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Created September 26, 2022 21:34
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#name 75-77 祖达克
step << Alliance
#label Priorities
.goto ZulDrak,32.03,74.42,0,0
>>交谈 Riannah
>> 交任务:资源调配
.isOnQuest 12770
.goto ZulDrak,32.18,74.39
.fp Light's Breach >>Get the Light's Breach Flight Path
#requires Priorities
#completewith next
+Make sure to save all of the "Drakkari Offerings" you get in the zone for later quests
#requires Priorities
>>前往 Light's Breach. 交谈 Moky, Lantinga, Rageclaw, and the Wanted Poster
>> 接任务:火仍在烧!
>> | 圣光据点的萨满长者莫奇希望你转至怒爪巢穴,使用怒爪灭火器扑灭15堆火焰。
.goto ZulDrak,32.02,75.60
>> 接任务:寻找答案
>> | 转至怒爪巢穴寻找线索,查出向怒爪狼獾人发动进攻的幕后主使。
.goto ZulDrak,32.15,75.74
>> 接任务:巨魔疯啦!
>> | 祖达克圣光据点的怒爪酋长希望你使用从达库鲁巨魔身上找到的达库鲁“开锁器”,解救8名被俘虏的怒爪狼獾人。
.goto ZulDrak,32.17,75.64
>> 接任务:悬赏:怒鬃的鳍肢
>> | 得到怒鬃的鳍肢,将它交给圣光据点的怒爪酋长。
.goto ZulDrak,32.26,75.68
#completewith Ragemane
.goto ZulDrak,34.8,85.1,0
.goto ZulDrak,34.7,80.6,0
.use 41131 >>Spam use the Rageclaw Fire Extinguisher in your bags when next to huts that are on fire.
>> 完成:火仍在烧! - 扑灭火焰 x 15
#completewith Fires
.goto ZulDrak,34.8,85.1,0
.goto ZulDrak,34.7,80.6,0
>>Kill Undead Trolls in the area. Loot them for their Lock Openers
.use 41161 >>Use them on Captured Rageclaws to free them
.collect 41161,8,12861,1,-1
>> 完成:巨魔疯啦! - 解救被俘虏的怒爪狼獾人 x 8
.goto ZulDrak,34.94,83.90
>>Click the floating scroll
>> 交任务:寻找答案
>> 接任务:达库鲁的命令
>> | 将达库鲁的命令交给祖达克圣光据点的北伐军领主兰迪加。
#label Ragemane
.goto ZulDrak,38.29,84.93
>>Go out into the water. Kill Ragemane. Loot him for his Flipper. Find a group for this
>>Try to do this quest as the weapon rewards are VERY good and last you until 80 << !Warlock !Mage !Priest
>> 完成:悬赏:怒鬃的鳍肢 - 怒鬃的鳍肢1
#label Fires
.goto ZulDrak,34.8,85.1,80,0
.goto ZulDrak,34.7,80.6
.use 41131 >>Use the Rageclaw Fire Extinguisher when next to a hut that's on fire
>> 完成:火仍在烧! - 扑灭火焰 x 15
.goto ZulDrak,34.8,85.1,80,0
.goto ZulDrak,34.7,80.6
>>Kill Undead Trolls in the area. Loot them for their Lock Openers (that go into your bag)
.use 41161 >>Use them on Captured Rageclaws to free them
.collect 41161,8,12861,1,-1
>> 完成:巨魔疯啦! - 解救被俘虏的怒爪狼獾人 x 8
>>返回 Light's Breach. 交谈 Lantinga, Rageclaw, and Moky
>> 交任务:达库鲁的命令
>> 接任务:黑锋哨站
>> | 将达库鲁的命令交给祖达克黑锋哨站的斯特凡·瓦杜。
>> 接任务:北伐军前线营地
>> | 在祖达克的北伐军前线营地寻找北伐军战士马克拉尔。
.goto ZulDrak,32.15,75.74
>> 交任务:悬赏:怒鬃的鳍肢
>> 交任务:巨魔疯啦!
.goto ZulDrak,32.17,75.64
>> 交任务:火仍在烧!
.goto ZulDrak,32.02,75.60
>>Ride to the Crusader Forward Camp. 交谈 Mackeller and Reed
>> 交任务:北伐军前线营地
>> 接任务:朋友的意义……
>> | 北伐军前线营地的北伐军战士马克拉尔要求你找到北伐军战士达加斯、戈尔克和布尔。
.goto ZulDrak,25.28,63.96
>> 接任务:从无到有
>> | 北伐军前线营地的工程师里德要求你收集10块天灾金属废料。
.goto ZulDrak,25.22,63.88
.goto ZulDrak,25.05,51.61
>>Travel close to Crusader Dargath until the objective completes
>> 完成:朋友的意义…… - 找到北伐军战士达加斯1
.goto ZulDrak,19.78,56.35
>>交谈 Gymer in the giant cage. Try to avoid killing the Vargul in the area
>> 接任务:风暴将至
>> | 风暴巨人之王盖米尔要求你想办法把他从笼子里面救出来。与北伐军前线营地的工程师里德谈谈该怎么办。
.goto ZulDrak,17.64,57.55
>>交谈 Gerk in the plague tank. Try to avoid killing the Vargul in the area
>> 完成:朋友的意义…… - 找到戈尔克1
>> 接任务:圣光不能为我复仇
>> | 塞穆之末的戈尔克希望你去消灭15个瓦古维库人。
#completewith Metal
.goto ZulDrak,19.8,56.9,0
.goto ZulDrak,23.2,54.7,0
.goto ZulDrak,21.4,51.3,0
.goto ZulDrak,15.0,61.3,0
>>Kill any Vargul humanoid in the area
>> 完成:圣光不能为我复仇 - 杀死瓦古维库人 x 15
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,19.5,58.9,0
.goto ZulDrak,15.3,62.2,0
.goto ZulDrak,13.3,59.9,0
.goto ZulDrak,18.7,54.5,0
>>Collect pieces of Scrap Metal scattered throughout the area
>> 完成:从无到有 - 天灾金属废料 x 10
.goto ZulDrak,15.67,59.41
>>Travel close to Burr until the objective completes
>> 完成:朋友的意义…… - 找到布尔1
#label Metal
.goto ZulDrak,19.1,61.8,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,15.3,62.2,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,13.3,59.9,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,18.7,54.5
>>Collect pieces of Scrap Metal scattered throughout the area
>> 完成:从无到有 - 天灾金属废料 x 10
.goto ZulDrak,19.8,56.9,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,23.2,54.7,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,21.4,51.3,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,15.0,61.3
>>Kill any Vargul humanoid in the area
>> 完成:圣光不能为我复仇 - 杀死瓦古维库人 x 15
.goto ZulDrak,17.64,57.55
>>交谈 Gerk
>> 交任务:圣光不能为我复仇
>>返回 the Crusader Forward Camp. 交谈 Reed and MacKellar
>> 交任务:风暴将至
>> 接任务:拯救盖米尔
>> | 北伐军前线营地的工程师里德希望你交给他6份女妖精华和6份硅藻土。
>> 交任务:从无到有
.goto ZulDrak,25.22,63.88
>> 交任务:朋友的意义……
.goto ZulDrak,25.28,63.96
#completewith ewfp
.goto ZulDrak,23.4,54.6,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,28.3,63.1,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,24.9,58.2,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,22.5,62.8,70,0
>>Kill Banshees in the area. Loot them for their Essence
>> 完成:拯救盖米尔 - 女妖精华 x 6
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,16.3,73.8,0
.goto ZulDrak,12.1,76.1,0
.goto ZulDrak,12.9,69.6,0
>>Kill Icetouched Earthragers in the area. Loot them for their Earth
>> 完成:拯救盖米尔 - 硅藻土 x 6
#label ewfp
.goto ZulDrak,14.00,73.58,-1
.fp Ebon Watch >>Get the Ebon Watch Flight Path
.goto ZulDrak,14.06,73.79,-1
>>Ride to The Ebon Watch. 交谈 Stefan
>> 交任务:黑锋哨站
>> 接任务:纳斯和巨魔的毛发
>> | 黑锋哨站的斯特凡要求你使用纳斯从干瘪的巨魔身上收集10份毛发样本。$b$b如果你把纳斯弄丢了,就回到斯特凡那里去找他。
#requires ewfp
#completewith HairS
.goto ZulDrak,16.57,72.46,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,16.82,75.62,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,11.38,76.96,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,12.62,70.90,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,16.57,72.46,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,16.82,75.62,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,11.38,76.96,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,12.62,70.90
>>Kill Icetouched Earthragers in the area. Loot them for their Earth
>> 完成:拯救盖米尔 - 硅藻土 x 6
#label UnlivC
.goto ZulDrak,18.8,68.9,0,0
.use 38660 >>Kill Withered Trolls in the area. Loot them for the Unliving Choker then start the quest from it
.collect 38660,1,12631
>> 接任务:某种邀请……
>> | 将尸灵项圈交给黑锋哨站的斯特凡。
#label HairS
.goto ZulDrak,12.94,68.88,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,19.39,69.55,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,18.49,73.92
.use 38659 >>Kill a Withered Troll then use Stefan's Steel Toed Boot in your bags to collect a Hair Sample.
>>If you lose Nass, return to Stefan Vadu and have him appear again.
>> 完成:纳斯和巨魔的毛发 - 收集毛发样本 x 10
.goto ZulDrak,16.3,73.8,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,11.4,76.7,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,12.9,69.6,50,0
.goto ZulDrak,16.2,72.1
>>Kill Icetouched Earthragers in the area. Loot them for their Earth
>> 完成:拯救盖米尔 - 硅藻土 x 6
#requires UnlivC
>>返回 Ebon Watch. 交谈 Stefan
>> 交任务:纳斯和巨魔的毛发
>> 交任务:某种邀请……
>> 接任务:幸免于难
>> | 黑锋哨站的斯特凡要你将尸灵项圈交给血玫瑰达图拉。
.goto ZulDrak,14.06,73.79
>>交谈 Datura, then talk to Stefan
>> 接任务:银色前沿
>> | 黑锋哨站的血玫瑰达图拉要求你去跟银色前沿的指挥官法斯塔夫谈一谈。
>> 完成:幸免于难 - 发现项圈的用途1
.goto ZulDrak,14.28,74.04
>> 交任务:幸免于难
>> 接任务:无处可藏
>> | 黑锋哨站的斯特凡要你到折磨之匣下面去,从腐烂憎恶身上收集5份腐烂憎恶之物,并收集5份黏稠的食尸鬼口水。
.goto ZulDrak,14.06,73.79
#label Drool
.goto ZulDrak,21.1,78.3,0,0
>>Circle around the Reliquary of Agony. Loot 5 Gooey Ghoul Drool (Slimes) on the ground
>> 完成:无处可藏 - 黏稠的食尸鬼口水 x 5
.goto ZulDrak,19.0,77.6,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,18.1,81.2,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,24.2,76.7
>>Kill Putrid Abominations around the area. Loot them for their Guts
>> 完成:无处可藏 - 腐烂憎恶之物 x 5
#requires OEnemy
.goto Dragonblight,84.02,26.14
>>前往 Light's Trust
>> 接任务:净化金萨卡拉
>> | 龙骨荒野圣光之望礼拜堂的北伐军战士瓦鲁斯要求你去消灭15个金萨卡拉天灾成员。
#completewith next
.goto Dragonblight,88.16,19.81,0
>>Kill scourge mobs around the area
>> 完成:净化金萨卡拉 - 消灭金萨卡拉的天灾成员 x 15
.goto Dragonblight,89.50,19.12
>>Use the Seeds of Nature's Warth in your bags to weaken Overseer Deathgaze. Kill him
>> 完成:创造与毁灭的力量 - 被削弱的监工戴瑟盖斯1
.use 37887
.isOnQuest 12459
.goto Dragonblight,88.4,21.7,70,0
.goto Dragonblight,87.3,18.6,70,0
.goto Dragonblight,89.0,19.1
>>Kill the Scourge around the area
>> 完成:净化金萨卡拉 - 消灭金萨卡拉的天灾成员 x 15
.goto Dragonblight,83.99,26.07
>>返回 Light's Trust
>> 交任务:净化金萨卡拉
>> 接任务:转至圣光据点!
