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This is a network sketch. Network sketches aren't complete, released versions, but rather a (hopefully convincing) proof-of-concept of a particular idea. The intent of this network sketch is to show that traditional backprop is not required in order to learn and coordinate a network's dataflow structure over a simulated discrete, non-backproppab…
# Sketch-specific note: a roughly ~25 run battery for this code estimated a roughly ~93.11% accuracy in the same number of steps as the baseline network, ~1.7x runtime overhead (much of which goes to the torch.randn allocations and extra layer calculations).
# Note: The one change we need to make if we're in Colab is to uncomment this below block.
# If we are in an ipython session or a notebook, clear the state to avoid bugs
_ = get_ipython().__class__.__name__
## we set -f below to avoid prompting the user before clearing the notebook state
%reset -f
except NameError:
pass ## we're still good
import functools
from functools import partial
import math
import os
import copy
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import nn
import torchvision
from torchvision import transforms
## <-- teaching comments
# <-- functional comments
# You can run 'sed -i.bak '/\#\#/d' ./' to remove the teaching comments if they are in the way of your work. <3
# This can go either way in terms of actually being helpful when it comes to execution speed.
#torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True
# This code was built from the ground up to be directly hackable and to support rapid experimentation, which is something you might see
# reflected in what would otherwise seem to be odd design decisions. It also means that maybe some cleaning up is required before moving
# to production if you're going to use this code as such (such as breaking different section into unique files, etc). That said, if there's
# ways this code could be improved and cleaned up, please do open a PR on the GitHub repo. Your support and help is much appreciated for this
# project! :)
# This is for testing that certain changes don't exceed some X% portion of the reference GPU (here an A100)
# so we can help reduce a possibility that future releases don't take away the accessibility of this codebase.
#torch.cuda.set_per_process_memory_fraction(fraction=6.5/40., device=0) ## 40. GB is the maximum memory of the base A100 GPU
# set global defaults (in this particular file) for convolutions
default_conv_kwargs = {'kernel_size': 3, 'padding': 'same', 'bias': False}
batchsize = 1024
bias_scaler = 64
# To replicate the ~95.79%-accuracy-in-110-seconds runs, you can change the base_depth from 64->128, train_epochs from 12.1->90, ['ema'] epochs 10->80, cutmix_size 3->10, and cutmix_epochs 6->80
hyp = {
'opt': {
'bias_lr': 1.525 * bias_scaler/512, # TODO: Is there maybe a better way to express the bias and batchnorm scaling? :'))))
'non_bias_lr': 1.525 / 512,
'bias_decay': 6.687e-4 * batchsize/bias_scaler,
'non_bias_decay': 6.687e-4 * batchsize,
'scaling_factor': 1./12,
'percent_start': .23,
'loss_scale_scaler': 1./32, # * Regularizer inside the loss summing (range: ~1/512 - 16+). FP8 should help with this somewhat too, whenever it comes out. :)
'net': {
'whitening': {
'kernel_size': 2,
'num_examples': 50000,
'batch_norm_momentum': .4, # * Don't forget momentum is 1 - momentum here (due to a quirk in the original paper... >:( )
'cutmix_size': 0,
'cutmix_epochs': 6,
'pad_amount': 2,
'base_depth': 64 ## This should be a factor of 8 in some way to stay tensor core friendly
'misc': {
'ema': {
'epochs': 10, # Slight bug in that this counts only full epochs and then additionally runs the EMA for any fractional epochs at the end too
'decay_base': .95,
'decay_pow': 3.,
'every_n_steps': 5,
'train_epochs': 12.1,
'device': 'cuda',
'data_location': '',
# Dataloader #
if not os.path.exists(hyp['misc']['data_location']):
transform = transforms.Compose([
cifar10 = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10('cifar10/', download=True, train=True, transform=transform)
cifar10_eval = torchvision.datasets.CIFAR10('cifar10/', download=False, train=False, transform=transform)
# use the dataloader to get a single batch of all of the dataset items at once.
train_dataset_gpu_loader =, batch_size=len(cifar10), drop_last=True,
shuffle=True, num_workers=2, persistent_workers=False)
eval_dataset_gpu_loader =, batch_size=len(cifar10_eval), drop_last=True,
shuffle=False, num_workers=1, persistent_workers=False)
train_dataset_gpu = {}
eval_dataset_gpu = {}
train_dataset_gpu['images'], train_dataset_gpu['targets'] = [['misc']['device'], non_blocking=True) for item in next(iter(train_dataset_gpu_loader))]
eval_dataset_gpu['images'], eval_dataset_gpu['targets'] = [['misc']['device'], non_blocking=True) for item in next(iter(eval_dataset_gpu_loader)) ]
cifar10_std, cifar10_mean = torch.std_mean(train_dataset_gpu['images'], dim=(0, 2, 3)) # dynamically calculate the std and mean from the data. this shortens the code and should help us adapt to new datasets!
