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Created August 26, 2019 12:51
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import sys
import time
def load(seconds):
print('\nLoading', end='', flush=True)
for _ in range(seconds):
print('.', end='', flush=True)
def to_win():
print('85/15 TO WIN', end='')
for dot in range(4):
print('.', end='', flush=True)
print('or lose')
print('Loading', end='', flush=True)
for _ in range(15):
print('.', end='', flush=True)
class People:
"""Enum to represent the societal positions found in the game"""
ARMY = "The Army"
GOVERNMENT = 'The Government'
CIVILIAN = "Civilians"
# People is the type of person accessed
class Forces:
YOU = 'You'
ENEMY = 'Enemy'
relationships = {People.ARMY: 0, People.CIVILIAN: 0, People.GOVERNMENT: 0}
tide = {Forces.YOU: 50, Forces.ENEMY: 50}
choices = []
def prompt_for_input(prompt, valid_inputs, max_tries=6):
the_roadblock = '\nPlease enter a valid input\n'
while max_tries > 0:
user_input = input('> ').upper()
if user_input in valid_inputs:
return user_input
max_tries -= 1
# the input was not valid, show the roadblock
print('Seems like you are not willing to play. Goodbye!')
def change_relation(*args):
string = ''
for arg in args:
type_of_person = arg[0]
type_of_change = arg[1]
type_of_change_copy = type_of_change
"""Change the standing of the player with a given faction
faction and type_of_change are case insensitive and have to correspond to
class variables of People and RelationshipChanges. type_of_change
describes by how much the relationship score is altered.
This function returns a message that describes the change.
type_translation = {
"---": -2, "--": -1, "-": -0.5, "+++": 2, "++": 1, "+": 0.5
if type_of_change in type_translation:
# only apply the translation if it's own of ---/--/.../+++
type_of_change_copy = type_translation[type_of_change]
type_person_name = getattr(People, type_of_person.upper())
relationships[type_person_name] += type_of_change_copy
string += '{}{} '.format(type_of_change, type_of_person).lower()
return string
def change_tide(change_of_tide):
tide[Forces.YOU] += change_of_tide
tide[Forces.ENEMY] -= change_of_tide
return '\n[{} %{}|{}% {}]'.format(Forces.YOU.upper(), tide[Forces.YOU], tide[Forces.ENEMY],
def win_loss():
if tide[Forces.YOU] >= 85:
return 'VICTORY! The New Frontier has been overpowered and has surrendered. The End.'
elif tide[Forces.ENEMY] >= 85:
return 'DEFEAT! The New Frontier has conquered and killed you all. Nice one chief. The End.'
return 'PEACE! The war is over and you know live alongside the New Frontier in tranquility.'
def pro_con(skill, pro1, pro2, pro3, con1, con2):
return ' Skill / Pros / Cons ({} / {}, {}, {} / {}, {})'.format(skill, pro1, pro2, pro3, con1, con2)
def person(name, birthdate, ethnicity, sex, hometown, idea_a, idea_b, pros_cons):
identity = ' Background & Identity (born: {}, ethnicity: {}, sex: {}, hometown: {})'.format(birthdate, ethnicity,
sex, hometown)
aims_belief = ' Aims & Beliefs (A. {}; B. {})'.format(idea_a, idea_b)
return '{}\n{}\n{}\n{}'.format(name.upper(), identity, aims_belief, pros_cons)
cox_idea1 = '"numbers is key"'
cox_idea2 = '"hit the frontier hard with a direct attack to the most secure but vital part of them: downtown"'
cox_pro_cons = pro_con('militarist', 'quick-minded', 'assertive', 'convincing', 'irrational', 'close-minded')
chloe_cox = person('chloe cox', '09/25/98', 'Caucasian-American', 'F', 'Arlington, VA', cox_idea1, cox_idea2,
vazquez_idea1 = '"strategy is key"'
vazquez_idea2 = '"we weaken every strength, target every weakness and exploit every mistake rationally and ' \
'intelligently until they fall"'
vazquez_pros_cons = pro_con('strategist', 'smart', 'methodical', 'realistic', 'flawed', 'negligent')
benjamin_vazquez = person('benjamin vazquez', '10/23/88', 'Mexican-American', 'M', 'Richmond, VA', vazquez_idea1,
vazquez_idea2, vazquez_pros_cons)
washington_idea1 = '"a prosperous army is key'
washington_idea2 = '"as long as are soldiers are well supplied and well fed, they will fight outstandingly"'
washington_pro_cons = pro_con('supplier', 'considerate', 'benevolent', 'focused', 'old', 'unassertive')
zaid_washington = person('zaid washington', '12/10/74', 'African-American', 'M', 'Virgina Beach, VA',
washington_idea1, washington_idea2, washington_pro_cons)
waters_idea1 = '"morale is key"'
waters_idea2 = '"as long as our soldiers have the drive and motivation to fight, they will conquer"'
waters_pro_cons = pro_con('therapist', 'energetic', 'optimistic', 'motivator', 'malleable', 'unassertive')
rob_waters = person('rob waters', '12/17/87', 'Caucasian-American', 'M', 'Roanoke Rapids, NC', waters_idea1,
waters_idea2, waters_pro_cons)
li_idea1 = '"firepower and intimidation is key"'
li_idea2 = '''"our priority is our guns, bombs, transportation and technology. we make as much weapons as possible use
them, kill, send a message"'''
li_pro_cons = pro_con('warlord', 'aggressive', 'fearless', 'rational', 'inarticulate', 'young')
ju_li = person('ju_li', '02/06/03', 'Chinese-American', 'F', 'Richmond, VA', li_idea1, li_idea2, li_pro_cons)
lieutenants = [chloe_cox, benjamin_vazquez, rob_waters, zaid_washington, ju_li]
def present_person(people):
for individual in people:
introduction = '''08 MARCH 2035. It has been years now since you first joined the group in Appalachian Virginia called
American Hope in 2031. Your are now amidst a very extensive war against another group called the New Frontier and must
make tough decisions to determine if your community prevails or not.'''
scavenge = '''\n11 MARCH 2035. A scavenging mission of your command, five miles away from the settlement you are in,
not as planned because of an unexpected excess of zombies. You must decide whether risking valuable soldiers to rescue
them is considerable or not while in the middle of the war.
[RESCUE (X)] [(B) REMAIN]'''
scavenge_rescue = '''12 MARCH 2035. Your soldiers have been rescued the scavengers successfully in quick and easy
fashion. You allocated some of your men from a stalemate on the southern front of your territory to the soldiers in
need. As a result, a portion of the southern front was pushed back six miles after repeated lost skirmishes.'''
scavenge_remain = '''13 MARCH 2035. Most of whoever was stuck in the situation died as a result of being overwhelmed.
Your decision was not morally approved of. However, your undisturbed forces in the southern front remained resilient and
pushed back enemy forces fifteen miles.'''
rescue_defend = '''\n26 APRIL 2035. The New Frontier plans to continue their streak of victories by hitting the
southern front even harder. Any more victories can result in you losing the south completely, greatly shrinking your
territory. Repositioning soldiers could put other key areas at risk. Both options are undesirable but something has to
be done to prevent further damage. How many warriors will you send?
[NONE (X)] [SOME (B)] [MANY (Y)]'''
defend_none = '''28 APRIL 2035. You considered other areas to be more important than the south. As a result, the south
was swept in with enemy soldiers. Other areas like the northeastern and eastern fronts fared normally and even
expanded. However, the land gained there will not make up for the amount of land lost in the southern front.'''
defend_some = '''29 APRIL 2035. You sent only a small portion of soldiers to help the south in their defenses. It was
enough that the originating regions would not be affected but not enough that the regions could expand much. Soldiers
fought fiercely in protecting the front and succeeded in defending the front and even pushed back enemy forces.'''
defend_many = '''30 APRIL 2035. You sent a lot of soldiers to ensure that the south will not be taken. But as expected,
you lost a great portion of land in the northeast. Intuitively, this decision was considered ineffective because of the
loss and gain of land roughly equaling. It was so ineffective that the result with the most impact was rotating the two
territories from west-east to southwest-northeast.'''
remain_approach = '''\n01 MAY 2035. The tide of the year-long war with the New Frontier has turned in your favor. Now
you must decide the best approach to capitalize on your momentum. The three most considerable options are an ambush in
the northern buffer zones, a surprise but direct siege to take Richmond's West End (second strongest New Frontier
fortress), or the destruction of supplies and cargo in the Appomattox River (a tributary of the James River).
[NORTH (X)] [RIVER (B)] [SIEGE (A)]'''
approach_north = '''02 MAY 2035. You aimed for a takeover of a good stretch of land in the northern part of the war
zone. Unfortunately, there were mistakes in the early executions of the ambush, leading to suspecting guards and
soldiers to fortify their surroundings. When the main execution happened, it resulted in great failure and your
soldiers had to retreat. The angered enemies slaughtered everyone who was in their sight leading to a huge loss of land
in the north. There was heavy civilian participation so there were heavy civilian losses.'''
approach_west_end = '''07 MAY 2035. On this day you rallied every solider you could round up to charge to the West
End of Richmond in a head-on siege for the widespread but insecure territory. You managed to successfully take the
West End in a grueling battle. Both sides suffered large casualties but now have a vital settlement in your hands.'''
approach_river = '''15 MAY 2035. Ten days earlier, your army went to the Appomattox River on a mission to destroy
everything from food to computers and even oxygen. It was a nonstop attack on the river and in surrounding areas.