>> | 圣光之望礼拜堂的北伐军战士瓦鲁斯要你转至祖达克的圣光据点,向莉安娜中士报到。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,18.25,84.82,60,0
.zone ZulDrak >> 前往 Zul'Drak
#requires Drool
.goto ZulDrak,14.06,73.79
>>返回 Ebon Watch. 交谈 Stefan
>> 交任务:无处可藏
>> 接任务:乔装打扮
>> | 黑锋哨站的斯特凡要你使用迷惑项圈激活天灾伪装。$b$b在天灾形态下,到骨肠那里去购买苦痛浆液。$b$b如果你丢失了迷惑项圈,可以返回黑锋哨站的斯特凡那里去再要一个。
#completewith Gristlegut
+Reapply the Disguise with the Ensorcelled Choker in your bags if it falls off
.use 38699
.goto ZulDrak,19.86,75.43
>>Use the Enscorcelled Choker in your bags just before reaching the undead area
>>交谈 Gristlegut at the Reliquary. Buy some Bitter Plasma from him for Dressing Down as well as other foods/drink if needed
>> 接任务:喂饱食尸鬼
>> | 折磨之匣的骨肠要求你在10只腐烂的食尸鬼附近使用杂碎大餐。
>> 完成:乔装打扮 - 苦痛浆液1
.goto ZulDrak,21.6,72.7,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,23.3,76.4,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,20.6,79.7,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,19.3,77.8
.use 38701 >>Use the Bowls and Brains Bowl in your bags near Ghouls at the Reliquary to feed them. Avoid Blightguards as they can see through your disguise
>>NOTE: you do NOT need to be disguised for this quest if you want to move faster, but if you aggro the ghoul you cannot feed them
>> 完成:喂饱食尸鬼 - 为腐烂的食尸鬼喂食 x 10
#label Gristlegut
.goto ZulDrak,19.86,75.43
>>交谈 Gristlegut while disguised
>> 交任务:喂饱食尸鬼
.goto ZulDrak,14.1,73.8
>>返回 Ebon Watch. 交谈 Stefan
>> 交任务:乔装打扮
>> 接任务:潜入沃尔塔鲁斯
>> | 斯特凡你要你使用迷惑项圈进入沃尔塔鲁斯,并按照天灾军团指挥官的命令行动。$b$b如果你丢失了迷惑项圈,可以返回黑锋哨站的斯特凡那里去再要一个。
.goto ZulDrak,14.1,73.8
>>返回 Ebon Watch. 交谈 Stefan
>> 交任务:乔装打扮
.goto ZulDrak,23.4,54.6,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,28.3,63.1,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,27.14,64.35,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,24.9,58.2,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,22.5,62.8,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,23.4,54.6
>>Kill Banshee Soulclaimers. Loot them for their Essence
>> 完成:拯救盖米尔 - 女妖精华 x 6
.goto ZulDrak,25.22,63.88
>>返回 the Crusader Forward Camp. 交谈 Reed
>> 交任务:拯救盖米尔
>> 接任务:唯一的希望
>> | 在祖达克的塞穆之末使用巨型爆盐炸弹,打开囚禁着盖米尔的天灾围栏,然后与盖米尔谈一谈。
.goto ZulDrak,19.78,56.35
>>Right click Gymer's cage, then talk to him
>> 完成:唯一的希望 - 炸毁天灾围栏1
>> 交任务:唯一的希望
>> 接任务:风暴之王的复仇
>> | 与盖米尔交谈以开始行动。$B$B骑着盖米尔去消灭100个天灾士兵,并消灭天选者奥贾尔、塞穆和纳瓦留斯王子。成功之后,向北伐军前线营地的北伐军战士马克拉尔报告。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,19.78,56.35
.vehicle >> 交谈 Gymer to ride him
.skipgossip 3
#completewith Thrym
.goto ZulDrak,28.6,61.1,0
.goto ZulDrak,23.5,57.7,0
.goto ZulDrak,23.9,63.1,0
>>Kill Scourge when mounted on Gymer in the area. Use Gymer's Grab (3) to grab a nearby Vargul, then use Gymer's Throw (4) to deal AoE damage in a large range to kill many at once
>> 完成:风暴之王的复仇 - 杀死天灾士兵 x 100
.loop 45,ZulDrak,29.59,47.23,30.29,45.17,29.39,42.97,27.65,42.46,26.75,44.53,27.33,46.94,29.59,47.23
>>Travel North-East to Algar (he patrols the Reliquary anti-clockwise). Use Gymer's Smash (1) to deal damage. Use Gymer's Grab (3) to grab Storm Clouds, as these will give you instant energy regen and a heal. Use Gymer's Throw (4) if you accidentally pick up an undead.
>> 完成:风暴之王的复仇 - 天选者奥贾尔1
.goto ZulDrak,32.60,63.84
>>Travel South-east to Prince Navarius. Use Gymer's Smash (1) to deal damage. Use Gymer's Grab (3) to grab Storm Clouds, as these will give you instant energy regen and a heal. Use Gymer's Throw (4) if you accidentally pick up an undead.
>> 完成:风暴之王的复仇 - 纳瓦留斯王子1
#label Thrym
.goto ZulDrak,32.60,63.84
>>After killing Navarius, Thrym will spawn on top of you. Use Gymer's Grab (3) to grab Storm Clouds, as these will give you instant energy regen and a heal. Use Gymer's Throw (4) if you accidentally pick up an undead.
>> 完成:风暴之王的复仇 - 塞穆1
.goto ZulDrak,26.8,60.2,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,23.5,57.7,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,23.9,63.1
>>Kill Scourge when mounted on Gymer in the area. Use Gymer's Grab to grab a nearby Vargul, then use Gymer's Throw to deal AoE damage in a large range to kill many at once
>> 完成:风暴之王的复仇 - 杀死天灾士兵 x 100
.goto ZulDrak,25.28,63.96
>>返回 the Crusader Forward Camp. Unmount Gymer then talk to MacKeller
>> 交任务:风暴之王的复仇
#completewith Betrayal
+Reapply the Disguise with the Ensorcelled Choker in your bags if it falls off
.use 38699
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,20,0
.goto ZulDrak,27.1,46.1
>>Use the teleporter (green circle) in the middle of the Reliquary of Pain. Teleport up to Voltarus then talk to Drakuru (The teleporter doesn't work if you're not disguised)
>> 接任务:黑暗的地平线
>> | 沃尔塔鲁斯的达库鲁要求你与高尔巴格交谈,并游览祖达克。
.goto ZulDrak,29.9,48.1
.goto ZulDrak,30.8,49.9,30 >>交谈 Gorebag at the south-east side of Voltarus. Ask him to send you on a tour of Zul'Drak
.timer 210,Tour of Zul'Drak
>> 完成:黑暗的地平线 - 游览祖达克1
.goto ZulDrak,27.1,46.1
>>返回 Drakuru
>> 交任务:黑暗的地平线
>> 完成:潜入沃尔塔鲁斯 - 完成达库鲁大王的任务1
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >>Take the teleporter (green circle) in the middle of Voltarus to teleport down to the Reliquary of Pain
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,20,0
.goto ZulDrak,28.1,44.8
.use 41390 >>Use Stefan's Horn in your bags to summon Stefan. 交谈 him when he lands
>> 交任务:潜入沃尔塔鲁斯
>> 接任务:当前为止,一切很糟
>> | 黑锋哨站的斯特凡要你回到达库鲁身边并听从他的指挥。$b$b在痛苦之匣一带对5只瘟疫之锅使用稀释药剂。$b$b如果你丢失了迷惑项圈,可以返回黑锋哨站的斯特凡那里去再要一个。
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,20,0
.goto ZulDrak,27.1,46.1
>>返回 Drakuru in Voltarus
>> 接任务:官大一级压死人
>> | 沃尔塔鲁斯的指挥官达库鲁要你对荒芜恶鬼使用暗示节杖,并指挥它们采集7颗荒芜水晶。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport down to the Reliquary of Pain
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,20,0
.goto ZulDrak,26.9,47.1,10,0
.goto ZulDrak,29.6,47.4,10,0
.goto ZulDrak,30.9,45.2,10,0
.goto ZulDrak,31.0,43.3,0
.use 39154 >>Use the Diluting Additive in your bags on the cauldrons in the area to dilute them. Run away from the area after to avoid the Blightguards that spawn
>> 完成:当前为止,一切很糟 - 稀释瘟疫之锅 x 5
.goto ZulDrak,27.3,46.2
.use 39157 >>Use the Scepter of Suggestion in your bags on a Blight Geist in the area, then use its "Harvest Blight Crystal" ability at one of the nearby crystals. Wait for it to run to the Voltarus teleporter before taming another to complete the objective
>> 完成:官大一级压死人 - 采集荒芜水晶 x 7
.goto ZulDrak,26.9,47.1,20,0
.goto ZulDrak,29.6,47.4,20,0
.goto ZulDrak,30.9,45.2,20,0
.goto ZulDrak,31.0,43.3
.use 39154 >>Use the Diluting Additive in your bags on the cauldrons in the area to dilute them
>> 完成:当前为止,一切很糟 - 稀释瘟疫之锅 x 5
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport up to Voltarus through the portal
.goto ZulDrak,27.1,46.2
>>返回 Drakuru
>> 交任务:官大一级压死人
>> 完成:当前为止,一切很糟 - 完成达库鲁的任务1
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport down to the Reliquary of Pain
.goto ZulDrak,28.1,44.8
>>Take the teleporter (green circle) in the middle of Voltarus to teleport down
.use 41390 >>Use Stefan's Horn in your bags to summon Stefan. 交谈 him when he lands
>> 交任务:当前为止,一切很糟
>> 接任务:危险的材料
>> | 黑锋哨站的斯特凡要你转至沃尔塔鲁斯,并完成达库鲁给予的任务。你还要从那里偷取5块采集到的荒芜水晶。$b$b如果你丢失了迷惑项圈,可以返回黑锋哨站的斯特凡那里去再要一个。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport up to Voltarus through the portal
.goto ZulDrak,27.1,46.1
>>返回 Drakuru
>> 接任务:不能容忍
>> | 沃尔塔鲁斯的达库鲁要求你转至痛苦之匣,对一名达库鲁的仆从使用强化节杖,然后使用它的技能击败达穆克。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport down to the Reliquary of Pain (green portal)
.goto ZulDrak,31.0,51.1
.use 39206 >>Use the Scepter of Empowerment in your bags on a Servant of Drakuru en route to Darmuk
>>Send in the servant and use the Ferocious Enrage ability. Then, use Gut Rip and Stunning Force on cooldown. Try to use Stunning Force when Darmuk buffs himself with Darmuk's Vigilance.
