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Last active December 6, 2019 22:06
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mountain light
#include <avr/sleep.h>
#include <avr/power.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
volatile int f_wdt = 1;
int relayPowerPin = 3; // I supply the relay with 5v power using this pin
int lightSensorPowerPin = 4; // I supply the photoresistor with 5v power using this pin
int relayDataPin = 7; // Output pin for switching relay
int lightDataPin = A2; // Input pin for reading photoresistance
int clockAdjustment; // I use this to manage my delays so things work smoother
bool lastReading; // Used to detect change from day-time to night-time
/* ==== ISR is run when after a the WDT interrupt ==== */
// Good info found here:
ISR(WDT_vect) {
if(f_wdt == 0)
f_wdt = 1;
/* ==== Configures my Watchdog timer to be a nonresetting interrupt every 8 seconds ==== */
void configureWatchdog() {
cli(); // disable system interrupts during watchdog configuration
wdt_reset(); // reset the watchdog timer
WDTCSR |= (1<<WDCE) | (1<<WDE); // follow unlocking procedure at the bottom of page 51 on the datasheet
WDTCSR = 1<<WDP0 | 1<<WDP3; // 8 seconds - Page 55 of the datasheet
WDTCSR |= _BV(WDIE); // Enable the WD interrupt (note no reset)
sei(); // enable interrupts again, it's cool now
void configureRelay(int relayPowerPin, int relayDataPin, int lightDataPin) {
// creates starting values for the relay, makes the relay closed
digitalWrite(relayPowerPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayDataPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayDataPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayPowerPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(lightDataPin, LOW);
lastReading = true;
/* ==== setup Sets up my baud rate, listens on A1 for UV readings, writes to the relay on 13, sets my clock speed to 1MHz, and runs my watchdog configurating ==== */
void setup() {
configureWatchdog(); // I put this above the pre-scaler in hopes it would help with the 8 second issue
CLKPR = 0x80; // unlock prescaler
CLKPR = 0x04; // set prescaler
clockAdjustment = 16; // I change this to 16 if I uncomment the prescaler above for dev purposes
configureRelay(relayPowerPin, relayDataPin, lightDataPin);
/* ==== sleepControl puts the processor to sleep ==== */
void sleepControl() {
set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); // using power save sleep mode
sleep_enable(); // enabling the possibility of sleeping
sleep_mode(); // executing the set sleep mode
// this is exactly where the code continues after waking up
sleep_disable(); // disabling the possibility of sleeping
/* ==== resets our watchdog flag so we don't go to sleep when we're not supposed to ==== */
void setFlagAndSleep() {
if(f_wdt == 1)
f_wdt = 0;
/* ==== reads our UV Sensor ==== */
unsigned int getLightReading(int lightSensorPowerPin) {
digitalWrite(lightSensorPowerPin, HIGH);
byte numberOfReadings = 10;
unsigned int runningValue = 0;
for (int x = 0 ; x < numberOfReadings ; x++) {
runningValue += analogRead(lightDataPin);
runningValue /= numberOfReadings;
return runningValue;
// reviewLight(runningValue);
/* ==== Evaluates last UV reading ==== */
bool isDaytime(int lightValue) {
return lightValue > 75;
/* ==== Sends appropriate signal to the relay based on our last UV reading ==== */
void setLight(int clockAdjustment, int relayPowerPin, int lightDataPin, bool isDay) {
if ((isDay) && (!lastReading))
digitalWrite(relayPowerPin, HIGH);
delay(2000/clockAdjustment); // I have these delays to give the arduino enough time to ramp up the pin to 5v
digitalWrite(relayDataPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayDataPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayPowerPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(lightDataPin, LOW);
else if ((!isDay) && (lastReading))
digitalWrite(relayPowerPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayDataPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayDataPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(relayPowerPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(lightDataPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(relayPowerPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(lightDataPin, LOW);
lastReading = isDay;
void loop() {
unsigned int lightReading = getLightReading(lightSensorPowerPin);
bool isDay = isDaytime(lightReading);
setLight(clockAdjustment, relayPowerPin, lightDataPin, isDay);
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