Farms, storage facilities, watercraft, labs and much more were destroyed. It is estimated that 30 to as much as 65
percent of their resources and production sites were lost. This was a big success. You greatly weakened enemy forces
with barely anyone hurt.'''
none_losing = '''\n16 MAY 2035. After a streak of wins in the New Frontier's favor, you are now on the losing side. The
New Frontier has been hitting hard ever since. Any more losses taken could put your community in jeopardy. There is one
strategy the Frontier has not been keen on and that is supplies. If you could withstand the onslaught and outlast them,
they could be heavily weakened. The question is: what is the biggest priority? More...
losing_soldiers = '''08 JUNE 2035. You increased the army size by an extra two hundred and regained some lost land.
Army enrollment was encouraged and accelerated. Many of the new soldiers were teenagers who signed up as a result of the
lowering age requirements to fifteen. Many call this act cruel to send kids into a brutal war.'''
losing_exploration = '''14 JUNE 2035. Last week, for the first time in a long while, you and scouts have been sent on a
mission to expand your territory to regions untouched. Fortunately, after a week of expanding you found another
concentration of humanity in Lake Monticello, a few miles southeast from Charlottesville. You conversed and traded for
hours before the people of Lake Monticello became your new ally in the war against the Frontier. This acquisition has
now accelerated the war.'''
losing_yields = '''26 JUNE 2035. You made agriculture, manufacturing and storage were all important factors in how your
people thrived during the second half of the month. Quality of life progressed so much to the point where economics
were revived. Your people lived in comfort while starving Richmond strained resources and was weakened. As a result,
an abundance of land was regained and you are back in the fight.'''
losing_technology = '''27 JUNE 2035. You thought that technological advancement was important and lost a lot of land.
You lost nearly half your land. The enemy is literally in front of you (four miles from your settlement). You are on
the brink of defeat. But. You have now gained regained the knowledge of ballistic missile launch and trajectory. A nuke
is in your possession.'''
some_north_defect = '''\n20 MAY 2035. The fight against the New Frontier has been fairly stable over the past couple
of weeks. However, the trust in your people has not been so strong. Rumors of people defecting have been passed around
like a ghost story. The rumors solidified when five soldiers were easily apprehended for a blatant attempt at
escaping. They await their punishment. How will you address the problem?
defect_execution = '''24 MAY 2035. You viewed giving up or switching sides was punishable by death. You made examples
out of these five by publicly hanging them and threatening anyone who dares to abandon the group to meet the same fate.
The public was horrified and shaken by your decision. This demonstration ensures nobody will escape.'''
defect_prison = '''24 MAY 2035. You took the problem seriously and incarcerated the soldiers for their disloyalty.
You warned that those who attempt abandoning the group will get decades in prison. This act will likely prevent
people from defecting.'''
defect_warn = '''26 MAY 2035. You took the problem lightly and warned everybody that if they were to defect they
would lose privileges in the community. If you took it lightly so they did as well. People were willing to risk
their freedom to escape. Additionally, those who were punished still saw freedom in some parts of their lives. This
act at least reduces defection.'''
defect_ignore = '''29 MAY 2035. You did not see the rumors as problems and instead chose to ignore them, last week.
The punishment was still served to the five who abandoned. Your relationship with your people has not changed but this
caused you wondering why you lost great deal of land yesterday.'''
many_warfare = '''\n01 JUNE 2035. Due to the mere rotation of the battlefield, the Frontier has now captured two
important settlements in the north. They now have important, reliable bases that can be thrived off of. Although the
Frontier has it better, the war is still a stalemate. Infantry, even with all equipping AK-47s, has not been able
to make any major progress. To accelerate the process vehicles will need to be included. Luckily, new planes,
ships, and weapons are on the way have greatly improved our arsenal. Your planes are quick and abundant. The skies of
Virginia could be easily yours if you wanted. Your boats are few but tough and equipped with railguns. Downtown
Richmond could be a straight shot when deployed in the river. Biological warfare is another option. You force soldiers
out of commission and their field could be yours. However, as aforementioned, these are on the way. Which process would
you like to accelerate?
warfare_water = '''18 JUNE 2035. You deployed ships in the James River and tried to annihilate your way to Richmond
and failed. Unexpectedly, the Frontier's navy firepower matched yours and successfully defended and pushed back against
your fleet using a similar arsenal.'''
warfare_bio = '''24 JUNE 2035. You used the new bioweapons at your disposal that were used to contaminate the enemy's
field. The tactic was great or defensive battles but as soon as you were on offense, the tactic might as well have
been ineffective. Although little, there was still a gain of land.'''
warfare_air = '''28 JUNE 2035. You chose to bombard the New Frontier with airplanes. The planes were many and the
planes were deadly. You struck every fortress there was with the planes, some of which were absolutely decimated. The
Frontier attempted damage control with extra forces in the skies but failed. Major parts of the Frontier were
devastated. This was a resounding success.'''
almost = '''\n20 MAY 2035. You have the New Frontier right where they’re wanted. Now you must carefully plan the death
blow to end this war. The New Frontier is heavily guarded and is much more vigilant. Though morale is high, the New
Frontier still stand and you must make good decisions to live in peace in the next week. Some say stripping off
necessities is key, some say a head-on attack will work, others say inside attacks like poisoning and espionage is
effective. How will you end this war?
almost_supplies = '''23 MAY 2035. You tried to weaken them to their defeat and it backfired greatly. Everything from
supplies to people to land was extremely secure. Your soldiers tried to infiltrate but everything was too secure so they
were forced to retreat. The New Frontier remains unscarred. The war continues.'''
almost_attack = '''25 MAY 2035. You attempted a direct takeover of the New Frontier and it backfired greatly. In such a
weakened state as the New Frontier is in, their defense is the biggest priority. It was a hard-fought battle by the New
Frontier pushing back hard. They could not afford to lose. The war continues.'''
almost_inside = '''27 MAY 2035. You used spies and fake defection to gather sensitive information on what the
weaknesses and strengths are of the New Frontier. Food poisoning and arson took effect undetected. Within days, the city
fell by causes of the previously mentioned along with battles and mayhem. Richmond is yours.'''
technology_nuke = '''\n01 JULY 2035. You now have a nuke in your possession just as the war is about to end in defeat.
This is the strongest weapon in this war yet. With this, you could end the war in a day or two. There is only one
issue that is stopping you from actually using it. Your proximity to the Frontier. The only thing you can try is
to threaten the enemy with the nuke and hope it will work. There is a high probability that the Frontier will belittle
your threats and continue to attack. This, however, would force you to nuke. Will you take the risk?
nuke_threaten = '''04 JULY 2035. It turned out, the Frontier actually was extremely frightened with the thought of a
nuclear war. The Frontier was urged to assuage and retreat out of all desired areas. You now live in peace with the
New Frontier.'''
nuke_withdraw = '''07 JULY 2035. You feared the recklessness of the Frontier and the safety of your people so you
excluded nuclear weapons in the war. As a result, your territory was overpowered and conquered by the New Frontier.
The war results in your defeat as one of the biggest concentrations of survivors in the US is peopled by corrupt
exploration_persuade = '''\n01 JULY 2035. You now have an ally assisting you in the fight against the Frontier. The
Frontier acknowledges that and is now targeting Monticello. They aim to sever the tie between you and Monticello by
exposing certain situations. One big point was a report of an incident back in May aiming to taint you as savage. The
incident was about the disregard for the safety of eight released, innocent captives, leading to six beheadings and
stabbings of the eight in a riot. They were lynched for the Thai ethnicity because almost all the Thais in the Richmond
area were Frontier. How will you try to keep your alliance?
persuade_lie = '''02 JULY 2035. You attempted to lie in response to the revelations. As a result, Lake Monticello
decided to stay out of the war, not knowing who to believe. The New Frontier succeeded in their goal as the war is
back to an even playing field.'''
persuade_reciprocate = '''05 JULY 2035. You downplayed your incident and tried to expose worse atrocities committed
by the Frontier. The wrongdoings include the takeover and subsequent rapes and murders of a small community of yours
in the northeast, executions of those who oppose how their government operates, and the extremely poor conditions of
civilians in the big towns. This worked and the relations between you and Monticello are even greater and the opposite
is for Frontier. The New Frontiers last-ditch attempt failed and together, you and Monticello defeated them and
worked together for the following months to restore the human race.'''
persuade_admit = '''05 JULY 2035. You chose to be honest with your ally and apologize for the incident. Lake
Monticello was disgusted in the actions of you and sided with the New Frontier instead after discovering who you
"really were". You were pushed back and lost a lot of land. The New Frontier's plan worked out better than expected
and the New Frontier now has the upper hand with the new switch of sides.'''
persuade_lose = '''17 JULY 2035. There was nothing you could do to slow down or stop the onslaught of both the
New Frontier and Lake Monticello. You have fallen. Your honesty led to your demise as your former ally is now your
yield_supply_defense = '''\n03 JULY 2035. The Frontier finally smartened up and realized they were being outlasted.