>> 完成:不能容忍 - 杀死达穆克1
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport up to Voltarus
.goto ZulDrak,27.1,46.1
>>返回 Drakuru
>> 交任务:不能容忍
>> 完成:危险的材料 - 完成达库鲁的任务1
.goto ZulDrak,27.3,45.9,30,0
.goto ZulDrak,28.8,46.7,30,0
.goto ZulDrak,29.7,45.3,30,0
.goto ZulDrak,29.4,43.6,30,0
.goto ZulDrak,27.6,43.1
>>Circle Voltarus. Collect the normal wooden crates of the Harvested Blight Crystal scattered around the outer perimeter
>>Note you may only loot the crates whilst disguised
>> 完成:危险的材料 - Quest:12677:21
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport down to the Reliquary of Pain
.goto ZulDrak,28.2,44.9
.use 41390 >>Use Stefan's Horn in your bags to summon Stefan. 交谈 him when he lands
>> 交任务:危险的材料
>> 接任务:爆破活动
>> | 黑锋哨站的斯特凡要求你再去为达库鲁执行一项任务。$B$B除此之外,他还要你转至痛苦之匣,使用炸药束摧毁5辆天灾车。$b$b如果你丢失了迷惑项圈,可以返回黑锋哨站的斯特凡那里去再要一个。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport up to Voltarus
.goto ZulDrak,27.1,46.1
>>返回 Drakuru
>> 接任务:火上浇油
>> | 沃尔塔鲁斯的达库鲁要求你对浮肿的憎恶使用命令节杖,然后利用它们的能力在冰冷裂口击败60名达卡莱裂颅者,并将3名达卡莱酋长引诱出来。$b$b只要击败足够数量的达卡莱裂颅者,酋长们就会出现。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport down to the Reliquary of Pain
.goto ZulDrak,28.7,48.8,12,0
.goto ZulDrak,29.8,47.8,12,0
.goto ZulDrak,29.6,45.4,12,0
.goto ZulDrak,29.7,42.4,12,0
.goto ZulDrak,31.6,44.2
.use 39165 >>Use the Explosive Charges in your bag on the Scourgewagons around the Reliquary to destroy them
>> 完成:爆破活动 - 炸毁天灾车 x 5
.goto ZulDrak,32.5,40.4,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,33.8,37.0
.use 39238 >>Use the Scepter of Command in your bags on Bloated Abominations whilst disguised. Pull as many mobs as possible with your abomination by using Flatulate on cooldown. Use Burst at the Seams to kill the Trolls when the abomination's health is low. You can also bodypull mobs for the Abomination while Disguised as long as you don't attack or cast spells. Chieftains will automatically get lured as you kill the trolls
>> 完成:火上浇油 - 击败达卡莱裂颅者 x 60
>> 完成:火上浇油 - 诱捕达卡莱酋长 x 3
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport up to Voltarus
.goto ZulDrak,27.1,46.1
>>返回 Drakuru
>> 交任务:火上浇油
>> 接任务:真相大白
>> | 沃尔塔鲁斯的达库鲁要求你通过传送器转至他的上层密室。
>> 完成:爆破活动 - 完成达库鲁的任务1
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >>Take the BLUE teleporter above the green one of Voltarus to the upper chambers of Voltarus
.goto ZulDrak,27.2,42.3,10,0
.goto ZulDrak,28.6,45.0
>>交谈 the Musty Coffin in front of you after teleporting to summon Malmortis. Follow him around. DO NOT do anything to drop your disguise, or you'll have to reapply it and talk to the coffin again
>> 完成:真相大白 - 侦察达库鲁的上层密室1
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.8,12 >>Take the green teleporter that Malmortis was standing on to teleport back down to Drakuru
.goto ZulDrak,27.1,46.1
>>返回 Drakuru
>> 交任务:真相大白
>> 完成:爆破活动 - 洞悉达库鲁的秘密1
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport down to the Reliquary of Pain
.goto ZulDrak,28.2,44.9
.use 41390 >>Use Stefan's Horn in your bags to summon Stefan. 交谈 him when he lands
>> 交任务:爆破活动
>> 接任务:背叛
>> | 黑锋哨站的斯特凡要求你击败达库鲁。$b$b如果你丢失了迷惑项圈,可以返回黑锋哨站的斯特凡那里去再要一个。
#label Betrayal
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,28.4,44.9,12 >> Teleport up to Voltarus
.goto ZulDrak,27.1,46.1,10,0
.goto ZulDrak,28.7,44.7
.use 38699
.use 39664 >>Go to Drakuru and ask to accompany him. Use the Scepter of Domination in your bags on Blightblood Trolls when your disguise falls.
>>Attack Drakuru with both your pet and character. Use the Blightblood Troll's Concussion Blow and Powerful Strike on cooldown. Use Brightblood Infusion if your health gets low.
>>If your Blightblood Troll dies, use the Scepter of Domination on another one and repeat the process
>>When he dies, loot the Skull that drops on the ground. 交谈 the floating crystal to teleport back down
>> 完成:背叛 - 达库鲁的徽记1
.goto ZulDrak,27.6,53.4
.use 41390 >>Use Stefan's Horn in your bags to summon Stefan. 交谈 him when he lands
>> 交任务:背叛
.goto ZulDrak,39.43,66.96
>>前往 The Argent Stand. 交谈 Falstaav
>> 交任务:银色前沿
>> 接任务:保卫银色前沿
>> | 指挥官法斯塔夫要你到银色前沿的庭院中去,消灭任意10个天灾军团士兵。
>> 接任务:银色北伐军的降落伞
>> | 银色前沿的指挥官法斯塔夫要你为庭院里的10名银色北伐军战士或银色持盾战士配备降落伞。
.abandon 12789 >>Abandon Into the Breach!
.isOnQuest 12789
.goto ZulDrak,40.3,66.6
>>交谈 Kunz
>> 接任务:紧急事务
>> | 银色前沿的指挥官库恩斯要你转至圣光据点,向莉安娜中士报到。
#completewith Jonathan
.goto ZulDrak,40.83,66.26
.home >> 设定炉石 银色前沿
>>Buy food/water if needed
.goto ZulDrak,40.53,65.61
>>交谈 Ubungo
>> 接任务:希姆埃巴的祝福
>> | 银色前沿的妖术师乌布戈要求你在希姆埃巴的雕像前奉上10份达卡莱供品。
.goto ZulDrak,41.55,64.43
.fp The Argent Stand >>Get the The Argent Stand Flight Path
#completewith next
>>Buy back your Drakkari Offerings if you accidentally sold them, otherwise be prepared for an extra grind
.collect 38551,1
.loop 50,ZulDrak,38.34,65.11,35.25,64.91,35.27,68.55,38.67,68.47,38.34,65.11
.use 39615 >>Kill the Scourge in the area
>>Use the Crusader Parachute in your bags on an Argent Crusader or Shieldman
>> 完成:保卫银色前沿 - 杀死银色前沿的天灾士兵 x 10
>> 完成:银色北伐军的降落伞 - 为银色北伐军士兵配备降落伞 x 10
.loop 50,ZulDrak,38.34,65.11,35.25,64.91,35.27,68.55,38.67,68.47,38.34,65.11
>>Kill undead mobs in the area. Loot them for Drakkari Offerings
.collect 38551,10
.goto ZulDrak,36.70,72.72
>>交谈 the statue
>> 交任务:希姆埃巴的祝福
>>前往 Light's Breach. 交谈 Riannah
.goto ZulDrak,32.0,74.4
>> 交任务:紧急事务
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,32.2,74.4
.fly The Argent Stand >> 飞往 The Argent Stand
>>交谈 Falstaav, Ubungo, and Kunz
>> 交任务:保卫银色前沿
>> 交任务:银色北伐军的降落伞
.goto ZulDrak,39.43,66.96
>> 接任务:西莱图斯祭坛的麻烦
>> | 银色前沿的妖术师乌布戈要你去调查西莱图斯祭坛的主建筑。
.goto ZulDrak,40.52,65.61
>> 接任务:给斯塔哈默中士的新命令
>> | 指挥官库恩斯要你把调度命令交给西莱图斯祭坛的斯塔哈默中士。
>> 接任务:巡逻任务
>> | 银色前沿的指挥官库恩斯要你拜访四座银色北伐军的岗哨,并完成那里的上尉交给你的任务,然后回去向他复命。$b$b布兰顿上尉和鲁伯特上尉驻扎在东南面的达克索塔。$B$B格隆迪尔上尉驻扎在正东边的达克迦尔。$B$B炼金师菲肯斯坦驻扎在北边的赫布瓦罗。
.goto ZulDrak,40.27,66.62
.goto ZulDrak,48.77,78.87
>>交谈 Captain Brandon
>> 接任务:止痛药
>> | 达克索塔的布兰顿上尉希望你从达克索塔农田采集5份成熟的水罂粟。
>>交谈 Captain Rupert and Dr. Rogers in the ruined house
>> 接任务:扔手雷
>> | 达克索塔的鲁伯特上尉希望你在5个蛛魔隧道附近使用高能冲击手雷。
.goto ZulDrak,58.07,72.43
>> 接任务:一个也不能少
>> | 达克索塔的罗杰斯博士要你找到北伐军战士拉莫夫、北伐军战士乔纳森和北伐军战士约瑟芬。对他们使用北伐军的绷带,并护送他们安全回来。
.goto ZulDrak,58.68,72.49
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,49.45,74.71
.cast 50662 >>Use the Crusader's Bandage in your bags on Crusader Josephine inside the building
.goto ZulDrak,58.68,72.49
.use 38330 >>Escort Josephine back to Dr. Rogers
>>Be careful as all crusaders die in 3 minutes after being bandaged
>> 完成:一个也不能少 - 营救北伐军战士约瑟芬1
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,53.58,75.00
.cast 50662 >>Use the Crusader's Bandage in your bags on Crusader Lamoof inside the building
.use 38574
.goto ZulDrak,58.68,72.49
.use 38330 >>Escort Lamoof back to Dr. Rogers
>>Be careful as all crusaders die in 3 minutes after being bandaged
>> 完成:一个也不能少 - 营救北伐军战士拉莫夫1
.goto ZulDrak,54.9,70.4,40,0
.goto ZulDrak,55.7,68.6,30,0
.goto ZulDrak,52.7,67.2
.use 38574 >>Use the High Impact Grenade in your bags on the Nerubian Tunnels (the holes in the ground). They can also be found inside
>> 完成:扔手雷 - 封闭蛛魔隧道 x 5
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,50.67,69.86
.cast 50662 >>Use the Crusader's Bandage in your bags on Crusader Jonathan inside the building
#label Jonathan
.goto ZulDrak,58.68,72.49,0,0
.use 38330 >>Escort Jonathan back to Dr. Rogers
>>Be careful as all crusaders die in 3 minutes after being bandaged
>> 完成:一个也不能少 - 营救北伐军战士乔纳森1
#completewith Jonathan
.goto ZulDrak,58.07,72.43
>>交谈 Captain Rupert whilst Jonathan is following you as you're waiting for him to get saved
>> 交任务:扔手雷
>> 完成:巡逻任务 - 鲁伯特上尉的任务1
>> 接任务:茧中人
>> | 鲁伯特上尉要你打开达克索塔的蛛魔之茧,释放3个被俘虏的步兵,然后回去向他复命。
#requires Jonathan
>>交谈 Dr. Rogers, Captain Rupert, Cogwheel and Moonshard
>> 交任务:一个也不能少
.goto ZulDrak,58.68,72.49
>> 交任务:扔手雷
>> 完成:巡逻任务 - 鲁伯特上尉的任务1
>> 接任务:茧中人
>> | 鲁伯特上尉要你打开达克索塔的蛛魔之茧,释放3个被俘虏的步兵,然后回去向他复命。
.goto ZulDrak,58.07,72.43
>> 接任务:撒网者的喷丝头
>> | 达克索塔的专家考格维尔要你去收集5个完整的撒网者喷丝头。
.goto ZulDrak,58.25,72.05
>> 接任务:通灵师之死
>> | 达克索塔的穆尔沙·月影中士要你去杀死8个哈沙尔通灵师。
.goto ZulDrak,58.07,72.04
.goto ZulDrak,56.70,69.82,40,0
.goto ZulDrak,55.73,70.57,40,0
.goto ZulDrak,54.69,67.06,40,0
.goto ZulDrak,53.38,65.56,40,0
.goto ZulDrak,52.25,66.58,40,0
.goto ZulDrak,53.12,70.02,40,0
.goto ZulDrak,54.89,72.54,40,0
.goto ZulDrak,55.53,68.87
>>Kill the Nerubian Cocoons to free the Footmen
>> 完成:茧中人 - 释放被俘虏的步兵 x 3
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,61.4,78.5,0
>>Kill Hath'ar Necromaguses in the area
>> 完成:通灵师之死 - 哈沙尔通灵师 x 8
.goto ZulDrak,59.12,75.27,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,52.97,82.95,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,57.17,85.31,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,58.29,82.89,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,56.63,82.26,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,59.12,75.27,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,52.97,82.95,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,57.17,85.31,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,58.29,82.89,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,56.63,82.26