def batch_normalize_images(input_images, mean, std):
return (input_images - mean.view(1, -1, 1, 1)) / std.view(1, -1, 1, 1)
# preload with our mean and std
batch_normalize_images = partial(batch_normalize_images, mean=cifar10_mean, std=cifar10_std)
## Batch normalize datasets, now. Wowie. We did it! We should take a break and make some tea now.
train_dataset_gpu['images'] = batch_normalize_images(train_dataset_gpu['images'])
eval_dataset_gpu['images'] = batch_normalize_images(eval_dataset_gpu['images'])
data = {
'train': train_dataset_gpu,
'eval': eval_dataset_gpu
## Convert dataset to FP16 now for the rest of the process....
data['train']['images'] = data['train']['images'].half().requires_grad_(False)
data['eval']['images'] = data['eval']['images'].half().requires_grad_(False)
# Convert this to one-hot to support the usage of cutmix (or whatever strange label tricks/magic you desire!)
data['train']['targets'] = F.one_hot(data['train']['targets']).half()
data['eval']['targets'] = F.one_hot(data['eval']['targets']).half(), hyp['misc']['data_location'])
## This is effectively instantaneous, and takes us practically straight to where the dataloader-loaded dataset would be. :)
## So as long as you run the above loading process once, and keep the file on the disc it's specified by default in the above
## hyp dictionary, then we should be good. :)
data = torch.load(hyp['misc']['data_location'])
## As you'll note above and below, one difference is that we don't count loading the raw data to GPU since it's such a variable operation, and can sort of get in the way
## of measuring other things. That said, measuring the preprocessing (outside of the padding) is still important to us.
# Pad the GPU training dataset
if hyp['net']['pad_amount'] > 0:
## Uncomfortable shorthand, but basically we pad evenly on all _4_ sides with the pad_amount specified in the original dictionary
data['train']['images'] = F.pad(data['train']['images'], (hyp['net']['pad_amount'],)*4, 'reflect')
# Network Components #
# We might be able to fuse this weight and save some memory/runtime/etc, since the fast version of the network might be able to do without somehow....
class BatchNorm(nn.BatchNorm2d):
def __init__(self, num_features, eps=1e-12, momentum=hyp['net']['batch_norm_momentum'], weight=False, bias=True):
super().__init__(num_features, eps=eps, momentum=momentum)
self.weight.requires_grad = weight
self.bias.requires_grad = bias
# Allows us to set default arguments for the whole convolution itself.
# Having an outer class like this does add space and complexity but offers us
# a ton of freedom when it comes to hacking in unique functionality for each layer type
class Conv(nn.Conv2d):
def __init__(self, *args, temperature=None, lr_mult=None, **kwargs):
kwargs = {**default_conv_kwargs, **kwargs}
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.temperature = temperature
self.lr_mult = lr_mult
if self.lr_mult is not None:
with torch.no_grad():
self.weight /= self.lr_mult
self.kwargs = kwargs
def forward(self, x):
if self.temperature is not None:
weight = self.weight * self.temperature
weight = self.weight
if self.lr_mult is not None:
weight = weight * self.lr_mult
result = F.conv2d(x, weight, stride=self.stride, padding=self.padding)
return result
class Linear(nn.Linear):
def __init__(self, *args, temperature=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.temperature = temperature
def forward(self, x):
if self.temperature is not None:
weight = self.weight * self.temperature
weight = self.weight
return x @ weight.T
# can hack any changes to each convolution group that you want directly in here
class ConvGroup(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, channels_in, channels_out, state_pred_dim):
self.channels_in = channels_in
self.channels_out = channels_out
self.pool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(2)
self.conv1 = Conv(channels_in, channels_out)
self.conv2 = Conv(channels_out, channels_out)
self.norm1 = BatchNorm(channels_out)
self.norm2 = BatchNorm(channels_out)
self.state_pred_dim = state_pred_dim
if self.state_pred_dim is not None:
self.state_project = Conv(channels_out, state_pred_dim, kernel_size=3, lr_mult=None, padding='same')
self.state_norm = BatchNorm(state_pred_dim)
self.activ = nn.GELU()
def forward(self, x):
x = self.conv1(x)
x = self.pool1(x)
x = self.norm1(x)
x = self.activ(x)
x = self.conv2(x)
x = self.norm2(x)
x = self.activ(x)
if self.state_pred_dim is not None:
# Bridge the state between conv blocks
pred_state = self.state_norm(self.pool1(self.state_project(x)))
# No state prediction required if we are at the end of our state-predicting run-of-blocks.... <3 :'))))
pred_state = None
return x, pred_state
class FastGlobalMaxPooling(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
def forward(self, x):
