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Created June 15, 2022 02:23
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<div class='control-bar navbar'>
<div class="field is-horizontal">
<div class="field has-addons">
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<button class="button is-primary">
<main class='lt-main main'>
document.querySelector('#btn_go').addEventListener("click", add_item);
function close_me(e){
async function get_tooltip(item_id) {
const res = await axios('' + item_id);
return await res.json()
async function add_item() {
let root = document.querySelector('.main');
let item_id = document.querySelector('#item_input').value;
if (item_id == ""){
const res = await get_tooltip(item_id);
root.innerHTML += res.html;
// root.innerHTML += `<div class="tp-mc">
// <h4 class="tp-i-q3">Quiver of a Thousand Feathers</h4>
// <span class="tp-i-q">Item Level 70</span>
// <span>Binds when equipped</span>
// <span>24 Slot Quiver</span>
// <span>Requires Level 70</span>
// </div>`
let last_ele = root.lastChild
last_ele.innerHTML += "<span class='close' onclick='close_me(this)'></span>"
<script src=""></script>
.control-bar {
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padding-buttom: 0;
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height: 600px;
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border: .0625rem solid rgba(84,84,88,.6);
padding: 0.625rem;
height: fit-content;
margin-left: 1em;
position: relative;
.tp-mc .close::before {
content: ' ';
cursor: pointer;
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 10px;
right: 10px;
z-index: 10;
background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' viewBox='0 0 512 512'%3E%3Cpath d='M256 48C141.31 48 48 141.31 48 256s93.31 208 208 208s208-93.31 208-208S370.69 48 256 48zm75.31 260.69a16 16 0 1 1-22.62 22.62L256 278.63l-52.69 52.68a16 16 0 0 1-22.62-22.62L233.37 256l-52.68-52.69a16 16 0 0 1 22.62-22.62L256 233.37l52.69-52.68a16 16 0 0 1 22.62 22.62L278.63 256z' fill='%2354545899'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E");
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