>>Kill Hath'ar Skimmers in the area. Loot them for their Spinnerets
>> 完成:撒网者的喷丝头 - 完整的撒网者喷丝头 x 5
.goto ZulDrak,61.4,78.5
>>Kill Hath'ar Necromaguses. Go upstairs in Kolramas to find more if needed
>> 完成:通灵师之死 - 哈沙尔通灵师 x 8
>>返回 Captain Rupert's camp. 交谈 Cogwheel, Moonshard and Rupert
>> 交任务:撒网者的喷丝头
>> 接任务:坠毁的喷射器
>> | 达克索塔的专家考格维尔要求你去收集药剂喷射器零件。
.goto ZulDrak,58.25,72.05
>> 交任务:通灵师之死
>> 接任务:腐蚀者玛拉斯
>> | 达克索塔的穆尔沙·月影中士要你带回腐蚀者的徽记。
.goto ZulDrak,58.07,72.04
>> 交任务:茧中人
>> 接任务:纯粹的邪恶
>> | 鲁伯特上尉要求你收集10份大块的萨隆邪铁,并将它们交给银色前沿的伊崔格。
.goto ZulDrak,58.07,72.43
.goto ZulDrak,48.79,75.54
>>Loot the Plague Sprayer on the ground
>> 完成:坠毁的喷射器 - 药剂喷射器零件1
.goto ZulDrak,58.25,72.05
>>交谈 Cogwheel
>> 交任务:坠毁的喷射器
>> 接任务:缠绕投网器
>> | 达克索塔的专家考格维尔要你使用缠绕投网器摧毁5台药剂喷射器。
.goto ZulDrak,58.1,75.9,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,55.8,83.1
.use 38515 >>Use the Tangled Skein Thrower in your bags to destroy the Plague Sprayers in the air
>> 完成:缠绕投网器 - 网住并摧毁药剂喷射器 x 5
.goto ZulDrak,60.2,77.8,25,0
.goto ZulDrak,62.2,77.9,25,0
.goto ZulDrak,61.6,79.8
>>Loot the small blue rocks on the bottom floor of Kolramas
>> 完成:纯粹的邪恶 - 大块的萨隆邪铁 x 10
#label CSaronite
.goto ZulDrak,61.3,78.5,0,0
>>Loot the rest of the small blue rocks in Kolramas as you ascend up to Malas the Corrupter
>> 完成:纯粹的邪恶 - 大块的萨隆邪铁 x 10
.groundgoto ZulDrak,60.7,80.7,14,0
.goto ZulDrak,61.02,77.99
>>Head to the top of Kolramas. Kill Malas the Corrupter at the top. Loot him for his Head. Look for a group for him if needed. If you can't kill him, skip this quest
>> 完成:腐蚀者玛拉斯 - 腐蚀者的徽记1
#requires CSaronite
>>返回 Captain Rupert's Camp. 交谈 Cogwheel and Moonshard
>> 交任务:缠绕投网器
.goto ZulDrak,58.25,72.05
>> 交任务:腐蚀者玛拉斯
.goto ZulDrak,58.07,72.04
.isQuestComplete 12554
#requires CSaronite
>>返回 Captain Rupert's Camp. 交谈 Cogwheel
>> 交任务:缠绕投网器
.goto ZulDrak,58.25,72.05
.goto ZulDrak,48.15,63.89
>>交谈 Captain Grondel (inside the building)
>> 接任务:温暖的篝火
>> | 达克迦尔的格隆迪尔上尉要你为他收集20份枯死的荆木。
>>Look for a group for The Amphitheater of Anguish questline. There are 6 elite quests that give a LOT of fast xp and a weapon that'll last you to 80. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you. (Auto-accept is disabled for this questline). Skip this step if you can't find a group for it
.goto ZulDrak,46.3,57.9,50,0
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:伊戈达斯!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败伊戈达斯!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.xp <75,1
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Yggdras in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:伊戈达斯! - Quest:12932:11
.isOnQuest 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:伊戈达斯!
.isQuestComplete 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:猛犸人!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败恶臭之须!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Stinkbeard in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:猛犸人! - Quest:12933:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:猛犸人!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:异界的对手!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败一位元素领主!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill the Elemental Lord in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:异界的对手! - Quest:12934:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:异界的对手!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:海象人的末日!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败奥里努克·碎牙!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Orinoko in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:海象人的末日! - Quest:12935:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:海象人的末日!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:血怒者科尔拉克!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败血怒者科尔拉克!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Korrak in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:血怒者科尔拉克! - Quest:12936:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:血怒者科尔拉克!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场的冠军
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败屠夫乌拉多弗!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Vladof in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场的冠军 - Quest:12948:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场的冠军
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
>>前往 Captain Arnath's Camp. 交谈 Arnath and Finklestein
>> 接任务:吸取灵魂
>> | 赫布瓦罗的阿纳斯上尉要求你转至扎尔金之池,从迷失的达卡莱灵魂身上收集5份上古灵质。
.goto ZulDrak,35.61,52.23
>> 接任务:实验室的学徒
>> | 赫布瓦罗的炼金师菲肯斯坦要求你在他的实验室内找到一只泥潭蛆虫、一片干瘪的蝙蝠翼、一粒琥珀种子和一些冰冷的毒蛇粘液。
.goto ZulDrak,35.02,52.11
>>Loot the following items from the first bookcase on the left in the right room:
>>Amberseed on the bottom and second to bottom shelves
>>Withered Batwing on the bottom shelf
>>Muddy Mire Maggots in the bag next to the bookcase
>> 完成:实验室的学徒 - 找到琥珀种子1
.goto ZulDrak,34.83,51.57
>> 完成:实验室的学徒 - 找到干瘪的蝙蝠翼1
.goto ZulDrak,34.96,51.60
>> 完成:实验室的学徒 - 找到泥潭蛆虫1
.goto ZulDrak,34.96,51.60
>>Loot the following items from the first bookcase on the left in the other room:
>>The green bottle on the second to bottom shelf
>> 完成:实验室的学徒 - 找到冰冷的毒蛇粘液1
.goto ZulDrak,35.11,53.42
.goto ZulDrak,35.02,52.11
>>交谈 Finklestein
>> 交任务:实验室的学徒
>> 完成:巡逻任务 - 炼金师菲肯斯坦的任务1
.goto ZulDrak,34.68,60.09,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,36.68,60.60,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,39.24,62.03,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,39.16,59.82,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,34.68,60.09,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,36.68,60.60,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,39.24,62.03,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,39.16,59.82
>>Kill the Lost Drakkari Spirits (neutral ghosts). Loot them for their Ectoplasm
>> 完成:吸取灵魂 - 上古灵质 x 5
.goto ZulDrak,35.61,52.23
>>交谈 Captain Arnath
>> 交任务:吸取灵魂
>> 接任务:收集腐液
>> | 赫布瓦罗的阿纳斯上尉要你从祖达克的暗门爬行者身上收集7份新鲜的蜘蛛腐液。
>> 接任务:蝙蝠翅膀
>> | 赫布瓦罗的阿纳斯上尉要你从祖达克蝙蝠身上收集7对完美的蝙蝠翅膀。
.loop 55,ZulDrak,37.05,54.64,34.94,57.63,37.61,55.99,39.24,57.75,38.32,50.91,35.91,47.31,34.54,48.38,37.69,53.07,37.05,54.64
>>Kill Spiders and Bats in the area. Loot them for their Ichor and Wings. The spiders also burrow underground, so you may have to run over the moving rocks to spawn them in
>> 完成:收集腐液 - 新鲜的蜘蛛腐液 x 7
>> 完成:蝙蝠翅膀 - 完美的蝙蝠翅膀 x 7
.goto ZulDrak,35.61,52.23
>>交谈 Captain Arnath
>> 交任务:收集腐液
>> 交任务:蝙蝠翅膀
.xp >77,1
>>交谈 Stackhammer and Maga
>> 交任务:给斯塔哈默中士的新命令
>> 接任务:银色北伐军,撤退!
>> | 西莱图斯祭坛的斯塔哈默中士要你和10个银色士兵交谈,让他们回去向他复命。
.goto ZulDrak,40.40,48.20
>> 接任务:扫清巨魔
>> | 西莱图斯祭坛的玛加下士要你杀死任意10个西莱图斯勇士、西莱图斯祭司或达卡莱驯蛇者。
.goto ZulDrak,40.36,48.21
#completewith next
.use 38321 >>Kill Followers of Sseratus. Loot them for their Strange Mojo. Click it in your bags
.collect 38321,1,12507
>> 接任务:奇怪的魔精
>> | 把奇怪的魔精交给银色前沿的妖术师乌布戈。
.goto ZulDrak,42.5,45.8,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,42.3,42.3,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,38.4,47.5,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,40.37,45.49
>>交谈 the Argent Soldiers you see (not the ones around Stackhammer). Tell them to report back to Stackhammer
>>Kill Sseratus Trolls in the area
>> 完成:银色北伐军,撤退! - 让银色士兵回去向中士复命 x 10
>> 完成:扫清巨魔 - 杀死西莱图斯的追随者 x 10
.goto ZulDrak,40.37,45.49
.use 38321 >>Kill Followers of Sseratus. Loot them for their Strange Mojo. Click it in your bags
.collect 38321,1,12507
>> 接任务:奇怪的魔精
>> | 把奇怪的魔精交给银色前沿的妖术师乌布戈。
.goto ZulDrak,40.28,38.78
>>Go slightly inside the building of the Altar of Sseratus
>> 完成:西莱图斯祭坛的麻烦 - Quest:12506:11
>>返回 Stackhammer and Maga
>> 交任务:银色北伐军,撤退!
.goto ZulDrak,40.40,48.20
>> 交任务:扫清巨魔
.goto ZulDrak,40.36,48.21
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
>>交谈 Teronus
>> 接任务:魔法王国达拉然
>> | 将肯瑞托徽记之戒交给达拉然紫罗兰之门的大法师塞琳德拉。
.zoneskip Dalaran
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1
.xp <77,1
.cooldown item,6948,>0
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
.zone Dalaran >>Ask Teronus to be teleported to Dalaran
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1
.xp <77,1
.cooldown item,6948,>0
.abandon 12796 >> Abandon The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran. DO NOT TURN THIS IN
step << Mage
.goto Dalaran,56.3,46.7
.train 53140 >>Go inside the building. Train your Dalaran Portals
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1
.cooldown item,6948,>0
.goto Dalaran,69.81,45.45
.train 54197 >> Train Cold Weather Flying from Hira Snowdawn
.xp <77,1
.cooldown item,6948,>0
#completewith next
.hs >> 炉石返回 the Argent Stand
.cooldown item,6948,>0
>>返回 The Argent Stand. 交谈 Ubungo, Eitrigg and Jax
>> 交任务:西莱图斯祭坛的麻烦
>> 交任务:奇怪的魔精
>> 接任务:珍贵的元素液体
>> | 银色前沿的妖术师乌布戈要你收集3份珍贵的元素液体。
.goto ZulDrak,40.52,65.61
>> 交任务:纯粹的邪恶
.goto ZulDrak,40.83,66.64
>> 接任务:达卡莱巨魔不需要水元素!