# Previously was chained torch.max calls.
# requires less time than AdaptiveMax2dPooling -- about ~.3s for the entire run, in fact (which is pretty significant! :O :D :O :O <3 <3 <3 <3)
return torch.amax(x, dim=(2,3)) # Global maximum pooling
# Init Helper Functions #
def get_patches(x, patch_shape=(3, 3), dtype=torch.float32):
# This uses the unfold operation (
# to extract a _view_ (i.e., there's no data copied here) of blocks in the input tensor. We have to do it twice -- once horizontally, once vertically. Then
# from that, we get our kernel_size*kernel_size patches to later calculate the statistics for the whitening tensor on :D
c, (h, w) = x.shape[1], patch_shape
return x.unfold(2,h,1).unfold(3,w,1).transpose(1,3).reshape(-1,c,h,w).to(dtype) # TODO: Annotate?
def get_whitening_parameters(patches):
# As a high-level summary, we're basically finding the high-dimensional oval that best fits the data here.
# We can then later use this information to map the input information to a nicely distributed sphere, where also
# the most significant features of the inputs each have their own axis. This significantly cleans things up for the
# rest of the neural network and speeds up training.
n,c,h,w = patches.shape
est_covariance = torch.cov(patches.view(n, c*h*w).t())
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = torch.linalg.eigh(est_covariance, UPLO='U') # this is the same as saying we want our eigenvectors, with the specification that the matrix be an upper triangular matrix (instead of a lower-triangular matrix)
return eigenvalues.flip(0).view(-1, 1, 1, 1), eigenvectors.t().reshape(c*h*w,c,h,w).flip(0)
# Run this over the training set to calculate the patch statistics, then set the initial convolution as a non-learnable 'whitening' layer
def init_whitening_conv(layer, train_set=None, num_examples=None, previous_block_data=None, pad_amount=None, freeze=True, whiten_splits=None):
if train_set is not None and previous_block_data is None:
if pad_amount > 0:
previous_block_data = train_set[:num_examples,:,pad_amount:-pad_amount,pad_amount:-pad_amount] # if it's none, we're at the beginning of our network.
previous_block_data = train_set[:num_examples,:,:,:]
# chunking code to save memory for smaller-memory-size (generally consumer) GPUs
if whiten_splits is None:
previous_block_data_split = [previous_block_data] # If we're whitening in one go, then put it in a list for simplicity to reuse the logic below
previous_block_data_split = previous_block_data.split(whiten_splits, dim=0) # Otherwise, we split this into different chunks to keep things manageable
eigenvalue_list, eigenvector_list = [], []
for data_split in previous_block_data_split:
eigenvalues, eigenvectors = get_whitening_parameters(get_patches(data_split,[2:]))
eigenvalues = torch.stack(eigenvalue_list, dim=0).mean(0)
eigenvectors = torch.stack(eigenvector_list, dim=0).mean(0)
# i believe the eigenvalues and eigenvectors come out in float32 for this because we implicitly cast it to float32 in the patches function (for numerical stability)
set_whitening_conv(layer,,, freeze=freeze)
data = layer(
return data
def set_whitening_conv(conv_layer, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, eps=1e-2, freeze=True):
shape =
eigenvectors_sliced = (eigenvectors/torch.sqrt(eigenvalues+eps))[-shape[0]:, :, :, :] # set the first n filters of the weight data to the top n significant (sorted by importance) filters from the eigenvectors =, -eigenvectors_sliced), dim=0)