They notice that your food and materials production is strong. So instead of competing, they target. A warning was
delivered concerning the New Frontier plotting to target every farm and factory on sight and steal as much as is
possible. How will you protect your heaps?
supply_defense_conceal = '''10 JULY 2035. You tried to hide your goods by placing as much as possible in the
underground and more secure areas before enemy forces arrived. When enemies did arrive, they overcame a small portion
of your land and set up a little enclave. The desperate soldiers searched day and night for the hidden supplies. The
confusion gave you just enough time to take back your land a few days later. The New Frontier's plan at taking
your supplies with force failed.'''
supply_defense_contaminate = '''11 JULY 2035. You tried to contaminate them with spoiled food and chemicals contained
in duffel bags for them to steal. When the New Frontier broke in with an overwhelming amount of soldiers in one of your
least protected areas, they set up a little enclave after they successfully stole the contaminated duffel bags. They
then were sending the duffel bags to Richmond and back. After two days of holding out, both the enclave and Richmond
gave in after being weakened. You quickly closed in and overcame the enclave and pushed back Richmond a few miles.'''
supply_defense_defend = '''\n11 JULY 2035. You chose to directly defend your production sites and farms with
much-increased security in the presence. Unfortunately, you were ready but the New Frontier was even readier. They were
determined to steal supplies in order to breathe new life into their cities and towns. You were prepared with many,
but the New Frontier were prepared with double of yours. You fought fiercely for the protection of your supplies but in
the end, the New Frontier won the battle and established a little enclave. You lost a lot of food and materials which is
now in the hands of the New Frontier. You are weakened and they are stronger.'''
supply_defense_win = '''31 JULY 2035. You kept a few more eyes on not just supplies, but everything else
after the loss of land. There was nothing the New Frontier could do. They tried everything they possibly could to
stop you but in the end, your firepower plus supplies were too much to overcome.'''
soldiers_replace = '''\n20 JUNE 2035. Your firepower and defense were doing great with how skilled your general
officers were. Unfortunately, two of your best, the reasons why your community still stands, have passed away last
week. Now you must find new minds to fill shoes. Your most trusted and popular lieutenants, economists, and farmers in
the land are ready to step up and lead your soldiers to victory and grow food into more than abundance.'''
replace_pick_generals = '''\nWho will your first general be?
[ << < <> > >> ]'''
pick_generals_ok = '''20 JULY 2035. Your generals came up with enough wits and strategy to hold off the enemy. They
have done an adequate job but it is not enough to overcome the Frontier. Your generals tried hard but the war will
still result in a much longer one if more is not done.'''
pick_generals_good = '''22 JULY 2035. Your generals did not disappoint when called into leadership. Their new,
creative, and intelligent ways of defending your home have matched or even strengthened your army. Their work has
truly been amazing and a great contribution to the war.'''
pick_generals_bad = '''26 JULY 2035. Your general's poor decisions and mindsets have weakened your army. Your
army was never the same after you lost your general.'''
replace_lose = '''9 AUGUST 2035. After five weeks, you met your demise when the New Frontier rampaged straight
into the heart of your community and forced your capitulation. Your once almost paradisal communes are now plagued with
corruption and evil by the mistakes of your generals.'''
replace_win = '''14 AUGUST 2035. The momentum was kept and the war was won. Your generals came up with genius
decisions and tactics of all types, to contribute to the demise of the New Frontier. The New Frontier has been
destroyed and you will thrive among its ashes.'''
execution_prison_rebellion = '''\n13 JUNE 2035. Like another typical day, you are on the defense of a western boundary.
This part is unsurprising and does not phase you. But, there has been civil unrest in a city a few miles from the
boundary led by a militia attempting to overthrow your land through riots and speeches. They are gaining momentum
fast and you must decide how you will escape the tough predicament amid antagonists and anarchists.
rebellion_reason = '''19 JUNE 2035. You tried to reason with the militia by understanding their frustrations and
reaching out. This, however, failed miserably and the militia continued on with their wrath. Your army: caught off
guard by the rebels, now unexpectedly had to distribute soldiers to quell the threats while fighting off the New
Frontier. This distraction resulted in the New Frontier taking advantage and overpowering quite a few forts.'''
rebellion_quell = '''20 JUNE 2035. You chose to keep peace with force. You wasted no time in preparing and sending a
few soldiers to stop the unrest. As a result, your army was quickly able to regroup and fend off New Frontier forces.'''
rebellion_intimidate = '''22 JUNE 2035. You forced them into submission by gathering a fair chunk of your soldiers to
advance to their location and then forcing them to either join the army or be brutalized to death. Most chose the
first option so your army grew. While away, some land was lost but the new additions helped do much more than repossess
lost land.'''
rebellion_win = '''04 JULY 2035. Your newly acquired soldiers fared as great assistance in the war against the New
Frontier. You gained exactly three hundred fifty-two new soldiers in the army. For a war involving forces of a few
thousand, the gain is a formidable amount. They were like a small ally fighting beside you. The nearly beaten New
Frontier was made quick work of and you stood victorious.'''
rebellion_lose = '''14 JULY 2035. The ruckus the militia caused, was like a diversion. Your military had to focus a
fair portion of their attention on making sure this was not a two-front war. This left some borders lacking
fortification and the New Frontier taking a lot of your land. As a result of your nonviolence, the militia had enough
time to incite other uprisings and acquire new sympathizers. Your attempts at preventing a two-front war failed as you
were pummeled by both the New Frontier and a bigger, stronger rebel force. '''
warn_ignore_slaves = '''\n02 JULY 2035. Civilians that defected to the New Frontier came in hopes of better treatment
and better government. Instead, they were put through much worse situations. Your former civilians were treated with
inhumanity. Former doctors and builders turned into slaves and martyrs. These civilians are now only hoping for some
kind of escape from Richmond. This is where you come in. You have decided that you will send people to rescue them if
one condition is followed for punishment: they operate in your...
slaves_produce = '''16 JULY 2035. You redirected your rejoined citizens into agriculture and industry. Although this
solved your food insufficiency, an abundance of food was not enough to keep your land. Your already disadvantaged
army was pushed back a lot of miles. Your territory is even smaller now.'''
slaves_army = '''18 JULY 2035. You used your rejoined civilians as reinforcements for your army. This resulted in
successfully intercepting three New Frontier advances. After that, you were the ones making advances taking fort
after fort. The assistance was much needed because a lot of land was retaken.'''
slaves_infrastructure = '''27 JULY 2035. You chose to direct your returning civilians into expanding your
communities. New hospitals, barracks, farms, labs, homes and more popped up all around the land. Although life was
easier due to the new and better technologies and infrastructure, that did not mean that the New Frontier did not make
your people's effort worthless. Your disadvantaged army was powered by the New Frontier as the New Frontier was
conquering community after community. Much territory was lost but thanks to the amount of construction that took place
in your cities, at least you are not on the verge of defeat.'''
slaves_plan = '''01 AUGUST 2035. You chose to leave the slaves in their positions and come up with a plan to make the
most of the opportunity. The plan was to destroy, burn and kill everything the slaves see when the New Frontier least
expected it. The setting was at night when they had city duty. They did exactly as the plan was stated and left Frontier
cities devastated with acts of arson, chaos, and death. The plan resulted in success but few came back alive.'''
slaves_lose = '''13 AUGUST 2035. When you lost your land there was not anything you could do to stop the New
Frontier. You chose the wrong priority to fix and there were no other factors available to even slow down the New
Frontier. The New Frontier charged through your cities one by one, taking lives and retaking slaves. Now your
territory has fallen and is replaced with the New Frontier's.'''
slaves_win = '''30 AUGUST 2035. The slaves did not die in vain with the effects of your plan. The New Frontier was
greatly distracted by their weakness and paranoia. That left an opening for a pummeling in their defenses.
Gradually, their lands were fading away one by one. The slaves were such a huge help, that all your wins and advances
wouldn't happen if not for their bravery. Within a matter of four weeks, the New Frontier went from nearing victory
to being absolutely decimated.'''
supply_attack_espionage = '''\n28 JUNE 2035. The New Frontier still stands and the war continues. The New Frontier had
an unusual recovery earlier that propelled them right back into the fight. Now, they are fighting back and are fighting
back hard. Currently, there is a suspected spy in your operations and you must find out who the deceiver is. You must
figure out how and how long you should take to stop the crook before any major damage happens.
[RUSHED (X)] [FAIR (B)] [CAREFUL (A)]'''
espionage_rush = '''09 JULY 2035. You chose to deal with the matter quickly with aggressive, military-led
interrogations and limited freedoms for those operating for you. Six innocents died before you managed to find and
eradicate the actual spies. The damage was done however, it was not great.'''
espionage_fair = '''23 JULY 2035. You chose to deal with the matter in a moderate amount of time with interrogations
of over one hundred civilians and soldiers, and more keen eyes on the operation in the government and army. Spies
caught on to your intentions and were able to successfully gain intel on your weaknesses and exploit them. You lost
a great portion of your land. You were more investigative than careful.'''
espionage_careful = '''03 AUGUST 2035. You chose to dedicate a considerable portion of the last five weeks into
slowly but surely detecting traitors. Though five weeks sounds like more than enough time for the enemy to strike,
you indirectly closed down all the doors enemies could get through. The fierce defense and expanding territory
of your army also did not help. Enemies were stuck in your territory and it was only a matter of time. Yesterday night,
the spies were confirmed and executed with no innocents hurt as lots of territories is reclaimed.'''
espionage_win = '''25 AUGUST 2035. The New Frontier\'s short little burst of momentum came to an end a few weeks ago.