>> | 银色前沿的亚克斯中尉要求你去消灭10名达卡莱缚水者。
.goto ZulDrak,40.18,68.94
#completewith elefl
>>Kill the Drakkari Water Binders next to the water in the area
>> 完成:达卡莱巨魔不需要水元素! - 达卡莱缚水者 x 10
#completewith elefl
>>Loot the flowers found within the pools of the area
>> 完成:止痛药 - 成熟的水罂粟 x 5
#label elefl
.loop 50,ZulDrak,41.34,71.92,42.81,76.28,45.88,79.42,43.77,80.28,43.18,83.16,41.53,78.86,38.65,75.65,40.83,74.73,41.34,71.92
>>Kill the Crazed Water Spirits in the area. Loot them for their Links
.use 38323 >>When you have 3 Water Elemental Links, turn them into a Tether to the Plane of Water. You must do this to be able to loot Links again
.collect 38323,3,12510,1,1
.collect 38324,1,12510,0x1,1
.use 38324 >>Use the Tether to the Plane of Water in your bags to summon a Watery Lord. Kill and loot it for a Precious Elemental Fluid. You must do this to be able to loot Links again
>> 完成:珍贵的元素液体 - 珍贵的元素液体 x 3
#completewith next
>>Loot the flowers found within the pools of the area
>> 完成:止痛药 - 成熟的水罂粟 x 5
.loop 50,ZulDrak,41.34,71.92,42.81,76.28,45.88,79.42,43.77,80.28,43.18,83.16,41.53,78.86,38.65,75.65,40.83,74.73,41.34,71.92
>>Kill the Drakkari Water Binders next to the water in the area
>> 完成:达卡莱巨魔不需要水元素! - 达卡莱缚水者 x 10
.loop 50,ZulDrak,41.34,71.92,42.81,76.28,45.88,79.42,43.77,80.28,43.18,83.16,41.53,78.86,38.65,75.65,40.83,74.73,41.34,71.92
>>Loot the flowers found within the pools of the area
>> 完成:止痛药 - 成熟的水罂粟 x 5
.goto ZulDrak,48.77,78.87
>>交谈 Captain Brandon
>> 交任务:止痛药
>> 完成:巡逻任务 - 布兰顿上尉的任务1
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
>>交谈 Teronus
>> 接任务:魔法王国达拉然
>> | 将肯瑞托徽记之戒交给达拉然紫罗兰之门的大法师塞琳德拉。
.zoneskip Dalaran
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1
.xp <77,1
.cooldown item,6948,>0
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
.zone Dalaran >>Ask Teronus to be teleported to Dalaran
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1
.xp <77,1
.cooldown item,6948,>0
.abandon 12796 >> Abandon The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran. DO NOT TURN THIS IN
step << Mage
.goto Dalaran,56.3,46.7
.train 53140 >>Go inside the building. Train your Dalaran Portals
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1
.cooldown item,6948,>0
.goto Dalaran,69.81,45.45
.train 54197 >> Train Cold Weather Flying from Hira Snowdawn
.xp <77,1
.cooldown item,6948,>0
#completewith next
.hs >> 炉石返回 the Argent Stand
.zoneskip ZulDrak
.cooldown item,6948,>0
step << Shaman
#completewith next
.hs >> 炉石返回 The Argent Stand
.cooldown item,6948,>0
.zoneskip Dalaran
>>返回 The Argent Stand. 交谈 Jax, Ubungo, and Pestlepot
>> 交任务:达卡莱巨魔不需要水元素!
.goto ZulDrak,40.18,68.94,-1
>> 交任务:珍贵的元素液体
>> 接任务:蘑菇混合剂
>> | 收集10份混乱毒菇,将它们交给银色前沿的妖术师乌布戈。
.goto ZulDrak,40.52,65.61,-1
>> 接任务:贪吃的蜥蜴
>> | 将5块石化蜥蜴水晶交给赫布瓦罗神殿的炼金师菲肯斯坦。
.goto ZulDrak,41.33,65.13
.goto ZulDrak,41.55,64.43
.fp The Argent Stand >>Get the The Argent Stand Flight Path
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,44.0,61.7,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,42.2,56.5,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,43.9,58.0,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,47.5,62.7
>>Loot the glowing mushrooms and glowing sticks sticking out of the ground in the area
>> 完成:蘑菇混合剂 - 混乱毒菇 x 10
>> 完成:温暖的篝火 - 枯死的荆木 x 20
.goto ZulDrak,44.0,61.7,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,42.2,56.5,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,43.9,58.0,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,47.5,62.7
.collect 38380,25,12527,1,-5
.use 38380 >>Loot Zul'Drak Rats in the area. Use 5 of them on a basilisk to make them sleep. Loot their crystal
>>Make sure to enable "Critters and Companions" names under Interface -> Names to see the Rats easier.
>> 完成:贪吃的蜥蜴 - 石化蜥蜴水晶 x 5
.goto ZulDrak,44.0,61.7,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,42.2,56.5,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,43.9,58.0,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,47.5,62.7
>>Loot the glowing mushrooms and glowing sticks sticking out of the ground in the area
>> 完成:蘑菇混合剂 - 混乱毒菇 x 10
>> 完成:温暖的篝火 - 枯死的荆木 x 20
>>Look for a group for The Amphitheater of Anguish questline. There are 6 elite quests that give a LOT of fast xp and a weapon that'll last you to 80. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you. (Auto-accept is disabled for this questline). Skip this step if you can't find a group for it
.groundgoto ZulDrak,46.3,57.9,50,0
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:伊戈达斯!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败伊戈达斯!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.xp <75,1
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Yggdras in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:伊戈达斯! - Quest:12932:11
.isOnQuest 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:伊戈达斯!
.isQuestComplete 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:猛犸人!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败恶臭之须!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Stinkbeard in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:猛犸人! - Quest:12933:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:猛犸人!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:异界的对手!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败一位元素领主!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill the Elemental Lord in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:异界的对手! - Quest:12934:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:异界的对手!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:海象人的末日!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败奥里努克·碎牙!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Orinoko in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:海象人的末日! - Quest:12935:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:海象人的末日!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:血怒者科尔拉克!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败血怒者科尔拉克!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Korrak in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:血怒者科尔拉克! - Quest:12936:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:血怒者科尔拉克!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场的冠军
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败屠夫乌拉多弗!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Vladof in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场的冠军 - Quest:12948:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场的冠军
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.15,63.89
>>交谈 Captain Grondel
>> 交任务:温暖的篝火
>> 完成:巡逻任务 - 格隆迪尔上尉的任务1
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
>>交谈 Teronus
>> 接任务:魔法王国达拉然
>> | 将肯瑞托徽记之戒交给达拉然紫罗兰之门的大法师塞琳德拉。
.zoneskip Stormwind City << Alliance !DK !Mage !Druid !Paladin !Priest
.zoneskip Orgrimmar << Horde !DK !Mage !Druid !Paladin !Priest
.zoneskip Dalaran
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1
.xp <77,1 << DK/Mage/Druid/Paladin/Priest
.cooldown item,6948,>0
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
.zone Dalaran >>Ask Teronus to be teleported to Dalaran
.zoneskip Stormwind City << Alliance
.zoneskip Orgrimmar << Horde
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1
.xp <77,1 << DK/Mage/Druid/Paladin/Priest
.cooldown item,6948,>0
.abandon 12796 >> Abandon The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran. DO NOT TURN THIS IN
step << Mage
.goto Dalaran,56.3,46.7
.train 53140 >>Go inside the building. Train your Dalaran Portals
.cooldown item,6948,>0
.goto Dalaran,69.81,45.45
.train 54197 >> Train Cold Weather Flying from Hira Snowdawn
.xp <77,1
.cooldown item,6948,>0
#completewith next
.hs >> 炉石返回 the Argent Stand
.zoneskip ZulDrak
.cooldown item,6948,>0
>>返回 The Argent Stand. 交谈 Kunz and Ubungo
>> 交任务:巡逻任务
.goto ZulDrak,40.27,66.62,-1
>> 交任务:蘑菇混合剂
>> 接任务:过犹不及
>> | 杀死混乱的西莱图斯先知,然后向银色前沿的妖术师乌布戈复命。
.goto ZulDrak,40.52,65.61,-1
>>交谈 Captain Arnath and Finklestein
>> 交任务:收集腐液
>> 交任务:蝙蝠翅膀
.goto ZulDrak,35.61,52.23
>> 交任务:贪吃的蜥蜴
.goto ZulDrak,35.02,52.11
.isOnQuest 12609
.isOnQuest 12610
.xp <77,1
>>交谈 Captain Arnath and Finklestein
>> 交任务:蝙蝠翅膀
.goto ZulDrak,35.61,52.23
>> 交任务:贪吃的蜥蜴
.goto ZulDrak,35.02,52.11
.isOnQuest 12610
