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Save tysonwepprich/01b9d85a07b07039ebe2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Thanks to @greghirson who totally knocked this out of the park!
# Based on his work, here's a simple script to pull monthly prices from the USDA NASS website.
x <- postForm(uri = "",
source_desc = "SURVEY", sector_desc="CROPS",
group_desc="FIELD CROPS", commodity_desc="CORN",
statisticcat_desc="PRICE RECEIVED",
short_desc="CORN, GRAIN - PRICE RECEIVED, MEASURED IN $ / BU", agg_level_desc="NATIONAL",
state_name = "US TOTAL",
year = "1977",
year = "1978",
year = "1979",
year = "1980",
year = "1981",
year = "1982",
year = "1983",
year = "1984",
year = "1985",
year = "1986",
year = "1987",
year = "1988",
year = "1989",
year = "1990",
year = "1991",
year = "1992",
year = "1993",
year = "1994",
year = "1995",
year = "1996",
year = "1997",
year = "1998",
year = "1999",
year = "2000",
year = "2001",
year = "2002",
year = "2003",
year = "2004",
year = "2005",
year = "2006",
year = "2007",
year = "2008",
year = "2009",
year = "2010",
freq_desc = "MONTHLY",
reference_period_desc= "JAN",
reference_period_desc= "FEB",
reference_period_desc= "MAR",
reference_period_desc= "APR",
reference_period_desc= "MAY",
reference_period_desc= "JUN",
reference_period_desc= "JUL",
reference_period_desc= "AUG",
reference_period_desc= "SEP",
reference_period_desc= "OCT",
reference_period_desc= "NOV",
reference_period_desc= "DEC",
breadcrumb = "reference_period_desc")
x2 <- gsub("\"", "", x)
y <- getURL(paste("", x2, sep = ""))
yparse <- htmlParse(y, asText=T)
path <- xpathSApply(yparse, "//a", xmlAttrs)[[1]]["href"]
datapath <- gsub(".url", "", strsplit(path, c("/"), fixed = TRUE)[[1]][3])
usdaData <- read.csv(paste("", datapath, ".csv", sep = ""))
# I turned the year and month lists into, well, lists.
# now it's a lot shorter
years <- 1970:2010
yearList <- list(year=as.character(years))
months <- c("JAN","FEB","MAR","APR","MAY","JUN","JUL","AUG","SEP","OCT","NOV","DEC")
monthList <- list(reference_period_desc= months)
myParams <- list(source_desc = "SURVEY", sector_desc="CROPS",
group_desc="FIELD CROPS", commodity_desc="CORN",
statisticcat_desc="PRICE RECEIVED",
short_desc="CORN, GRAIN - PRICE RECEIVED, MEASURED IN $ / BU", agg_level_desc="NATIONAL",
state_name = "US TOTAL",
freq_desc = "MONTHLY",
reference_period_desc= "JAN",
breadcrumb = "reference_period_desc")
myParams <- c(myParams, yearList, monthList)
x <- postForm(uri = "",
.params = myParams)
x2 <- gsub("\"", "", x)
y <- getURL(paste("", x2, sep = ""))
yparse <- htmlParse(y, asText=T)
path <- xpathSApply(yparse, "//a", xmlAttrs)[[1]]["href"]
datapath <- gsub(".url", "", strsplit(path, c("/"), fixed = TRUE)[[1]][3])
usdaData <- read.csv(paste("", datapath, ".csv", sep = ""))
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