Ever since then, they took a brutal beating. Like flies in a house, they had their little moments of fun and celebration
before being squashed. Throughout last week, your army forced their way into the middle of Richmond and several other
cities. The New Frontier was absolutely surrounded.'''
water_assassinate = '''\n22 JUNE 2035. You and your government are devising a plan to kill important figures in the New
Frontier in the hopes of ridding of order in communities. You have three main targets. The first is Javier Garcia,
the leader of New Frontier. You know all about him and his ties to the army and government but you aren't sure if the
government is the best target. Next up is Gabriel Garcia who is the general officer and head of security in the New
Frontier. He seems idealistic to eliminate but not much is known about him or his ties. Lastly, is Jude Bullock who
is head of services distributing food, meds, and others to citizens in need. Nothing is known about her or her ties.
You only have time for one of the three and must choose wisely but keep in mind that you are not in charge of how vital
one is to the community.
assassinate_javier = '''25 JULY 2035. You successfully spotted and assassinated Javier Garcia believing his influence
was vital to the New Frontier. You were half right. His death did deeply sadden and affect the New Frontier. However,
it was only a couple of weeks before a new ruler was ready for his spot. On the bright side, however, the New Frontier
recovered but not nearly to the heights during Javier's rule.'''
assassinate_gabriel = '''28 JULY 2035. You successfully spotted and assassinated Javier Garcia's son, Gabriel Garcia.
Although Gabriel was a very important figure in the New Frontier's army, he was easily replaced by a lieutenant in a
matter of two days. Unfortunately, this new general was both a better and angrier general than Gabriel because of
your actions. His new and aggressive strategies left some of your forts absolutely decimated. The New Frontier is out
for blood and you're in their way.'''
assassinate_bullock = '''30 JULY 2035. You chose to take the unusual risk of taking out Bullock and it paid off
greatly. It was a high-risk high reward mission. Bullock had a very vital role in the production field. She came up with
new innovations and methods to increase the quality of life for those behind and past walls. No one was even remotely
close to her level. Without her, the New Frontier was absolutely devastated.'''
assassinate_lose = '''08 AUGUST 2035. Before even one thing could be done, half your land was lost. The New Frontier's
onslaught was too much to overcome and they took over your land with vengeance.'''
assassinate_win = '''31 AUGUST 2035. You took advantage of the New Frontier's chaotic situation and rid of them for
good. There was nothing the New Frontier could do after the death of Bullock because nobody knew how to successfully
operate in her position. This resulted in all-out chaos, hunger, and sickness in every city, in neighborhoods and
forts. From there, it was a slow and miserable death for the New Frontier.'''
air_peace = '''\n08 JULY 2035. You are back on the winning side of the war and things are only getting more violent
from here. Luckily there is an enemy politician who convinced the enemy leader to have a "discussion" and "settle
problems" in a buffer zone up north. Your sources tell you that she is a "woman of truth" and is "against the war".
How will you approach the meeting?
peace_willing = '''29 JULY 2035. Two weeks ago, you believed her intentions were pure and agreed to go to the meeting.
However, when you got there, all the meeting was, was a trap. You had to call backup to clear out the area. The army,
enraged by the set-up, went extra aggressive on the battlefield and acquired some more land for you. Your oblivion and
the enemies' deception indirectly caused growth in your land and shrink in theirs.'''
peace_cautious = '''01 AUGUST 2035. On July 15, you arrived at the meeting with an abundance of soldiers ready to act
on any amount of deceit. The New Frontier saw this as an act of distrust and disrespect so they sent twice as many
of their soldiers. The "meeting" turned into an all-out war-zone and your soldiers were not doing good. You
successfully retreated but over the next two weeks, you lost a lot of land in the north, your strongest area.'''
peace_no = '''10 JULY 2035. You declined the request and nothing noticeable happened to both sides. You never knew the
sincerity of the request.'''
peace_win = '''17 AUGUST 2035. A deceitful attempt for peace was one of the worst last-ditch efforts the New Frontier
could pull off. Not only did they indirectly give you some land. They also angered the army for having to deal with
mind games. The already disadvantaged and smaller New Frontier was pummelled at the borders until your forces finally
started to seep in. Cities surrendered and the war finished later than you hoped it would finish initially with the
bio_contaminated = '''\n28 JULY 2035. Your overuse of bioweapons over the past month has not just polluted the enemies
but your very own people. The battlefield is empty. Soldiers can hardly defend the battlefield without a virus
getting in or a toxin ending their lives. The situation has worsened to the point where you had to relocate to the
westernmost settlement in your land. Something must be done before the New Frontier will not be only faction meeting
demise. On the other hand, you got the New Frontier right where they’re wanted. Weak and dying. With enough effort, not
much is necessary for them to be overpowered.
[FINISH (X)] [(B) FIX]'''
contaminated_finish = '''26 AUGUST 2035. You gathered as many soldiers as gas masks available and headed them into New
Frontier territory, attempting to capture a lot of forts. Unfortunately, the New Frontier fought hard and used the
poison in the air to their advantage. They turned the battles of firepower into the battles of endurance. Eventually,
your army started to give in and when they tried to escape barely any came back. The mission was a huge failure.'''
contaminated_fix = '''04 SEPTEMBER 2035. It took you a while but because of the hard work of both you and your
people, your cities are back to normal. Quality of life is better, outside is cleaner, and the army has only been
getting stronger and bigger while waiting for the poisons to dissipate. So that when the New Frontier attempted to
strike again, you were ten times more than ready for them.'''
contaminated_lose = '''13 SEPTEMBER 2035. Your army never recovered from the losses they took from the mission. Soon
enough, your army turned weak and was on the verge of losing. Your empire was still sick but the New Frontier
recovered. From there, you were doomed. The New Frontier swept through your cities with ease.'''
contaminated_win = '''22 SEPTEMBER 2035. Your army was too strong for the New Frontier to overcome. While the New
Frontier was getting weaker, you were stronger. Your army fought like the New Frontier had two enemies. Every battle,
you left the New Frontier ran down with no casualties, taking city after city. Yesterday at around five, the last three
major Frontier cities had surrendered.'''
ok_strategy = '''\n05 AUGUST 2035. It is clear that your generals have done a good job of protecting your land but it
is also clear that their efforts are not enough. There has been barely any change of land in the last couple of weeks.
The generals hate the stalemate and are looking for any sort of ideas to help get them out of the predicament. They've
heard many ideas but not your's. This is where you come in and help. Your generals can't agree on what to execute so
they ask for your insight. One says a direct attack with almost all the soldiers available could be too much for the
New Frontier to overcome. The other says mind games would work. You also presented two options of either spreading
out your forces across the fields with appropriate distribution or improving forces with further training. You decided
that the execution is...
strategy_direct = '''20 AUGUST 2035. You chose to execute a head-on attack on the New Frontier using nearly all
soldiers. This was actually not as bad of an idea as it might be considered. Your army fought hard sweeping through
enemy forces. Until they confronted the New Frontier's literal last line of defense. This was, without a doubt, the
toughest engagement your army faced and it was too tough for your army. The New Frontier barely managed to prevail.'''
strategy_wide = '''27 AUGUST 2035. You tried to gather up enough offensive forces to advance nearly longitudinally.
You stationed your soldiers as appropriately as you could in as many areas as you could and then attacked. The plan
went much worse than was expected. When battles were lost, lines were severed. Your "line" was broken into four. The
New Frontier closed in on the shortest segment and only got stronger from there. Your plan quickly changed when your
army had to fight soldiers from both the east and the south. You were flanked. It was not long before the whole line got
swallowed. Your plan failed and there was a huge column of land for the New Frontier to claim.'''
strategy_psycho = '''01 SEPTEMBER 2035. You used mind games and persuasion to try and defeat the New Frontier. You
intimidated soldiers with the executions of all enemy prisoners and more brutal ways of killing with bats and blades.
You then trapped angry soldiers with surprise attacks with floods of yours. You gathered as many psychologists and
neurologists as you could to help meddle with both the enemy's morale and land. As enemy soldiers adapted to used mind
games you'd come up with five new ones to unleash upon them. It was so bad, there were rumors about soldiers wishing
to avoid their fates. You had the enemy shook.'''
strategy_patient = '''02 OCTOBER 2035. You chose to train your soldiers to improve performance on the battlefield. It
was long and rigorous but in the end, it paid off. You saw immediate results as soon as they reentered the battlefield.