## We don't want to train this, since this is implicitly whitening over the whole dataset
## For more info, see David Page's original blogposts (link in the as of this commit.)
if freeze:
conv_layer.weight.requires_grad = False
# Network Definition #
scaler = 2. ## You can play with this on your own if you want, for the first beta I wanted to keep things simple (for now) and leave it out of the hyperparams dict
depths = {
'init': round(scaler**-1*hyp['net']['base_depth']), # 32 w/ scaler at base value
'block1': round(scaler** 0*hyp['net']['base_depth']), # 64 w/ scaler at base value
'block2': round(scaler** 2*hyp['net']['base_depth']), # 256 w/ scaler at base value
'block3': round(scaler** 3*hyp['net']['base_depth']), # 512 w/ scaler at base value
'num_classes': 10
class SpeedyConvNet(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, network_dict):
self.net_dict = network_dict # flexible, defined in the make_net function
def simulate_discrete_action(self, x, noise_std_mul=1.):
return x.detach() + noise_std_mul * x.std() * torch.randn_like(x)
# This allows you to customize/change the execution order of the network as needed.
def forward(self, x):
if not
x =, torch.flip(x, (-1,))))
x = self.net_dict['initial_block']['whiten'](x)
x0 = self.net_dict['initial_block']['activation'](x)
# Do the initial state prediction from the ouputs of the original block.
state_pred_1 = F.max_pool2d(self.net_dict['initial_block']['state_pred'](x0), 2)
state_pred_1 = F.gelu(self.net_dict['initial_block']['state_norm'](state_pred_1))
x1, state_pred2 = self.net_dict['conv_group_1'](x0)
# this function stops the gradient to prevent backprop, adds noise (default = 1 * inputs.std()) to simulate a discrete action
x1 = self.simulate_discrete_action(x1) + state_pred_1
x2, state_pred3 = self.net_dict['conv_group_2'](x1)
x2 = self.simulate_discrete_action(x2) + state_pred2 # learn a coherent state space through residuals & predictions <3 :')))))
x3, _ = self.net_dict['conv_group_3'](x2)
x3 = self.simulate_discrete_action(x3) + state_pred3
x4 = self.net_dict['pooling'](x3)
x4 = self.net_dict['linear'](x4)
if not
# Average the predictions from the lr-flipped inputs during eval
orig, flipped = x4.split(x4.shape[0]//2, dim=0)
x4 = .5 * orig + .5 * flipped
return x4
def make_net():
# TODO: A way to make this cleaner??
# Note, you have to specify any arguments overlapping with defaults (i.e. everything but in/out depths) as kwargs so that they are properly overridden (TODO cleanup somehow?)
whiten_conv_depth = 3*hyp['net']['whitening']['kernel_size']**2
network_dict = nn.ModuleDict({
'initial_block': nn.ModuleDict({
'whiten': Conv(3, whiten_conv_depth, kernel_size=hyp['net']['whitening']['kernel_size'], padding=0),
'state_pred': Conv(2*whiten_conv_depth, depths['block1'], kernel_size=3, padding='same'),
'state_norm': BatchNorm(depths['block1']),
'activation': nn.GELU(),
'conv_group_1': ConvGroup(2*whiten_conv_depth, depths['block1'], depths['block2']),
'conv_group_2': ConvGroup(depths['block1'], depths['block2'], depths['block3']),
'conv_group_3': ConvGroup(depths['block2'], depths['block3'], None),
'pooling': FastGlobalMaxPooling(),
'linear': Linear(depths['block3'], depths['num_classes'], bias=False, temperature=hyp['opt']['scaling_factor']),
net = SpeedyConvNet(network_dict)
net =['misc']['device'])
net = # to appropriately use tensor cores/avoid thrash while training
net.half() # Convert network to half before initializing the initial whitening layer.
## Initialize the whitening convolution
with torch.no_grad():
# Initialize the first layer to be fixed weights that whiten the expected input values of the network be on the unit hypersphere. (i.e. their...average vector length is 1.?, IIRC)
data['train']['images'].index_select(0, torch.randperm(data['train']['images'].shape[0], device=data['train']['images'].device)),
whiten_splits=5000) ## Hardcoded for now while we figure out the optimal whitening number
## If you're running out of memory (OOM) feel free to decrease this, but
## the index lookup in the dataloader may give you some trouble depending
## upon exactly how memory-limited you are
for layer_name in net.net_dict.keys():
if 'conv_group' in layer_name:
# Create an implicit residual via a dirac-initialized tensor
dirac_weights_in = torch.nn.init.dirac_(torch.empty_like(net.net_dict[layer_name].conv1.weight))