.xp <77,1
>>交谈 Captain Arnath and Finklestein
>> 交任务:收集腐液
.goto ZulDrak,35.61,52.23
>> 交任务:贪吃的蜥蜴
.goto ZulDrak,35.02,52.11
.isOnQuest 12609
.xp <77,1
.goto ZulDrak,35.02,52.11
>>交谈 Alchemist Finklestein
>> 交任务:贪吃的蜥蜴
.goto ZulDrak,40.3,42.6
.abandon 12792 >>Abandon First Things First
.abandon 12541 >>Abandon Troll Patrol: The Alchemist's Apprentice
.abandon 12587 >>Abandon Troll Patrol
.goto ZulDrak,40.46,42.52
.use 38332 >>Use the Modified Mojo in your bags on the Prophet of Sseratus. Kill it
>> 完成:过犹不及 - 混乱的西莱图斯先知1
step << Druid
#completewith DruidTrain1
.cast 18960 >> Cast Teleport: Moonglade
.zoneskip Moonglade
.xp <75,1
step << Druid
.goto Moonglade,52.4,40.6
>>Go to Moonglade
.train 48440 >> 职业训练师
.xp <75,1
.xp >77,1
step << Druid
#label DruidTrain1
.goto Moonglade,52.4,40.6
>>Go to Moonglade
.train 48465 >> 职业训练师
.xp <78,1
.skill coldweatherflying,<1,1
step << DK
#completewith DKTrain1
.cast 50977 >> Cast Death Gate
.zoneskip Eastern Plaguelands
.xp <75,1
step << DK
.goto Eastern Plaguelands,80.3,48.0
>>Go through the Death Gate
.train 49923 >> 职业训练师 from Amal'Thazad in Acherus
.xp <75,1
step << DK
.goto Eastern Plaguelands,80.3,48.0
>>Go through the Death Gate
.train 49894 >> 职业训练师 from Amal'Thazad in Acherus
.xp <76,1
step << DK
#label DKTrain1
.goto Eastern Plaguelands,80.3,48.0
>>Go through the Death Gate
.train 49941 >> 职业训练师 from Amal'Thazad in Acherus
.xp <78,1
.skill coldweatherflying,<1,1
step << Mage
#completewith MageTrain1
.zone Stormwind City >> Teleport to Stormwind << Alliance
.zone Undercity >> Teleport to Undercity << Horde
.xp <76,1
step << Mage
.goto Stormwind City,49.2,87.7 << Alliance
.goto Undercity,85.1,10.0 << Horde
.train 42920 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Mage
.goto Stormwind City,49.2,87.7 << Alliance
.goto Undercity,85.1,10.0 << Horde
.train 42985 >> 职业训练师
.xp <77,1
.skill coldweatherflying,<1,1
step << Mage
#label MageTrain1
.goto Stormwind City,49.2,87.7 << Alliance
.goto Undercity,85.1,10.0 << Horde
.train 42914 >> 职业训练师
.xp <78,1
.skill coldweatherflying,<1,1
#completewith next
.hs >> 炉石返回 The Argent Stand
.xp <77,1 << DK/Mage/Druid/Paladin/Priest
.skill coldweatherflying,<1,1
.cooldown item,6948,>0
>>返回 The Argent Stand. 交谈 Ubungo
>> 交任务:过犹不及
>> 接任务:巫医库弗
>> | 与希姆托加的巫医库弗谈一谈。
.goto ZulDrak,40.52,65.61
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
>>交谈 Teronus
>> 接任务:魔法王国达拉然
>> | 将肯瑞托徽记之戒交给达拉然紫罗兰之门的大法师塞琳德拉。
.zoneskip Stormwind City << Alliance !DK !Mage !Druid !Paladin !Priest
.zoneskip Orgrimmar << Horde !DK !Mage !Druid !Paladin !Priest
.zoneskip Dalaran
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1 << !DK !Mage !Druid !Paladin !Priest
.xp <77,1 << DK/Mage/Druid/Paladin/Priest
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
.zone Dalaran >>Ask Teronus to be teleported to Dalaran
.zoneskip Stormwind City << Alliance
.zoneskip Orgrimmar << Horde
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1 << !DK !Mage !Druid !Paladin !Priest
.xp <77,1 << DK/Mage/Druid/Paladin/Priest
.abandon 12796 >> Abandon The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran. DO NOT TURN THIS IN
step << Mage
.goto Dalaran,56.3,46.7
.train 53140 >>Go inside the building. Train your Dalaran Portals
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1
.goto Dalaran,69.81,45.45
.train 54197 >> Train Cold Weather Flying from Hira Snowdawn
.xp <77,1
step << DK
#completewith next
.cast 50977 >> Cast Death Gate
.zoneskip Eastern Plaguelands
.xp <78,1
step << DK
.goto Eastern Plaguelands,80.3,48.0
>>Go through the Death Gate
.train 49941 >> 职业训练师 from Amal'Thazad in Acherus
.xp <78,1
step << DK/Mage/Druid/Paladin/Priest
#completewith next
.hs >> 炉石返回 The Argent Stand
.zoneskip ZulDrak
step << Alliance !DK !Druid !Mage !Paladin !Priest
.goto Dalaran,40.2,56.3,20,0
.goto Dalaran,40.1,62.8
.zone Stormwind City >>Go into The Silver Enclave. Take the portal to Stormwind
step << Alliance Shaman
.goto Stormwind City,61.9,84.0
.train 58803 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Alliance Warlock
.goto Stormwind City,29.2,74.0,20,0
.goto Stormwind City,27.2,78.1,15 >> Go into The Slaughtered Lamb and go downstairs
.goto Stormwind City,25.3,78.7
.train 47813 >> 职业训练师
.xp <77,1
step << Alliance Hunter
.goto Stormwind City,67.3,37.1,15,0
.goto Stormwind City,67.3,36.2
.train 53338 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Alliance Rogue
.goto Stormwind City,74.6,52.8
.train 48637 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Alliance Warrior
.goto Stormwind City,77.7,64.3,15,0
.goto Stormwind City,80.1,61.5,15,0
.goto Stormwind City,81.4,59.5,15,0
.goto Stormwind City,78.6,45.8
.train 55694 >> 职业训练师
.xp <75,1
step << Alliance Warrior
.goto Stormwind City,77.7,64.3,15,0
.goto Stormwind City,80.1,61.5,15,0
.goto Stormwind City,81.4,59.5,15,0
.goto Stormwind City,78.6,45.8
.train 47436 >> 职业训练师
.xp <78,1
step << Alliance !DK !Druid !Mage !Paladin !Priest
.goto Stormwind City,50.1,65.8
.zone ZulDrak >> Ghetto 炉石返回 The Argent Stand. To do this, enter The Stockades, then copy paste the link below into chat. Wait out the 1 minute warning
.link /run InviteUnit("a");C_Timer.After(1,function() LeaveParty() end) >> CLICK HERE
step << Horde !DK !Druid !Mage !Paladin !Priest
.goto Dalaran,55.5,37.1,20,0
.goto Dalaran,55.3,25.4
.zone Orgrimmar >>Go into Sunreaver's Sanctuary. Take the portal to Orgrimmar
step << Horde Shaman
.goto Orgrimmar,40.5,36.9,25,0
.goto Orgrimmar,38.6,36.0
.train 58803 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Horde Warlock
.goto Orgrimmar,40.4,54.5,30,0
.goto Orgrimmar,48.0,46.0
.train 47813 >> 职业训练师
.xp <77,1
step << Horde Hunter
.goto Orgrimmar,63.6,38.2,30,0
.goto Orgrimmar,66.1,18.5
.train 53338 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Horde Rogue
.goto Orgrimmar,40.4,54.5,30,0
.goto Orgrimmar,44.0,54.6
.train 48637 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Horde Warrior
.goto Orgrimmar,63.6,38.2,30,0
.goto Orgrimmar,76.9,32.6,20,0
.goto Orgrimmar,79.8,31.4
.train 55694 >> 职业训练师
.xp <75,1
step << Horde Warrior
.goto Orgrimmar,63.6,38.2,30,0
.goto Orgrimmar,76.9,32.6,20,0
.goto Orgrimmar,79.8,31.4
.train 47436 >> 职业训练师
.xp <78,1
step << Horde !DK !Druid !Mage !Paladin !Priest
.goto Orgrimmar,53.8,48.0
.zone ZulDrak >> Ghetto 炉石返回 The Argent Stand. To do this, enter Ragefire Chasm, then copy paste the link below into chat. Wait out the 1 minute warning
.link /run InviteUnit("a");C_Timer.After(1,function() LeaveParty() end) >> CLICK HERE
step << !Mage !Priest !Warlock
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,36.70,72.72
>>Turn in 10 more Drakkari Offerings for the Blessing of Zim'Abwa to gain a 1h-long attack power buff
>>Skip this step if you are Balance << Druid
>>Skip this step if you are Elemental << Shaman
>> 交任务:希姆埃巴的祝福
.itemcount 38551,20
>>前往 Zim'Torga. 交谈 Khufu
>> 交任务:巫医库弗
>> 接任务:横扫金亚莱
>> | 希姆托加的巫医库弗要求你破坏蓝色大锅、绿色大锅、紫色大锅和红色大锅。
>> 接任务:希姆托加的祝福
>> | 巫医库弗要求你在希姆托加的雕像前奉上10份达卡莱供品。
.goto ZulDrak,59.50,58.05
.goto ZulDrak,60.04,56.71
.fp Zim'Torga >>Get the Zim'Torga Flight Path
.goto ZulDrak,59.15,56.21
>>交谈 Ahunae
>> 接任务:金亚莱的领袖
>> | 希姆托加的剥皮师埃霍奈要求你收集库图比萨的宝藏、疯子克乌罗的宝藏和加瓦尼尔的宝藏。
#label BZim
.goto ZulDrak,59.52,57.20,0,0
>>Turn in at the statue in the center at Zim'Torga. Make sure you have 10 Drakkari Offerings
>> 交任务:希姆托加的祝福
#completewith Beargod
.goto ZulDrak,59.33,57.30
.home >> 设定炉石 希姆托加
#requires BZim
#completewith next
>>Kill Trolls in the area to make Gawanil, Kutube'sa, and Chulo the Mad spawn. Kill them, then loot the chest object drops on the ground.
>> 完成:金亚莱的领袖 - 加瓦尼尔的宝藏1
.goto ZulDrak,58.10,62.10,0
>> 完成:金亚莱的领袖 - 库图比萨的宝藏1
.goto ZulDrak,57.34,63.51,0
>> 完成:金亚莱的领袖 - 疯子克乌罗的宝藏1
.goto ZulDrak,56.44,64.90,0
.unitscan Gawanil
.unitscan Kutube'sa
.unitscan Chulo the Mad
#requires BZim
>>Click on the Cauldrons in each corner of Jin'Alai
>> 完成:横扫金亚莱 - 破坏紫色大锅1
.goto ZulDrak,57.62,61.73,-1
>> 完成:横扫金亚莱 - 破坏红色大锅1
.goto ZulDrak,58.78,62.70,-1
>> 完成:横扫金亚莱 - 破坏绿色大锅1
.goto ZulDrak,55.68,64.32,-1
>> 完成:横扫金亚莱 - 破坏蓝色大锅1
.goto ZulDrak,57.21,65.35,-1
>>Kill Trolls in the area to make Gawanil, Kutube'sa, and Chulo the Mad spawn. Kill them, then loot the chest object drops on the ground.