Your soldiers were sharpshooters, stronger, more level-headed, faster, smarter, and much more. Every fort they set
eyes to might as well have been theirs. They fought with exceptional bravery and prowess and lost few.'''
strategy_lose_direct = '''25 AUGUST 2035. It is estimated about 90% of your entire army was dead or MIA compared to the
New Frontier's rate of 70% of their army. Afterward, you retreated back home but there was no hope for you or your
people. There were barely any soldiers left to defend. When the New Frontier recovered as much as they could,
they washed over your empire with excessive ease.'''
strategy_lose_wide = '''21 SEPTEMBER 2035. Your losses left a huge gap in your army. A gap that would take time to
fill up. Time your people did not have. The New Frontier acquired massive gains of land and they closed in. Their
territory was twice the size of yours. Two weeks later, they advanced and swallowed your territory like a huge storm.'''
strategy_win_psycho = '''07 OCTOBER 2035. It was long, but you have done it. You defeated the New Frontier. With the
increasingly violent amount of antics at your disposal, you were able to both capture enemy forts and send enemies in
fear. Everyone from the lowest ranking to the highest was trembling. You were even able to conquer via submission.
The mind games also had you using more creative and efficient ways of warfare using things like fire and equipment
sabotage & destruction. Yesterday afternoon, you stormed into Innsbrook, a town miles away from Richmond, and the New
Frontier surrendered their land all the way from Richmond.'''
strategy_win_patient = '''20 OCTOBER 2035. With the amount of brawn and brains your army's disposal, they conquered
at a rapid rate. Even the New Frontier's biggest defenses were nowhere near able to parallel your army's firepower.
Within a matter of fewer than three weeks, the New Frontier was rubble and your army remained nearly unscarred. That was
scarily impressive compared to the estimated end in December.'''
lie_revenge = '''\n04 JULY 2035. Angered by the prolongation of the war, you want to make the New Frontier pay for
their antics. You aren't so sure though if you want to act so hastily. Some say that the New Frontier might capitalize
on the success and strike soon. Some say, to regroup and strengthen your soldiers is to have proper vengeance. Others
say that reciprocating their antics towards the civilians of the New Frontier by infiltration could possibly wreak
internal havoc. How will you get your revenge?
revenge_attack = '''12 JULY 2035. You chose to waste no time in attacking the New Frontier. You tried to get revenge
on the New Frontier just a mere seven days after the result of their actions. Your sent many forces than what many
suggested and headed to the New Frontier in order to destroy New Frontier bases in the north. The advances backfired
and left almost all sent soldiers dead. This left a gap in your territory and now the Frontier conquers your former
northern territory. You basically and irrationally spent way too many soldiers and resources for a loss.'''
revenge_wait = '''02 AUGUST 2035. You chose to wait until your army was completely ready and properly prepared to head
to the New Frontier. The patience paid off as soldiers were more skilled and much more strategic and were not fueled
completely by emotion. Much land was gained and the New Frontier felt your fury. Next time the might think twice about
playing mind games.'''
revenge_infiltrate = '''29 AUGUST 2035. You chose to try to incite disorder and chaos by sneaking in an agent to speak
to the people of the New Frontier. The agent was to climb through the ranks until he was finally given authority for
announcements. The agent was successful and was able to deliver a recording exposing the wrongdoings and unfairness the
New Frontier has committed before barely escaping. The word got out and outrage exploded and spread from city to city.
Riots, disorder, and even militias rose up from the civilian populations over the next few weeks. This only meant more
of a distraction to the New Frontier and more of an opportunity for you.'''
revenge_lose = '''31 AUGUST 2035. The New Frontier wasted no time in capturing settlements. Day after day, your front
lines were taking a beating and were receding. The New Frontier was closing in and the even gains of land were just
more of an increase in morale for them. The New Frontier was gaining in every way and there was nothing you could do
about it. Inevitably, you were overpowered.'''
revenge_win_wait = '''24 AUGUST 2035. As the New Frontier was losing land your army was gaining numbers, strength, and
land. The successes of the New Frontier were short-lived as they were taking heavy losses from an angry, ready army.
You were closing in. Two days ago, the New Frontier surrendered in fear for the remaining's lives.'''
revenge_win_infiltrate = '''19 SEPTEMBER 2035. The militias inside of the New Frontier have been a massive help to you
in the war. They have caused so much ruckus that they did the hard jobs and you don't. The New Frontier was in a total
wreck trying to both quell violent rebellions and winning a war. Doing both was too much for the New Frontier to
handle so they started to collapse. It wasn't long before they were turned to ashes.'''
defend_infrastructure_blackout = '''\n11 AUGUST 2035. A massive unexpected blackout occurred all around the nine
counties inhabited by both you and the New Frontier yesterday. The possible cause is because of a barrage of severe
thunderstorms that happened in the areas around the central to eastern parts of the James River. The thunderstorms more
than likely also have affected power facilities. Your people are even more confused and fearful with the warning of the
New Frontier's intention of using the darkness to advance and claim territory TONIGHT. You have at least twelve hours
to do one of two options: evacuate people so losses won't be had, regroup and then attack, or stay, attempt to
relight as much of your cities as possible, and defend.
[EVACUATE (X)] [(B) STAY]'''
blackout_evacuate = '''23 AUGUST 2035. You chose the safe route and relocated as many civilians and soldiers as
possible into your westernmost cities. Your supplies from the food to even your facilities relied on electricity.
Without that, the needy were doomed, your stock supply took a heavy deficit and even operations in the military were
stopped. The journeys were long, uncomfortable, overpopulated, messy and even deadly. It took about a week for your
army to recover but the conditions were still undernourished, unclean and harder. When your army did try to take back
land, they failed miserably. The New Frontier increased land area by 150% and had the newly claimed cities heavily
defended and guarded. When you sent half your army, an eighth returned warning you the New Frontier were coming
straight in your direction.'''
blackout_stay = '''13 AUGUST 2035. You chose to spend the time you had remaining to relight your city naturally with
torches and function a few facilities. You barely managed to get ready before the New Frontier pulled up. Every
eastern city was illuminated and heavily guarded to ensure the interceptions of the enemy's advancements. The New
Frontier fought hard to take your cities but with some light on your side, you were able to hold your ground and
devastate their army. It was a much needed, vital victory.'''
blackout_lose = '''10 SEPTEMBER 2035. Your army was heavily weakened after your attempt of defense against the New
Frontier. There was nothing there could be done for The New Frontier to be stopped. A blackout did not phase them
but only hurt your empire. They were strong as ever and it was only a matter of time before they washed through your
remaining cities. '''
blackout_win = '''14 SEPTEMBER 2035. The fight resulted in the biggest casualties the New Frontier has faced in a
battle. Finally, after months of back and forth, you were starting to close in. In just one week, you restored some
power. You additionally conquered a city containing a power facility responsible for most of the electricity in the New
Frontier. With that captured, you were fighting a 19th-century army now. After weeks of famine, low morale and land
loss for the New Frontier, you finally overpowered them.'''
quell_rush_offer = '''\n26 JULY 2035. The war against the New Frontier continues but there is a new mind you have come
across that is forming an anti-Frontier society. James L. Simmonds is an anti-war and former civilian who aims to
"restore humanity to the New Frontier". He is a pretty powerful and recognized authority in the New Frontier. Your gain
in land frightens Simmonds because he knows the number of good people in the New Frontier that should not deserve
death. He wants to help you by attacking certain forts so that he can convince civilian centers and even some soldiers
to turn on the New Frontier. All he wants is for you to stick to his plans but you don't even know if he tells lies.
Some want to trust him so that the war will end faster but others don't want to take the risk this close to victory.
What will it be?
offer_accept = '''07 AUGUST 2035. You decided to accept Mr. Simmonds’ request and trusted in his plan to shift forces
to the north while he persuades the cities in the south. It turned out that he actually kept his word and he persuaded
many citizens to turn on the Frontier government and overthrow them. As for the remaining soldiers, they were to either
surrender or face militias from two fronts. The war was over in less than two weeks. The New Frontier still stood but
this time, not as your enemy.'''
offer_decline = '''06 SEPTEMBER 2035. You declined the offer, distrusting the deal. The war continued and the last
month resulted to be the most brutal, horrific and destructive period of the war. The increases in the fatalities for
civilians and soldiers were exponential. The death toll reached more than four thousand: one-fifth of the total
population of the New Frontier plus and your empire. Famine, suicides, and disease were widespread. It took much
bloodshed but in the end, you barely managed to defeat the New Frontier. What was left of the war was as depressing and
apocalyptic as ever.'''
army_cautious_conceal_javier_half = '''\n20 AUGUST 2035. The New Frontier has broken through a major defensive area in
the north, taking both land and half of the lives of your army. Three of your most vital settlements are now in their
direction. If taken, it is game over. You must act quickly, using the remaining half of your army to stop their
rampage. You can either focus a fair portion to directly battle them 1 to 3. You could attempt to "move" your cities to
safety. The last option is to surround the New Frontier using forces from all over. This would take many more soldiers.
[THIRD (X)] [MOVE (B)] [SURROUND (A)]'''
half_surround = '''22 AUGUST 2035. You were able to quickly stop the New Frontier from advancing by transporting a
majority of your soldiers there to protect. Your other areas, however, suffered a lot of conquering. You protected your
most important cities at the expense of least important but your area is now is twice as small.'''
half_move = '''23 AUGUST 2035. You tried to move as many people and supplies as possible and it ended horribly.