normal_init_state_project_downscale = .1
# Add the implicit residual to the already-initialized convolutional transition layer.
# One can use more sophisticated initializations, but this one appeared worked best in testing.
# What this does is brings up the features from the previous residual block virtually, so not only
# do we have residual information flow within each block, we have a nearly direct connection from
# the early layers of the network to the loss function.
std_pre, mean_pre = torch.std_mean(net.net_dict[layer_name]
net.net_dict[layer_name] = normal_init_state_project_downscale * net.net_dict[layer_name] + dirac_weights_in
std_post, mean_post = torch.std_mean(net.net_dict[layer_name]
# Renormalize the weights to match the original initialization statistics
## We do the same for the second layer in each convolution group block, since this only
## adds a simple multiplier to the inputs instead of the noise of a randomly-initialized
## convolution. This can be easily scaled down by the network, and the weights can more easily
## pivot in whichever direction they need to go now.
## The reason that I believe that this works so well is because a combination of MaxPool2d
## and the nn.GeLU function's positive bias encouraging values towards the nearly-linear
## region of the GeLU activation function at network initialization. I am not currently
## sure about this, however, it will require some more investigation. For now -- it works! D:
# if expanding, we can dirac init here
if net.net_dict[layer_name].state_pred_dim is not None and net.net_dict[layer_name].state_project.weight.shape[0] > net.net_dict[layer_name].conv2.weight.shape[0]:
## init the state pred weights. very similar to the transition layers, as we're gaining dims here. just repeated state_expand_mult-1 times.
state_project_weight_shape = net.net_dict[layer_name].state_project.weight.shape
dirac_weights_out = torch.nn.init.dirac_(torch.empty_like(net.net_dict[layer_name].state_project.weight)) ####[:state_project_weight_shape[0]//(state_expand_mult-1), :, :, :]))
dirac_weights_out = dirac_weights_out.repeat(1, 1, 1, 1)
# repeat multiple times so that we initialize all of our state predictions as roughly the same as the inputs are
std_pre, mean_pre = torch.std_mean(net.net_dict[layer_name]
net.net_dict[layer_name] = normal_init_state_project_downscale * net.net_dict[layer_name] + dirac_weights_out
std_post, mean_post = torch.std_mean(net.net_dict[layer_name]
# Renormalize the weights to match the original initialization statistics
return net
# Data Preprocessing #
## This is actually (I believe) a pretty clean implementation of how to do something like this, since shifted-square masks unique to each depth-channel can actually be rather
## tricky in practice. That said, if there's a better way, please do feel free to submit it! This can be one of the harder parts of the code to understand (though I personally get
## stuck on the fold/unfold process for the lower-level convolution calculations.
def make_random_square_masks(inputs, mask_size):
##### TODO: Double check that this properly covers the whole range of values. :'( :')
if mask_size == 0:
return None # no need to cutout or do anything like that since the patch_size is set to 0
is_even = int(mask_size % 2 == 0)
in_shape = inputs.shape
# seed centers of squares to cutout boxes from, in one dimension each
mask_center_y = torch.empty(in_shape[0], dtype=torch.long, device=inputs.device).random_(mask_size//2-is_even, in_shape[-2]-mask_size//2-is_even)
mask_center_x = torch.empty(in_shape[0], dtype=torch.long, device=inputs.device).random_(mask_size//2-is_even, in_shape[-1]-mask_size//2-is_even)
# measure distance, using the center as a reference point
to_mask_y_dists = torch.arange(in_shape[-2], device=inputs.device).view(1, 1, in_shape[-2], 1) - mask_center_y.view(-1, 1, 1, 1)
to_mask_x_dists = torch.arange(in_shape[-1], device=inputs.device).view(1, 1, 1, in_shape[-1]) - mask_center_x.view(-1, 1, 1, 1)
to_mask_y = (to_mask_y_dists >= (-(mask_size // 2) + is_even)) * (to_mask_y_dists <= mask_size // 2)
to_mask_x = (to_mask_x_dists >= (-(mask_size // 2) + is_even)) * (to_mask_x_dists <= mask_size // 2)
final_mask = to_mask_y * to_mask_x ## Turn (y by 1) and (x by 1) boolean masks into (y by x) masks through multiplication. Their intersection is square, hurray! :D
return final_mask
def batch_cutmix(inputs, targets, patch_size):
with torch.no_grad():
batch_permuted = torch.randperm(inputs.shape[0], device='cuda')
cutmix_batch_mask = make_random_square_masks(inputs, patch_size)
if cutmix_batch_mask is None:
return inputs, targets # if the mask is None, then that's because the patch size was set to 0 and we will not be using cutmix today.