>> 完成:金亚莱的领袖 - 加瓦尼尔的宝藏1
.goto ZulDrak,58.10,62.10,-1
>> 完成:金亚莱的领袖 - 库图比萨的宝藏1
.goto ZulDrak,57.34,63.51,-1
>> 完成:金亚莱的领袖 - 疯子克乌罗的宝藏1
.goto ZulDrak,56.44,64.90,-1
.unitscan Gawanil
.unitscan Kutube'sa
.unitscan Chulo the Mad
>>Ride back to Zim'Torga. 交谈 Khufu, To'kini, Ahunae, and Dagoda
>> 交任务:横扫金亚莱
>> 接任务:与哈克娅交谈
>> | 与哈克娅祭坛的哈克娅谈一谈。
.goto ZulDrak,59.50,58.05
>> 接任务:雪豹之神的圣物
>> | 希姆托加的记载者图基尼要求你收集10件哈克娅圣物。
>> 接任务:核实情况
>> | 记载者图基尼要你去和杜布拉金的拜基妮谈一谈。
.goto ZulDrak,59.98,57.93
>> 交任务:金亚莱的领袖
>> 接任务:封印裂隙
>> | 希姆托加的剥皮师埃霍奈要求你封印7处元素裂隙。
.goto ZulDrak,59.15,56.21
>> 接任务:冻土精华
>> | 希姆托加的元素驯服者德苟达要求你收集7块冻土精华。
.goto ZulDrak,59.40,56.41
>>Ride back to Zim'Torga. 交谈 Khufu, To'kini, Ahunae, and Dagoda
>> 交任务:横扫金亚莱
>> 接任务:与哈克娅交谈
>> | 与哈克娅祭坛的哈克娅谈一谈。
.goto ZulDrak,59.50,58.05
>> 接任务:雪豹之神的圣物
>> | 希姆托加的记载者图基尼要求你收集10件哈克娅圣物。
.goto ZulDrak,59.98,57.93
>> 交任务:金亚莱的领袖
>> 接任务:封印裂隙
>> | 希姆托加的剥皮师埃霍奈要求你封印7处元素裂隙。
.goto ZulDrak,59.15,56.21
>> 接任务:冻土精华
>> | 希姆托加的元素驯服者德苟达要求你收集7块冻土精华。
.goto ZulDrak,59.40,56.41
#completewith next
>>Loot the tablets on the ground or against walls in the area
>> 完成:雪豹之神的圣物 - 哈克娅圣物 x 10
.goto ZulDrak,63.71,70.42
>>前往 the Altar of Har'Koa. 交谈 Har'koa
>> 交任务:与哈克娅交谈
>> 接任务:我的后裔
>> | 哈克娅要求你对她的孩子们的尸体使用她的胡须,解放并复活它们。完成任务之后回到哈克娅祭坛去向她复命。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,63.0,70.7,0
>>Loot the tablets on the ground or against walls in the area
>> 完成:雪豹之神的圣物 - 哈克娅圣物 x 10
.goto ZulDrak,65.4,67.9,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,62.8,64.7,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,60.4,69.1,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,61.7,72.7,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,65.4,67.9,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,62.8,64.7,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,60.4,69.1,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,61.7,72.7
.use 38676 >>Kill Cursed Offsprings of Har'Koa in the area. Use the Whisker of Har'koa in your bags on their corpses
>> 完成:我的后裔 - 解放并复活哈克娅的子嗣 x 7
.loop 50,ZulDrak,65.10,70.24,62.58,66.02,62.10,67.85,60.82,68.58,63.60,72.48,63.71,70.42,65.10,70.24
>>Loot the tablets on the ground or against walls
>> 完成:雪豹之神的圣物 - 哈克娅圣物 x 10
.goto ZulDrak,63.71,70.42
>>交谈 Har'koa
>> 交任务:我的后裔
>> 接任务:伦诺克之魂
>> | 与伦诺克祭坛的伦诺克之魂谈一谈。
step << Shaman
#completewith next
.hs >> 炉石返回 Zim'Torga
.cooldown item,6948,>0
>>返回 Zim'Torga. 交谈 To'kini and Khufu
>> 交任务:雪豹之神的圣物
>> 接任务:自毁家园
>> | 希姆托加的记载者图基尼要求你收集7件伦诺克圣物。
>> 接任务:拎尾巴
>> | 希姆托加的记载者图基尼希望你对冰霜豹和冰爪熊使用麻醉飞镖,并给他带回三头雌性冰霜豹和三头雌性冰爪熊。
.goto ZulDrak,59.98,57.93
>> 接任务:希姆鲁克的祝福
>> | 巫医库弗要求你在希姆鲁克的雕像前奉上10份达卡莱供品。
.goto ZulDrak,59.50,58.05
#completewith Beargod
.goto ZulDrak,56.9,50.4,0
.goto ZulDrak,57.6,48.4,0
.goto ZulDrak,55.4,43.0,0
.goto ZulDrak,51.8,44.1,0
>>Kill Elemental Rifts and Frozen Earths in the area. Loot the Earths for their Essence
>> 完成:封印裂隙 - 封印元素裂隙 x 7
>> 完成:冻土精华 - 冻土精华 x 7
.goto ZulDrak,59.22,44.64
>>Turn in at the statue. Avoid the elites in the area
>> 交任务:希姆鲁克的祝福
.goto ZulDrak,53.39,39.01
>>前往 the Altar of Rhunok. 交谈 Rhunok
>> 交任务:伦诺克之魂
>> 接任务:我的先知,我的敌人
>> | 伦诺克祭坛的伦诺克之魂要求你找回他的极地熊神魔精。
#completewith Rhunok
.goto ZulDrak,55.8,38.1,0
.goto ZulDrak,57.3,34.1,0
.goto ZulDrak,51.7,36.6,0
.goto ZulDrak,54.0,46.6,0
>>Kill Trolls in the area. Loot them for their Artifacts
>> 完成:自毁家园 - 伦诺克圣物 x 7
#label Beargod
.goto ZulDrak,54.07,47.54
>>Kill the Prophet of Rhunok underwater in the middle of the lake. Loot him for his Mojo
>> 完成:我的先知,我的敌人 - 极地熊神魔精1
.unitscan Prophet of Rhunok
.loop 50,ZulDrak,57.99,49.44,56.85,45.45,55.77,44.11,55.01,42.07,53.16,44.23,51.51,42.53,50.93,44.85,50.70,47.34,52.07,51.99,53.72,52.50,56.30,52.80,57.99,49.44
>>Kill Elemental Rifts and Frozen Earths. Loot the Earths for their Essence
>>Be careful as the Frozen Earths are immune to nature damage << Shaman/Druid
>> 完成:封印裂隙 - 封印元素裂隙 x 7
>> 完成:冻土精华 - 冻土精华 x 7
.goto ZulDrak,53.39,39.01
>>交谈 Rhunok
>> 交任务:我的先知,我的敌人
>> 接任务:结束痛苦
>> | 伦诺克祭坛的伦诺克之魂要求你对他的身躯使用折磨者的熏香,使之被唤醒。然后,你要使用伦诺克灌注在你身体内的能量杀死他。$B$B如果你不小心失去了伦诺克魔精光环的影响,可以回到伦诺克之魂那里再次寻求帮助。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,53.38,35.79
>>Kill Rhunok's Tormenter. Loot him for the Tormentor's Incense
.collect 38696,1,12647,1
.goto ZulDrak,53.50,34.45
.use 38696 >>Use the Tormentor's Incense in your bags on Rhunok (the sleeping bear)
.cast 51964
.timer 8,Rhunok RP
>> 完成:结束痛苦 - 伦诺克1
#label Rhunok
.goto ZulDrak,53.39,39.01
>>交谈 Rhunok
>> 交任务:结束痛苦
>> 接任务:返回哈克娅身边
>> | 与哈克娅祭坛的哈克娅谈一谈。
.loop 50,ZulDrak,58.78,37.52,55.65,33.17,55.53,37.11,51.52,36.94,51.43,32.85,48.90,35.09,50.52,40.58,56.22,40.44,58.78,37.52
>>Kill Trolls. Loot them for their Artifacts
>> 完成:自毁家园 - 伦诺克圣物 x 7
#completewith ZimTorga1
.hs >> Hearth back to Zim'Torga
#completewith ZimTorga1
.goto ZulDrak,59.4,57.2,0
>>Turn in 10 Drakkari Offerings to the statue in Zim'Torga for the 10% stat buff if you have enough offerings and the buff has expired
>> 交任务:希姆托加的祝福
>>返回 Zim'Torga. 交谈 To'kini, Ahunae, and then Dagoda
>> 交任务:自毁家园
.goto ZulDrak,59.98,57.93
>> 交任务:封印裂隙
>> 接任务:巫毒头饰!
>> | 希姆托加的剥皮师埃霍奈要求你使用埃霍奈的小刀拆下10名赫布达卡巨魔的巫毒头饰。$B$B他还提醒你,要先搜索过他们的 躯体之后再拆卸巫毒头饰。
.goto ZulDrak,59.15,56.21
>> 交任务:冻土精华
>> 接任务:击落赫布金
>> | 希姆托加的元素驯服者德苟达要求你去杀死赫布金。
.goto ZulDrak,59.40,56.41
#label ZimTorga1
.goto ZulDrak,63.71,70.42
>>返回 the Altar of Har'Koa. 交谈 Har'koa
>> 交任务:返回哈克娅身边
>> 接任务:不祥的扰动
>> | 哈克娅要求你去查明奎丝鲁恩的状况。你可以与哈克娅交谈,乘在她孩子的背上悄悄潜入奎丝鲁恩祭坛。$B$B完成侦察任务之后,回到哈克娅祭坛向她报告。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,63.71,70.42
.vehicle >> 交谈 Har'koa. Ask her for one of her kittens to ride you to the Altar of Quetz'lun
.skipgossip 28401,1
.timer 131,I Sense a Disturbance RP
.goto ZulDrak,63.71,70.42,0
.goto ZulDrak,75.79,58.45
>>前往 the Altar of Quetz'lun on Har'koa's Kitten
>> 完成:不祥的扰动 - Quest:12665:11
.goto ZulDrak,63.71,70.42
>>Ride back on Har'koa's Kitten to Har'Koa. 交谈 her
>> 交任务:不祥的扰动
>> 接任务:进入灵界的准备
>> | 哈克娅要求你收集8枚神圣符印,并把它们带回哈克娅祭坛交给她。
.skill coldweatherflying,<1,1
.goto ZulDrak,63.71,70.42
>>Exit the Vehicle (the Kitten). Return to Har'koa's Altar. 交谈 Har'koa
>> 交任务:不祥的扰动
>> 接任务:进入灵界的准备
>> | 哈克娅要求你收集8枚神圣符印,并把它们带回哈克娅祭坛交给她。
.skill coldweatherflying,1,1
.loop 50,ZulDrak,65.10,70.24,62.58,66.02,62.10,67.85,60.82,68.58,63.60,72.48,63.71,70.42,65.10,70.24
>>Kill Trolls in the area. Loot them for their Adornments
>> 完成:进入灵界的准备 - 神圣符印 x 8
.goto ZulDrak,63.71,70.42
>>交谈 Har'koa
>> 交任务:进入灵界的准备
>> 接任务:寻找风蛇女神
>> | 转至奎丝鲁恩祭坛,寻找奎丝鲁恩之魂。
.loop 50,ZulDrak,71.37,72.97,73.93,70.86,75.16,73.54,77.88,70.87,76.02,64.30,74.12,68.22,72.78,64.52,71.07,68.02,71.37,72.97
.use 44890 >>Use To'kini's Blowgun on Frost Leopards and Icepaw Bears
>>交谈 them while they are asleep to check if they're a male (they'll attack you) or female (objective will complete)
>> 完成:拎尾巴 - 捕获雌性冰霜豹 x 3
>> 完成:拎尾巴 - 捕获雌性冰爪熊 x 3
.goto ZulDrak,75.38,58.62
>>前往 the Altar of Quetz'lun. 交谈 Quetz'lun's Spirit
>> 交任务:寻找风蛇女神
>> 接任务:创造条件
>> | 奎丝鲁恩之魂要你收集10块灵界能量碎片。完成任务后返回奎丝鲁恩祭坛向她复命。
.loop 50,ZulDrak,74.59,58.38,72.81,58.07,72.07,56.63,70.21,57.07,69.32,58.89,71.18,62.22,72.08,60.57,72.78,59.18,73.85,59.26,74.59,58.38
.link /console ffxDeath 0 >>Loot the floating crystals in the area. If you can't see because of the ghost effect, copy paste this command (Click here), then type /reload
>> 完成:创造条件 - 灵界能量碎片 x 10
.goto ZulDrak,75.38,58.62
>>交谈 Quetz'lun's Spirit
>> 交任务:创造条件
>> 接任务:复仇的基础
>> | 奎丝鲁恩之魂要你在她的灵魂之泉附近杀死12个巨魔,奎丝鲁恩崇拜者或蛇灵狂暴者都可以。$B$B完成任务之后回到奎丝鲁恩祭坛向她复命。
.loop 40,ZulDrak,74.05,55.35,72.30,55.52,71.06,57.05,69.78,57.07,69.80,60.21,71.04,60.23,72.64,58.64,74.05,55.35
>>Kill Quetz'lun Worshippers or Berserkers on the Soul Fonts. Make sure they get the debuff for it
>>Make sure you DO NOT kill any named mobs, as you'll need them after
>> 完成:复仇的基础 - 在灵魂之泉附近杀死巨魔 x 12
.goto ZulDrak,75.38,58.62
>>交谈 Quetz'lun's Spirit
>> 交任务:复仇的基础
>> 接任务:地狱的复仇
>> | 奎丝鲁恩祭坛的奎丝鲁恩之魂要你对高阶祭司穆弗努、高阶祭司图亚图亚和高阶祭司哈文尼使用奎丝鲁恩的妖术棒,然后杀死他们。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,73.55,60.79