Without many soldiers protecting, and with the New Frontier, the cities were taken with ease and people were slaughtered
with even less ease. The cities were captured and the New Frontier reaped the benefits.'''
half_third = '''26 AUGUST 2035. You sent enough soldiers to deal with the advance of the New Frontier. It was a long
battle but in the end, you barely managed to get the victory. The battle was so close that it took until two of your
three cities were conquered for you to turn the tables. A lot of good and careful strategy contributed to this very
unlikely victory. After the battle, you left the New Frontier devastated and had all of your territories still intact.'''
half_lose = '''30 AUGUST 2035. With the New Frontier in complete control of your vital cities, you had to make quick
moves to prevent a fallen empire. You tried your hardest to take back your capitals but in the end, the New Frontier
endured and your empire died out.'''
half_win = '''08 SEPTEMBER 2035. The New Frontier took a huge loss of soldiers as a result of the battle. They spent
an exorbitant amount of resources just for their "blitzkrieg" to fail. You slowly started to push back and after a
while, you were back on the offensive. The battles were easier and the victories were more frequent. Soon after, your
other two cities recovered and you became unstoppable.'''
infrastructure_horde = '''\n18 AUGUST 2035. A massive, never-before-seen zombie horde has been spotted ten miles or so
drifting southwest: your direction. It is estimated that their numbers are in the thousands. This is the first time you
will have to deal with zombies since the middle of March. Options include: changing the direction of the zombies, which
is very risky because your people will travel near enemy territory; hold your ground and clear out the horde which is
the safest but costly; or the most intricate option: luring the New Frontier into the horde.
[REDIRECT (X)] [LURE (B)] [CLEAR (Y)]'''
horde_clear = ''''22 AUGUST 2035. You spent an exorbitant amount of resources to try and clear out the horde before
they could overrun your settlements. You successfully fended off the undead but later suffered a lot of loss to the
New Frontier. The horde took a huge toll on your resources, weapons, and ammo. You simply did not have the firepower to
match the New Frontier and after loss after loss, there was nothing you could do to stop them.'''
horde_redirect = '''23 AUGUST 2035. You tried to rotate the direction of the horde just enough for them to bypass you.
You were successful but the New Frontier saw the opportunity in gaining land using the horde. This resulted in there
being an all-out triple threat along the buffer zones between you, the New Frontier and the undead. Unfortunately,
you weren't able to hold your ground and the New Frontier had your areas being hit with hordes. Now zombies infest your
territory, making it hard to even reach the New Frontier.'''
horde_lure = '''27 AUGUST 2035. It was lengthy. It was hard. In the end, however, you were able to wreak havoc on the
New Frontier. The horde completely missed you and all of their attention was focused on the New Frontier. Within
hours, city after city of the New Frontier fell to both the forces of the undead and you.'''
horde_lose = '''02 SEPTEMBER 2035. Turning the war upside-down was extremely hard extremely task to pull off with the
onslaught of zombies and New Frontier infesting your areas. The hordes were like shields for the New Frontier and if
you broke through, the New Frontier would be right there to send you back. The New Frontier was on all corners and they
were closing in. When the horde was finally cleared, it was already too late. Soon after, you felt a rampage of New
horde_win = '''20 SEPTEMBER 2035. It took until Richmond for the horde onslaught to stop and by then, it was over for
the New Frontier. Guiding the zombies combined with strategic military moves, made for a swift, efficient tag team
against the New Frontier.'''
no_hack = '''\n29 JULY 2035. There has been a massive presence of hacking in the past few weeks. Not just systems,
but everything from robots to electric transportation to your military weapons has either malfunctioned or even been
used against you. You must stop this before it becomes the very reason for your demise. You can either physically go to
their the data centers and destroy them (though buildings like these are heavily guarded); or gather your best in
cybersecurity for the small chance of interception the enemy's cyberattack.
hack_destroy = '''06 AUGUST 2035. You intended to send planes over there to search and destroy the hotbeds for
hacking. Just as feared, the heavy amount of security spotted the planes and shot every one of them down. Afterward,
they realized your intentions and made the data centers, making it almost impossible to even spot the centers.'''
hack_cyber = '''16 AUGUST 2035. You turned this war cyber by accumulating your best ethical hackers into a program
about stopping cyberattacks. Your security engineers tried their best and in the end, they were able to stop many of the
incoming cyberattacks. Your firepower became fully operational again and you are back in the war again.'''
hack_lose = '''28 AUGUST 2035. The New Frontier did not let up one bit with the cyberattacks. They even intensified
them by altering facilities for resources like power and food. There was nothing you could about their wrath because
everything required technology. You fought your hardest, but in the end, you were defeated by computers.'''
cyber_areas = '''\n05 SEPTEMBER 2035. You have made significant explorations over the past few weeks in wake infertile
land and rapid resource depletion and have found three new areas of opportunity. You have been thinking of integrating
empires with these areas. Firstly, is the coast of Virginia Beach and Hampton. This area relies on the Atlantic Ocean,
has very rich resources, and has a very strong navy. Next, is the Washington D.C-Arlington area where the ground forces
are strong and abundant, and defenses are impenetrable. Lastly, Raleigh might be a good place to consider for its
advanced technology and medical innovation.
[HAMPTON (X)] [RALEIGH (B)] [DC (A)]'''
areas_virginia_beach = '''09 OCTOBER 2035. You chose to move to the beach for new resources and a solid navy. When you
arrived, you also convinced Virginia Beach to join the fight against the New Frontier. They were not kidding when you
were told about their navy. When Virginia joined the war, every New Frontier on the James River was doomed: including
Richmond. After that, all you had to do was the easy work'''
areas_dc = '''16 SEPTEMBER 2035. You chose to move your army one hundred miles into the heavily guarded and armed
District of Columbia territory. When you arrived, however, the city was in absolute instability, chaos, hunger, and
inequality. You and your army had to inform everyone who came along to turn back. Just as expected, the New Frontier
swallowed your territory and you all were now displaced.'''
areas_raleigh = '''28 SEPTEMBER 2035. You chose to migrate to the state below in Raleigh. When you arrived the city
was thriving with electricity, technology and much more. They had some never-before-seen innovation and strategies with
the weapons and military. Innovation that could really help you out in the war. You begged them to help fight in the
war and Raleigh did not know what to decide because they didn't know what they were getting involved in. They were a
city of peace and serenity so they did not want a lot of bloodshed and supplies consumption but they appreciate your
exports and integration.
[LIE (X)] [HONEST (B)]'''
raleigh_lie = '''17 OCTOBER 2035. You lied to Raleigh about the severity of the war. When they did join the war,
a quarter of their army died, multiplying the losses of yours. After the war, Raleigh was absolutely furious. They
purged and killed your people until your empire was nothing.'''
do_not_lie = 'DEFEAT! Lying is not cool. Nice one chief. The End.'
raleigh_honest = '''15 OCTOBER 2035. You were honest with Raleigh about the brutality and bloodshed of the war.
However, you explained to them the evil acts the New Frontier has committed as well as rewards for the aftermath. After
hours of confliction, Raleigh accepted your pleas. After only two weeks of battle, you were able to overpower the New
Frontier with the strategy and innovation of Raleigh, and the carefulness and supplies of you.'''
areas_lose = '''24 SEPTEMBER 2035. You tried to improvise by setting as many camps as you could but even though it did
not suffice. Then, you tried your hardest to take some land back but the New Frontier was too powerful and widespread.
Very soon, your empire started to decay until the New Frontier finally defeated you once and for all.'''
surround_surrounded = '''24 AUGUST 2035. You chose to surround to protect and now you are the ones surrounded. The New
Frontier is approaching fast and you must act quickly before the attempt at saving your cities is made worthless. You
have one idea to cut through the thinnest part of their ring of defense but getting all your people across might not
happen. Other ideas include: cutting to their most vital city, Richmond, and taking it and start from there,
and staying but strengthening and increasing your army.
[RICHMOND (X)] [THIN (B)] [STAY (Y)]'''
surrounded_richmond = '''27 AUGUST 2035. You chose to cut through one of their toughest lines of defense in order
to reach Richmond. You left some areas vulnerable by sending an abundance of soldiers to the east-southeastern portion
of the ring: the direction of Richmond. The actual cutting of the ring was successful but the trip to Richmond was
unsuccessful. As soon as you broke through and tried to get to Richmond, the gap was closing in and your people
started to die out. Now, your land is smaller and your army is even smaller.'''
surrounded_thin = '''06 SEPTEMBER 2035. You chose to go northeast and break through the thinnest area of the New
Frontier's "ring" around you. You successfully broke through the lines of defense and was able to set up communes on
the other side. Over time, you were able to transfer bits and pieces from your inside empire, to your outside empire
so that the outside grew stronger. By this date, your empire has been almost as strong as it was before it was
surrounded, and is more than ready for intense battles with the empire southwest.'''
surrounded_stay = '''31 AUGUST 2035. You decided to remain where you were and grew your army as much as you could.