# We draw other samples from inside of the same batch
cutmix_batch = torch.where(cutmix_batch_mask, torch.index_select(inputs, 0, batch_permuted), inputs)
cutmix_targets = torch.index_select(targets, 0, batch_permuted)
# Get the percentage of each target to mix for the labels by the % proportion of pixels in the mix
portion_mixed = float(patch_size**2)/(inputs.shape[-2]*inputs.shape[-1])
cutmix_labels = portion_mixed * cutmix_targets + (1. - portion_mixed) * targets
return cutmix_batch, cutmix_labels
def batch_crop(inputs, crop_size):
with torch.no_grad():
crop_mask_batch = make_random_square_masks(inputs, crop_size)
cropped_batch = torch.masked_select(inputs, crop_mask_batch).view(inputs.shape[0], inputs.shape[1], crop_size, crop_size)
return cropped_batch
def batch_flip_lr(batch_images, flip_chance=.5):
with torch.no_grad():
# TODO: Is there a more elegant way to do this? :') :'((((
return torch.where(torch.rand_like(batch_images[:, 0, 0, 0].view(-1, 1, 1, 1)) < flip_chance, torch.flip(batch_images, (-1,)), batch_images)
# Training Helpers #
class NetworkEMA(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, net):
super().__init__() # init the parent module so this module is registered properly
self.net_ema = copy.deepcopy(net).eval().requires_grad_(False) # copy the model
def update(self, current_net, decay):
with torch.no_grad():
for ema_net_parameter, (parameter_name, incoming_net_parameter) in zip(self.net_ema.state_dict().values(), current_net.state_dict().items()): # potential bug: assumes that the network architectures don't change during training (!!!!)
if incoming_net_parameter.dtype in (torch.half, torch.float):
ema_net_parameter.mul_(decay).add_(incoming_net_parameter.detach().mul(1. - decay)) # update the ema values in place, similar to how optimizer momentum is coded
# And then we also copy the parameters back to the network, similarly to the Lookahead optimizer (but with a much more aggressive-at-the-end schedule)
if not ('norm' in parameter_name and 'weight' in parameter_name) and not 'whiten' in parameter_name:
def forward(self, inputs):
with torch.no_grad():
return self.net_ema(inputs)
# TODO: Could we jit this in the (more distant) future? :)
def get_batches(data_dict, key, batchsize, epoch_fraction=1., cutmix_size=None):
num_epoch_examples = len(data_dict[key]['images'])
shuffled = torch.randperm(num_epoch_examples, device='cuda')
if epoch_fraction < 1:
shuffled = shuffled[:batchsize * round(epoch_fraction * shuffled.shape[0]/batchsize)] # TODO: Might be slightly inaccurate, let's fix this later... :) :D :confetti: :fireworks:
num_epoch_examples = shuffled.shape[0]
crop_size = 32
## Here, we prep the dataset by applying all data augmentations in batches ahead of time before each epoch, then we return an iterator below
## that iterates in chunks over with a random derangement (i.e. shuffled indices) of the individual examples. So we get perfectly-shuffled
## batches (which skip the last batch if it's not a full batch), but everything seems to be (and hopefully is! :D) properly shuffled. :)
if key == 'train':
images = batch_crop(data_dict[key]['images'], crop_size) # TODO: hardcoded image size for now?
images = batch_flip_lr(images)
images, targets = batch_cutmix(images, data_dict[key]['targets'], patch_size=cutmix_size)
images = data_dict[key]['images']
targets = data_dict[key]['targets']
# Send the images to an (in beta) channels_last to help improve tensor core occupancy (and reduce NCHW <-> NHWC thrash) during training
images =
for idx in range(num_epoch_examples // batchsize):
if not (idx+1)*batchsize > num_epoch_examples: ## Use the shuffled randperm to assemble individual items into a minibatch
yield images.index_select(0, shuffled[idx*batchsize:(idx+1)*batchsize]), \
targets.index_select(0, shuffled[idx*batchsize:(idx+1)*batchsize]) ## Each item is only used/accessed by the network once per epoch. :D
def init_split_parameter_dictionaries(network):
params_non_bias = {'params': [], 'lr': hyp['opt']['non_bias_lr'], 'momentum': .85, 'nesterov': True, 'weight_decay': hyp['opt']['non_bias_decay'], 'foreach': True}
params_bias = {'params': [], 'lr': hyp['opt']['bias_lr'], 'momentum': .85, 'nesterov': True, 'weight_decay': hyp['opt']['bias_decay'], 'foreach': True}
for name, p in network.named_parameters():
if p.requires_grad:
if 'bias' in name:
return params_non_bias, params_bias
## Hey look, it's the soft-targets/label-smoothed loss! Native to PyTorch. Now, _that_ is pretty cool, and simplifies things a lot, to boot! :D :)
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(label_smoothing=0.1, reduction='none')
logging_columns_list = ['epoch', 'train_loss', 'val_loss', 'train_acc', 'val_acc', 'ema_val_acc', 'total_time_seconds']
# define the printing function and print the column heads
def print_training_details(columns_list, separator_left='| ', separator_right=' ', final="|", column_heads_only=False, is_final_entry=False):
print_string = ""
if column_heads_only:
for column_head_name in columns_list:
print_string += separator_left + column_head_name + separator_right
print_string += final
print('-'*(len(print_string))) # print the top bar
print('-'*(len(print_string))) # print the bottom bar
for column_value in columns_list:
print_string += separator_left + column_value + separator_right
print_string += final
if is_final_entry:
print('-'*(len(print_string))) # print the final output bar
print_training_details(logging_columns_list, column_heads_only=True) ## print out the training column heads before we print the actual content for each run.
