<Item label="Automatic Identification" value="4" />
//For Later: 83-87, 123
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