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Forked from c9s/.vimrc
Created February 25, 2010 15:00
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function! s:SelectColorScheme()
let files = split(globpath(&rtp, 'colors/*.vim'), "\n")
for idx in range(0, len(files) - 1)
let file = files[idx]
let name = matchstr(file , '\w\+\(\.vim\)\@=')
call setline(idx + 1, name)
file ColorSchemeSelector
setlocal bufhidden=wipe
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal nonu
setlocal nomodifiable
setlocal cursorline
nmap <buffer> <Enter> :<C-u>execute 'colorscheme' getline('.')<CR>
nmap <buffer> q :<C-u>close<CR>
\ -bar
\ SelectColorScheme
\ call s:SelectColorScheme()
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