You greatly strengthened and increased your army size but you were still surrounded. It didn't take much for the New
Frontier to strategize and overcome. It did not take long for your empire to start to crumble.'''
surrounded_lose_richmond = '''12 SEPTEMBER 2035. Your remaining soldiers and others on the inside of the ring got
swallowed by the New Frontier, leaving you with only tiny and few communes outside. From there, the outcome of the war
became inevitable. You weren't surrounded but you had to fight a two-front war: your former territory on the left; the
Richmond metro on the right. It didn't take much for them to close in.'''
surrounded_lose_stay = '''16 SEPTEMBER 2035. Your army was not strong enough to uphold itself against the ring of
enemies. As expected, slowly but surely, the New Frontier compressed you until you were no more.'''
surrounded_win = '''03 OCTOBER 2035. Within weeks, your army was winning battles and gaining territory in the ring.
Then, your army gained so much land, that the New Frontier's "ring" wasn't a ring anymore. The war was now just north
versus south. Your vital cities and their devastated army made it all the easier for you to advance. Eventually,
you were the ones surrounding the New Frontier. You closed in until the New Frontier was no more.'''
def start():
button = prompt_for_input(scavenge, ('X', 'B'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(scavenge_rescue, change_relation(('civilian', '+++'), ('army', '---'),
('government', '---')), change_tide(-5)))
choices.append('morals: chose lives over land')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(scavenge_remain, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('army', '++')),
choices.append('morals: chose land over lives')
def defend():
button = prompt_for_input(rescue_defend, ('X', 'B', 'Y'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(defend_none, change_relation(('army', '---'), ('civilian', '---'),
('government', '---')), change_tide(-10)))
choices.append('defence: did nothing')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(defend_some, change_relation(('army', '+++'), ('civilian', '+++'),
('government', '+++')), change_tide(5)))
choices.append('defence: did something')
elif button == 'Y':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(defend_many, change_relation(('army', '-'), ('civilian', '---'),
('government', '---')), change_tide(0)))
choices.append('defence: did plenty')
def approach():
button = prompt_for_input(remain_approach, ('X', 'B', 'A'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(approach_north, change_relation(('army', '---'), ('government', '---'),
('civilian', '---')), change_tide(-15)))
choices.append('approach: used stealth')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(approach_river, change_relation(('army', '+++'), ('government', '+++'),
('civilian', '+++')), change_tide(15)))
choices.append('approach: targeted stock')
elif button == 'A':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(approach_west_end, change_relation(('army', '--'), ('government', '++'),
('civilian', '+++')), change_tide(10)))
choices.append('approach: used force')
def so_close():
button = prompt_for_input(almost, ('X', 'B', 'Y'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(almost_supplies, change_relation(('army', '--')), change_tide(-10)))
choices.append('finishing touch: failed chance at victory')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(almost_attack, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('government', '--')),
choices.append('finishing touch: failed chance at victory')
elif button == 'Y':
print('\n\n{}\n\n{}{}\n\n{}'.format(almost_inside, change_relation(('civilian', '+++'), ('army', '+++'),
('government', '+++')), change_tide(15),
choices.append('finishing touch: succeeded and won')
def losing():
button = prompt_for_input(none_losing, ('X', 'B', 'Y', 'A'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(losing_soldiers, change_relation(('army', '++'), ('civilian', '---'),
('government', '--')), change_tide(5)))
choices.append('priority: valued arms')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(losing_yields, change_relation(('army', '+'), ('civilian', '+++'),
('government', '+++')), change_tide(20)))
choices.append('priority: valued production')
elif button == 'Y':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(losing_technology, change_relation(('army', '-'), ('civilian', '---'),
('government', '+++')), change_tide(-15)))
choices.append('priority: valued innovation')
elif button == 'A':
print('\n\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(losing_exploration, change_relation(('army', '--'), ('civilian', '++'),
('government', '+++')), change_tide(30)))
choices.append('priority: valued outreach')
def defect():
button = prompt_for_input(some_north_defect, ('X', 'B', 'Y', 'A'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(defect_execution, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('government', '---')),
choices.append('punishment: execution')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(defect_prison, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('government', '--')),
choices.append('punishment: incarceration')
elif button == 'Y':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(defect_warn, change_relation(('government', '+++'), ('army', '--')),
choices.append('punishment: privileges')
elif button == 'A':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(defect_ignore, change_relation(('government', '---'), ('army', '---')),
choices.append('punishment: none')
def warfare():
button = prompt_for_input(many_warfare, ('X', 'B', 'A'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(warfare_air, change_relation(('army', '+++'), ('government', '+++'),
('civilian', '-')), change_tide(20)))
choices.append('warfare: aerial')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(warfare_water, change_relation(('government', '--')), change_tide(-5)))
choices.append('warfare: naval')
elif button == 'A':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(warfare_bio, change_relation(('army', '---'), ('government', '+')),
choices.append('warfare: biological')
def nuclear():
nuke = prompt_for_input(technology_nuke, ('X', 'B'))
if nuke == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}\n\n{}'.format(nuke_threaten, change_relation(('civilian', '+'), ('army', '+++'),
('government', '+++')), win_loss()))
choices.append('risk: included nukes')
elif nuke == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n\n{}'.format(nuke_withdraw, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('army', '---'),
('government', '---')), change_tide(-15),
choices.append('risk: excluded nukes')
def persuasion():
persuade = prompt_for_input(exploration_persuade, ('X', 'B', 'A'))
if persuade == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n\n{}'.format(persuade_reciprocate, change_relation(('government', '+++'), ('army', '+++')),
change_tide(30), win_loss()))
choices.append('rebuttal: dodged the predicament')
elif persuade == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(persuade_lie, change_relation(('government', '---'), ('civilian', '---')),
choices.append('rebuttal: lied')
elif persuade == 'A':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(persuade_admit, change_relation(('army', '--')), change_tide(-30)))
choices.append('rebuttal: admitted')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(persuade_lose, win_loss()))
def supply_defend():
button = prompt_for_input(yield_supply_defense, ('X', 'B', 'Y'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(supply_defense_defend, change_relation(('government', '-')),
choices.append('supply defense: direct')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(supply_defense_contaminate, change_relation(('government', '+++'),
('army', '+++')), change_tide(15)))
choices.append('supply defense: poisonous')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(supply_defense_win, win_loss()))
elif button == 'Y':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(supply_defense_conceal, change_relation(('civilian', '++'), ('government', '+')),
choices.append('supply defense: evasive')
def replace():
civil = {'first': 0, 'second': 0}
army = {'first': 0, 'second': 0}
gov = {'first': 0, 'second': 0}
valid_stick_input = ['<<', '<', '<>', '>', '>>']
def balance_relation_change(type_of_person, first_relation_change, second_relation_change):
get_person = getattr(People, type_of_person.upper())
relation_change_sum = first_relation_change + second_relation_change
change_output = ''
def get_relation_balance(thresholds):
if relation_change_sum > 0:
for threshold in thresholds:
if relation_change_sum >= threshold:
return threshold
elif relation_change_sum < 0:
for threshold in thresholds:
if relation_change_sum <= threshold:
return threshold
if relation_change_sum < 0:
for dash in range(abs(relation_change_sum)):
change_output += '-'
change_output += str(type_of_person)
relationships[get_person] += get_relation_balance(range(-4, 0, 1))
elif relation_change_sum > 0:
for dash in range(relation_change_sum):
change_output += '+'
change_output += str(type_of_person)
relationships[get_person] += get_relation_balance(range(4, 0, -1))
return change_output
left_stick = prompt_for_input(replace_pick_generals, valid_stick_input)
def pick_left_stick(stick, first_or_second):
if stick == '<<':
army[first_or_second] -= 3
gov[first_or_second] -= 3
elif stick == '<':
army[first_or_second] += 3
gov[first_or_second] += 3
civil[first_or_second] += 3
elif stick == '<>':
army[first_or_second] += 2
gov[first_or_second] -= 3
civil[first_or_second] -= 3
elif stick == '>':
army[first_or_second] += 3
civil[first_or_second] -= 3
elif stick == '>>':
army[first_or_second] += 2
gov[first_or_second] += 1
civil[first_or_second] -= 1
del valid_stick_input[valid_stick_input.index(stick)]
pick_left_stick(left_stick, 'first')
left_stick = prompt_for_input('\nYour second?\n', valid_stick_input)
pick_left_stick(left_stick, 'second')
def print_results():
for people in [balance_relation_change('army', army['first'], army['second']),
balance_relation_change('civilian', civil['first'], civil['second']),
balance_relation_change('government', gov['first'], gov['second'])]:
if people:
print(people, end=' ')
if tide[Forces.YOU] < 40:
choices.append('general: chose poorly')
print('\n{}\n\n{}'.format(replace_lose, win_loss()))
elif tide[Forces.YOU] > 50:
choices.append('general: chose wisely')
print('\n{}\n\n{}'.format(replace_win, win_loss()))
choices.append('general: chose ineffectively')
def rebel():
button = prompt_for_input(execution_prison_rebellion, ('X', 'B', 'Y'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(rebellion_quell, change_relation(('army', '+++')), change_tide(5)))
choices.append('peacekeeping: forceful')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(rebellion_reason, change_relation(('army', '---')), change_tide(-20)))
choices.append('peacekeeping: peaceful')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(rebellion_lose, win_loss()))
elif button == 'Y':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(rebellion_intimidate, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('government', '-'),
