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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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automation test
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# vim:set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab textwidth=79:
# work with python 2.7
import subprocess
import select
import Queue
Task_Queue = Queue.Queue()
poller = select.epoll()
tasks = {}
su = {}
def run(task, host):
cmd = "ssh -n %s \"%s %s\"" % (host, task['cmd'], task['args'])
print cmd
p = subprocess.Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
su[p.stdout.fileno()] = p
tasks[p.stdout.fileno()] = (task['name'], host)
poller.register(p.stdout, select.EPOLLHUP)
def add_task(task_desc):
for i in xrange(1, task_desc['count'] + 1):
cmd = task_desc['program']
args = task_desc['args'] % i
item = {'name': task_desc['name'] % i, 'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}
class machine_Queue:
def __init__(self):
self.size = 0
self.queue = []
self.pos = 0
def add_item_by_lambda(self, lambda_expr, size):
self.size = size
self.queue = map(lambda_expr, xrange(1, size + 1))
def get(self):
if self.size == 0:
raise Exception("Machine Queue is empty!")
pos = self.pos
self.pos += 1
if self.pos == self.size:
self.pos = 0
return self.queue[pos]
def debug(self):
return self.queue
def main():
'''main: Main function
Description goes here.
task1 = {'count': 16, 'program': "cd ~/CMPUT429/as04/result; ./",
'args': "%s ../500.txt", 'name': "global-500-%02d"}
task2 = {'count': 16, 'program': "cd ~/CMPUT429/as04/result; ./",
'args': "%s ../500.txt", 'name': 'nolock-500-%02d'}
task3 = {'count': 16, 'program': "cd ~/CMPUT429/as04/result; ./",
'args': "%s ../500.txt", 'name': 'local-500-%02d'}
Hosts = machine_Queue()
expr = lambda x: "ug%02d" % (x + 1)
Hosts.add_item_by_lambda(expr, 30)
print Hosts.debug()
print Task_Queue.qsize()
jobs_count = 0
while True:
for fd, flags in poller.poll(timeout=1):
print "Node <%s> task [%s] done" % (tasks[fd][1], tasks[fd][0])
jobs_count -= 1
while jobs_count < MAX_JOBS:
if not Task_Queue.empty():
# start a new job
jobs_desc = Task_Queue.get()
h = Hosts.get()
print "START JOB [%s] on Node <%s>" % (jobs_desc['name'], h)
jobs_count += 1
run(jobs_desc, h)
if jobs_count == 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':
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