# Train and Eval #
def main():
# Initializing constants for the whole run.
net_ema = None ## Reset any existing network emas, we want to have _something_ to check for existence so we can initialize the EMA right from where the network is during training
## (as opposed to initializing the network_ema from the randomly-initialized starter network, then forcing it to play catch-up all of a sudden in the last several epochs)
total_time_seconds = 0.
current_steps = 0.
# TODO: Doesn't currently account for partial epochs really (since we're not doing "real" epochs across the whole batchsize)....
num_steps_per_epoch = len(data['train']['images']) // batchsize
total_train_steps = math.ceil(num_steps_per_epoch * hyp['misc']['train_epochs'])
ema_epoch_start = math.floor(hyp['misc']['train_epochs']) - hyp['misc']['ema']['epochs']
## I believe this wasn't logged, but the EMA update power is adjusted by being raised to the power of the number of "every n" steps
## to somewhat accomodate for whatever the expected information intake rate is. The tradeoff I believe, though, is that this is to some degree noisier as we
## are intaking fewer samples of our distribution-over-time, with a higher individual weight each. This can be good or bad depending upon what we want.
projected_ema_decay_val = hyp['misc']['ema']['decay_base'] ** hyp['misc']['ema']['every_n_steps']
# Adjust pct_start based upon how many epochs we need to finetune the ema at a low lr for
pct_start = hyp['opt']['percent_start'] #* (total_train_steps/(total_train_steps - num_low_lr_steps_for_ema))
# Get network
net = make_net()
## Stowing the creation of these into a helper function to make things a bit more readable....
non_bias_params, bias_params = init_split_parameter_dictionaries(net)
# One optimizer for the regular network, and one for the biases. This allows us to use the superconvergence onecycle training policy for our networks....
opt = torch.optim.SGD(**non_bias_params)
opt_bias = torch.optim.SGD(**bias_params)
## Not the most intuitive, but this basically takes us from ~0 to max_lr at the point pct_start, then down to .1 * max_lr at the end (since 1e16 * 1e-15 = .1 --
## This quirk is because the final lr value is calculated from the starting lr value and not from the maximum lr value set during training)
initial_div_factor = 1e16 # basically to make the initial lr ~0 or so :D
final_lr_ratio = .07 # Actually pretty important, apparently!
lr_sched = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR(opt, max_lr=non_bias_params['lr'], pct_start=pct_start, div_factor=initial_div_factor, final_div_factor=1./(initial_div_factor*final_lr_ratio), total_steps=total_train_steps, anneal_strategy='linear', cycle_momentum=False)
lr_sched_bias = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.OneCycleLR(opt_bias, max_lr=bias_params['lr'], pct_start=pct_start, div_factor=initial_div_factor, final_div_factor=1./(initial_div_factor*final_lr_ratio), total_steps=total_train_steps, anneal_strategy='linear', cycle_momentum=False)
## For accurately timing GPU code
starter, ender = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True), torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True)
torch.cuda.synchronize() ## clean up any pre-net setup operations
if True: ## Sometimes we need a conditional/for loop here, this is placed to save the trouble of needing to indent
for epoch in range(math.ceil(hyp['misc']['train_epochs'])):
# Training Mode #
loss_train = None
accuracy_train = None
cutmix_size = hyp['net']['cutmix_size'] if epoch >= hyp['misc']['train_epochs'] - hyp['net']['cutmix_epochs'] else 0
epoch_fraction = 1 if epoch + 1 < hyp['misc']['train_epochs'] else hyp['misc']['train_epochs'] % 1 # We need to know if we're running a partial epoch or not.