('army', '++')), change_tide(15)))
choices.append('peacekeeping: beneficial')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(rebellion_lose, win_loss()))
def slaves():
button = prompt_for_input(warn_ignore_slaves, ('X', 'B', 'Y', 'A'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(slaves_army, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('army', '++')),
choices.append('punishment: army')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(slaves_produce, change_relation(('army', '---')), change_tide(-15)))
choices.append('punishment: production')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(slaves_lose, win_loss()))
elif button == 'Y':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(slaves_plan, change_relation(('government', '++'), ('civilian', '---')),
choices.append('punishment: plans')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(slaves_win, win_loss()))
elif button == 'A':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(slaves_infrastructure, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('army', '---')),
choices.append('punishment: infrastructure')
def spy():
button = prompt_for_input(supply_attack_espionage, ('X', 'B', 'A'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(espionage_rush, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('army', '---'),
('government', '---')), change_tide(-5)))
choices.append('patience: impatient')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(espionage_fair, change_relation(('government', '--')), change_tide(-15)))
choices.append('patience: sufficient')
elif button == 'A':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(espionage_careful, change_relation(('army', '-'), ('government', '+++')),
choices.append('patience: long')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(espionage_win, win_loss()))
def assassination():
button = prompt_for_input(water_assassinate, ('X', 'B', 'Y'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(assassinate_javier, change_relation(('government', '+++'), ('army', '++')),
choices.append('safety: 100% (Javier Garcia)')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(assassinate_gabriel, change_relation(('civilian', '---')), change_tide(-15)))
choices.append('safety: 50% (Gabriel Garcia)')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(assassinate_lose, win_loss()))
elif button == 'Y':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(assassinate_bullock, change_relation(('civilian', '+++'), ('army', '---'),
('government', '-')), change_tide(25)))
choices.append('safety: 0% (Jude Bullock)')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(assassinate_win, win_loss()))
def peace():
button = prompt_for_input(air_peace, ('X', 'B', 'A'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(peace_willing, change_relation(('government', '---'), ('army', '---')),
choices.append('request: trusted')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(peace_win, win_loss()))
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(peace_cautious, change_relation(('government', '-')), change_tide(-15)))
choices.append('request: doubted')
elif button == 'A':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(peace_no, change_relation(('civilian', '---')), change_tide(0)))
choices.append('request: declined')
def contaminated():
button = prompt_for_input(bio_contaminated, ('X', 'B'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(contaminated_finish, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('government', '---')),
choices.append('focus: New Frontier')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(contaminated_lose, win_loss()))
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(contaminated_fix, change_relation(('civilian', '+++'), ('army', '--')),
choices.append('focus: inhabitants')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(contaminated_win, win_loss()))
def strategy():
button = prompt_for_input(ok_strategy, ('X', 'Y', 'A', 'B'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(strategy_direct, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('government', '---')),
choices.append('strategy: direct')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(strategy_wide, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('government', '---'),
('army', '---')), change_tide(-20)))
choices.append('strategy: longitudinal')
elif button == 'Y':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(strategy_psycho, change_relation(('government', '+++'), ('civilian', '-'),
('army', '-')), change_tide(15)))
choices.append('strategy: psychological')
elif button == 'A':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(strategy_patient, change_relation(('army', '+++'), ('civilian', '+++'),
('government', '+++')), change_tide(20)))
choices.append('strategy: patient')
def vengeance():
button = prompt_for_input(lie_revenge, ('X', 'B', 'Y'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(revenge_attack, change_relation(('government', '---'), ('civilian', '-')),
choices.append('vengeance: hasty')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(revenge_lose, win_loss()))
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(revenge_wait, change_relation(('government', '+++'), ('civilian', '+++'),
('army', '+++')), change_tide(15)))
choices.append('vengeance: patient')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(revenge_win_wait, win_loss()))
elif button == 'Y':
print('{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(revenge_infiltrate, change_relation(('government', '+++'), ('army', '-'),
('civilian', '+++')), change_tide(15)))
choices.append('vengeance: strategic')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(revenge_win_infiltrate, win_loss()))
def blackout():
button = prompt_for_input(defend_infrastructure_blackout, ('X', 'B'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(blackout_evacuate, change_relation(('government', '---'), ('army', '---')),
choices.append('fight or flight: flight')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(blackout_stay, change_relation(('civilian', '+++'), ('government', '+++'),
('army', '+++')), change_tide(20)))
choices.append('fight or flight: fight')
def offer():
button = prompt_for_input(quell_rush_offer, ('X', 'B'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}\n\n{}'.format(offer_accept, change_relation(('civilian', '+++'), ('government', '+++')),
choices.append('offer: accepted')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n\n{}'.format(offer_decline, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('government', '---')),
change_tide(25), win_loss()))
choices.append('offer: declined')
def almost_fifty():
button = prompt_for_input(army_cautious_conceal_javier_half, ('X', 'B', 'A'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(half_third, change_relation(('civilian', '+++'), ('government', '+++'),
('army', '-')), change_tide(20)))
choices.append('jeopardy: sent few')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(half_move, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('army', '---'),
('government', '---')), change_tide(-25)))
choices.append('jeopardy: evacuated')
elif button == 'A':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(half_surround, change_relation(('army', '+++')), change_tide(-10)))
choices.append('jeopardy: surrounded')
def zombies():
button = prompt_for_input(infrastructure_horde, ('X', 'B', 'Y'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(horde_redirect, change_relation(('army', '--')), change_tide(-10)))
choices.append('horde: redirected')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(horde_lose, win_loss()))
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(horde_lure, change_relation(('civilian', '+++'), ('government', '+++'),
('army', '+')), change_tide(25)))
choices.append('horde: fed')
elif button == 'Y':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n\n{}'.format(horde_clear, change_relation(('civilian', '---')), change_tide(-20),
choices.append('horde: cleared')
def cybersecurity():
button = prompt_for_input(no_hack, ('X', 'B'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(hack_destroy, change_relation(('government', '---')), change_tide(-20)))
choices.append('cybersecurity: physical')
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(hack_lose, win_loss()))
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(hack_cyber, change_relation(('government', '+++'), ('army', '+++')),
choices.append('cybersecurity: cyber')
def areas():
button = prompt_for_input(cyber_areas, ('X', 'B', 'A'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n\n{}'.format(areas_virginia_beach, change_relation(('civilian', '+++'),
('government', '+++')), change_tide(20),
choices.append('city: Virginia Beach')
elif button == 'B':
button = prompt_for_input('\n{}'.format(areas_raleigh), ('X', 'B'))
choices.append('city: Raleigh')
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n\n{}'.format(raleigh_lie, change_relation(('government', '---'), ('civilian', '---')),
change_tide(-65), do_not_lie))
choices.append('honesty: dishonest')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n\n{}'.format(raleigh_honest, change_relation(('government', '+++'), ('army', '++'),
('civilian', '+++')), change_tide(20),
choices.append('honesty: honesty')
elif button == 'A':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(areas_dc, change_relation(('civilian', '---')), change_tide(-40)))
print('{}\n\n{}'.format(areas_lose, win_loss()))
def surrounded():
button = prompt_for_input(surround_surrounded, ('X', 'B', 'Y'))
if button == 'X':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(surrounded_richmond, change_relation(('civilian', '---')), change_tide(-20)))
choices.append('escape: through thinnest')
elif button == 'B':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(surrounded_thin, change_relation(('civilian', '+++'), ('government', '+++'),
('army', '+++')), change_tide(20)))
choices.append('escape: to Richmond')
elif button == 'Y':
print('\n{}\n\n{}{}\n'.format(surrounded_stay, change_relation(('civilian', '---'), ('government', '---'),
('army', '---')), change_tide(-25)))
choices.append('escape: no')
def end():
infuriate = '\033[38;5;199m' + "INFURIATED" + '\033[m'
angered = '\033[31m' + "ANGERED" + '\033[m'
displeased = '\033[38;5;208m' + "DISPLEASED" + '\033[m'
unimpressed = '\033[93m' + "LEFT UNIMPRESSED," + '\033[m'
satisfied = '\033[32m' + "SATISFIED" + '\033[m'
delighted = '\033[36m' + "DELIGHTED" + '\033[m'
views = [infuriate, angered, displeased, unimpressed, satisfied, delighted]
thresholds = (-8.5, -6, -4.5, -2, .5)
def get_final_standing(relation_score):
for threshold, view in zip(thresholds, views):
if relation_score <= threshold:
return view
return views[-1]
view_civilians = '\nYou {} the Civilians'.format(get_final_standing(relationships[People.CIVILIAN]))
view_army = 'You {} the Military'.format(get_final_standing(relationships[People.ARMY]))
view_government = 'You {} the Government'.format(get_final_standing(relationships[People.GOVERNMENT]))
for people in [view_civilians, view_government, view_army]:
print('\nYOUR DECISIONS:')
indent = ' '
for choice in choices:
print(indent + choice)
indent += ' '
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