for epoch_step, (inputs, targets) in enumerate(get_batches(data, key='train', batchsize=batchsize, epoch_fraction=epoch_fraction, cutmix_size=cutmix_size)):
## Run everything through the network
outputs = net(inputs)
loss_batchsize_scaler = 512/batchsize # to scale to keep things at a relatively similar amount of regularization when we change our batchsize since we're summing over the whole batch
output_xentropy = loss_fn(outputs, targets)
## If you want to add other losses or hack around with the loss, you can do that here.
loss = output_xentropy.mul(hyp['opt']['loss_scale_scaler']*loss_batchsize_scaler).sum().div(hyp['opt']['loss_scale_scaler']) ## Note, as noted in the original blog posts, the summing here does a kind of loss scaling
## (and is thus batchsize dependent as a result). This can be somewhat good or bad, depending...
# we only take the last-saved accs and losses from train
if epoch_step % 50 == 0:
train_acc = (outputs.detach().argmax(-1) == targets.argmax(-1)).float().mean().item()
train_loss = loss.detach().cpu().item()/(batchsize*loss_batchsize_scaler)
## Step for each optimizer, in turn.
# We only want to step the lr_schedulers while we have training steps to consume. Otherwise we get a not-so-friendly error from PyTorch
## Using 'set_to_none' I believe is slightly faster (albeit riskier w/ funky gradient update workflows) than under the default 'set to zero' method
current_steps += 1
if epoch >= ema_epoch_start and current_steps % hyp['misc']['ema']['every_n_steps'] == 0:
## Initialize the ema from the network at this point in time if it does not already exist.... :D
if net_ema is None: # don't snapshot the network yet if so!
net_ema = NetworkEMA(net)
# We warm up our ema's decay/momentum value over training exponentially according to the hyp config dictionary (this lets us move fast, then average strongly at the end).
net_ema.update(net, decay=projected_ema_decay_val*(current_steps/total_train_steps)**hyp['misc']['ema']['decay_pow'])
total_time_seconds += 1e-3 * starter.elapsed_time(ender)
# Evaluation Mode #
eval_batchsize = 2500
assert data['eval']['images'].shape[0] % eval_batchsize == 0, "Error: The eval batchsize must evenly divide the eval dataset (for now, we don't have drop_remainder implemented yet)."
loss_list_val, acc_list, acc_list_ema = [], [], []
with torch.no_grad():
for inputs, targets in get_batches(data, key='eval', batchsize=eval_batchsize):
if epoch >= ema_epoch_start:
outputs = net_ema(inputs)
acc_list_ema.append((outputs.argmax(-1) == targets.argmax(-1)).float().mean())
outputs = net(inputs)
loss_list_val.append(loss_fn(outputs, targets).float().mean())
acc_list.append((outputs.argmax(-1) == targets.argmax(-1)).float().mean())
val_acc = torch.stack(acc_list).mean().item()
ema_val_acc = None
# TODO: We can fuse these two operations (just above and below) all-together like :D :))))
if epoch >= ema_epoch_start:
ema_val_acc = torch.stack(acc_list_ema).mean().item()
val_loss = torch.stack(loss_list_val).mean().item()
# We basically need to look up local variables by name so we can have the names, so we can pad to the proper column width.
## Printing stuff in the terminal can get tricky and this used to use an outside library, but some of the required stuff seemed even
## more heinous than this, unfortunately. So we switched to the "more simple" version of this!
format_for_table = lambda x, locals: (f"{locals[x]}".rjust(len(x))) \
if type(locals[x]) == int else "{:0.4f}".format(locals[x]).rjust(len(x)) \
if locals[x] is not None \
else " "*len(x)
# Print out our training details (sorry for the complexity, the whole logging business here is a bit of a hot mess once the columns need to be aligned and such....)
## We also check to see if we're in our final epoch so we can print the 'bottom' of the table for each round.
print_training_details(list(map(partial(format_for_table, locals=locals()), logging_columns_list)), is_final_entry=(epoch >= math.ceil(hyp['misc']['train_epochs'] - 1)))
return ema_val_acc # Return the final ema accuracy achieved (not using the 'best accuracy' selection strategy, which I think is okay here....)
if __name__ == "__main__":
acc_list = []
for run_num in range(25):
print("Mean and variance:", (torch.mean(torch.stack(acc_list)).item(), torch.var(torch.stack(acc_list)).item()))
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