.cast 52251 >>Use the Quetz'lun's Hexxing Stick in your bags on Tua'ua to debuff her
.use 39158
.goto ZulDrak,73.55,60.79
.use 39158 >> Kill Tua'ua after debuffing her with the Hexxing Stick
>> 完成:地狱的复仇 - 用妖术杀死高阶祭司图亚图亚1
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,74.53,57.39
.cast 52251 >>Use the Quetz'lun's Hexxing Stick in your bags on Mu'funu to debuff him
.use 39158
.goto ZulDrak,74.53,57.39
.use 39158 >> Kill Mu'funu after debuffing him with the Hexxing Stick
>> 完成:地狱的复仇 - 用妖术杀死高阶祭司穆弗努1
#completewith next
.cast 52251 >>Use the Quetz'lun's Hexxing Stick in your bags on Hawinni to debuff him
.use 39158
.goto ZulDrak,75.51,54.87,40,0
.goto ZulDrak,77.65,54.90
.use 39158 >> Kill Hawinni after debuffing him with the Hexxing Stick
>> 完成:地狱的复仇 - 用妖术杀死高阶祭司哈文尼1
.unitscan High Priest Hawinni
.goto ZulDrak,75.38,58.62
>>交谈 Quetz'lun's Spirit
>> 交任务:地狱的复仇
>> 接任务:最后一步
>> | 转至哈克娅祭坛,请求哈克娅在灵界能量碎片中注入一丝她的精魄。
.goto ZulDrak,63.71,70.42
>>返回 the Altar of Har'Koa. 交谈 Har'koa
>> 交任务:最后一步
>> 接任务:死去神灵的血液
>> | 哈克娅要求你收集7份犸托斯之血,并把它们带回哈克娅祭坛交给她。
#completewith Hebjin
.goto ZulDrak,62.4,51.0,0
.goto ZulDrak,65.5,55.1,0
.use 38731 >>Kill Heb'Drakker trolls. Use Ahunae's Knife in your bags to scalp them
>> 完成:巫毒头饰! - 赫布达卡巨魔的巫毒头饰 x 10
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,64.23,52.52
.cast 6247 >> Use the Drum in Heb'Drakkar to summon Heb'Jin
#label Hebjin
.goto ZulDrak,64.50,52.04
.use 39041 >>Use the Bat Net in your bags on Heb'Jin's Bat. Kill Heb'Jin
>> 完成:击落赫布金 - 赫布金1
.unitscan Heb'Jin's Bat
.goto ZulDrak,63.12,50.40,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,61.29,52.41,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,64.97,56.50,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,67.25,52.97
.use 38731 >>Kill Heb'Drakker trolls. Use Ahunae's Knife in your bags to scalp them
>> 完成:巫毒头饰! - 赫布达卡巨魔的巫毒头饰 x 10
.loop 50,ZulDrak,69.72,50.45,70.45,47.95,72.21,47.95,73.04,46.00,,74.24,49.01,77.70,47.75,75.47,50.86,72.64,51.87,69.72,50.45
>>Kill Bloods of Mam'toth. Loot them for their Bloods
>> 完成:死去神灵的血液 - 犸托斯之血 x 7
.goto ZulDrak,63.71,70.42
>>返回 the Altar of Har'Koa. 交谈 Har'koa
>> 交任务:死去神灵的血液
>> 接任务:种瓜得瓜种豆得豆
>> | 杀死虚弱的奎丝鲁恩先知,然后通知希姆托加的巫医库弗。
#completewith next
.cast 52366 >>前往 the Altar of Quetz'lun. Use the Quetz'lun's Ritual in your bags on Quetz'lun's corpse
.timer 38,You Reap What You Sow RP
.use 39187
.goto ZulDrak,76.01,58.62
>>NOTE: The mobs at the Altar are now neutral to you
>>Wait out the RP event. Kill the Drained Prophet of Quetz'lun
>> 完成:种瓜得瓜种豆得豆 - 虚弱的奎丝鲁恩先知1
.use 39187
step << Shaman
#completewith Medallion
.hs >> Hearth back to Zim'Torga
.cooldown item,6948,>0
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,59.52,57.20,0,0
>>Turn in 10 Drakkari Offerings to the statue in Zim'Torga for the 10% stat buff if you have enough offerings and the buff has expired
>> 交任务:希姆托加的祝福
.itemcount 38551,10
>>返回 Zim'Torga. 交谈 Khufu, To'kini, Har'koa, Dagoda, and Ahunae
>> 交任务:种瓜得瓜种豆得豆
.goto ZulDrak,59.50,58.05
>> 交任务:拎尾巴
>> 接任务:妖术宝箱
>> | 希姆托加的记载者图基尼要求你为他夺取12只佐尔玛兹要塞宝箱。
.goto ZulDrak,59.98,57.93
>> 接任务:督军佐尔玛兹的钥匙
>> | 希姆托加的哈克娅要求你去夺取督军佐尔玛兹的钥匙。
.goto ZulDrak,60.28,57.76
>> 交任务:击落赫布金
>> 接任务:魔化蒂基面具战士
>> | 希姆托加的元素驯服者德苟达要求你消灭12名魔化蒂基面具战士。
.goto ZulDrak,59.40,56.41
>> 交任务:巫毒头饰!
>> 接任务:猛犸的复仇
>> | 希姆托加的剥皮师埃霍奈希望你使用犸托斯勋章让被激怒的猛犸象冷静下来,然后骑乘它去消灭12个犸托斯信徒。
.goto ZulDrak,59.15,56.21
#label Medallion
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,69.37,44.17
.vehicle >>Use the Medallion of Mam'toth in your bags on an Enraged Mammoth. Ride it
.use 39268
.goto ZulDrak,70.76,43.13,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,74.86,42.98,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,72.52,39.35,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,70.76,43.13,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,74.86,42.98,60,0
.goto ZulDrak,72.52,39.35
.use 39268 >>Use the Medallion on another Mammoth if needed
>>Use Rushing Charge (1) to charge to a Mam'toth Disciple when you're out of combat. Spam Trample (2) to kill the Disciples. You may need to get on another Mammoth later if yours dies
>> 完成:猛犸的复仇 - 践踏犸托斯信徒 x 12
#completewith Caches
.goto ZulDrak,66.0,36.1,0
.goto ZulDrak,69.0,35.9,0
>>Kill Tiki Warriors
>> 完成:魔化蒂基面具战士 - 消灭魔化蒂基面具战士 x 12
#completewith ZolMaz
.goto ZulDrak,66.0,36.1,0
.goto ZulDrak,69.0,35.9,0
>>Loot the small bamboo chests on the ground
>> 完成:妖术宝箱 - 佐尔玛兹要塞宝箱 x 12
>>Kill Tiri, Drek'Maz, and Yara. Loot them for their Incantation, Tiki, and Sword
.collect 39316,1,12712,1
.goto ZulDrak,63.81,37.09
.collect 39315,1,12712,1
.goto ZulDrak,68.20,35.36
.collect 39313,1,12712,1
.goto ZulDrak,67.94,32.71
.goto ZulDrak,66.16,33.44
.use 39316 >>Click the Incantation, Tiki, or Sword in your bags to combine them into the Tiki Dervish Ceremony
.collect 39314,1,12712,1
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,66.16,33.44
.cast 52669 >>Use the Tiki Dervish Ceremony outside of Zol'Maz's gate
.use 39314
#label ZolMaz
.goto ZulDrak,66.17,32.80
.use 39314 >>Kill Warlord Zol'Maz
>>Be careful as Zol'Maz is somewhat difficult, and you will have to re-make the Dervish Ceremony if you fail (by killing his family again). Group up for this if needed
>> 完成:督军佐尔玛兹的钥匙 - 督军佐尔玛兹的钥匙1
#label Caches
.loop 50,ZulDrak,68.00,33.67,63.78,33.81,63.72,38.24,67.38,38.75,69.52,35.43,68.00,33.67
>>Loot the small bamboo chests in the area
>> 完成:妖术宝箱 - 佐尔玛兹要塞宝箱 x 12
.loop 50,ZulDrak,68.00,33.67,63.78,33.81,63.72,38.24,67.38,38.75,69.52,35.43,68.00,33.67
>>Kill Tiki Warriors in the area
>> 完成:魔化蒂基面具战士 - 消灭魔化蒂基面具战士 x 12
step << Druid
#completewith next
.cast 18960 >> Cast Teleport: Moonglade
.zoneskip Moonglade
.xp <78,1
step << Druid
.goto Moonglade,52.4,40.6
>>Go to Moonglade
.train 48465 >> 职业训练师
.xp <78,1
step << DK
#completewith DKTrain2
.cast 50977 >> Cast Death Gate
.zoneskip Eastern Plaguelands
.xp <76,1
step << DK
.goto Eastern Plaguelands,80.3,48.0
>>Go through the Death Gate
.train 49894 >> 职业训练师 from Amal'Thazad in Acherus
.xp <76,1
step << DK
#label DKTrain2
.goto Eastern Plaguelands,80.3,48.0
>>Go through the Death Gate
.train 49941 >> 职业训练师 from Amal'Thazad in Acherus
.xp <78,1
step << Mage
#completewith MageTrain2
.zone Stormwind City >> Teleport to Stormwind << Alliance
.zone Undercity >> Teleport to Undercity << Horde
.xp <76,1
step << Mage
.goto Stormwind City,49.2,87.7 << Alliance
.goto Undercity,85.1,10.0 << Horde
.train 42920 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Mage
.goto Stormwind City,49.2,87.7 << Alliance
.goto Undercity,85.1,10.0 << Horde
.train 42985 >> 职业训练师
.xp <77,1
step << Mage
#label MageTrain2
.goto Stormwind City,49.2,87.7 << Alliance
.goto Undercity,85.1,10.0 << Horde
.train 42914 >> 职业训练师
.xp <78,1
#completewith ZimTorga5
.hs >> 炉石返回 Zim'Torga
#completewith ZimTorga5
.goto ZulDrak,59.52,57.20,0,0
>>Turn in 10 Drakkari Offerings to the statue in Zim'Torga for the 10% stat buff if you have enough offerings and the buff has expired
>> 交任务:希姆托加的祝福
.itemcount 38551,10
>>返回 Zim'Torga. 交谈 To'kini, Har'koa, Dagoda, and Ahunae
>> 交任务:妖术宝箱
.goto ZulDrak,59.98,57.93
>> 交任务:督军佐尔玛兹的钥匙
>> 接任务:狂暴
>> | 希姆托加的哈克娅要你去释放阿卡里,并将这个消息通知巫医库弗。
.goto ZulDrak,60.28,57.76
>> 交任务:魔化蒂基面具战士
.goto ZulDrak,59.40,56.41
>> 交任务:猛犸的复仇
.goto ZulDrak,59.15,56.21
#label ZimTorga5
>>返回 Zim'Torga. 交谈 To'kini, Har'koa, Dagoda, and Ahunae
>> 交任务:妖术宝箱
.goto ZulDrak,59.98,57.93
>> 交任务:督军佐尔玛兹的钥匙
.goto ZulDrak,60.28,57.76
>> 交任务:魔化蒂基面具战士
.goto ZulDrak,59.40,56.41
>> 交任务:猛犸的复仇
.goto ZulDrak,59.15,56.21
#label ZimTorga3
.goto ZulDrak,78.3,25.6
>>Ride North-East to Akali
>>Unlock the 4 anchors surrounding him to free him
>> 完成:狂暴 - Quest:12721:11
step << Hunter
#completewith Dubra
.goto ZulDrak,70.2,23.3
.vendor >> Buy Ammo if needed
step << Shaman
.goto ZulDrak,70.4,23.3
.fp Dubra'Jin >> Get the Dubra'Jin flight path
#label Dubra
.goto ZulDrak,70.0,21.0
>>前往 Dubra'Jin
>> 交任务:核实情况
>> 接任务:杜布拉金需要迅猛龙卵
>> | 杜布拉金的哈瓦纳希望你去收集12枚古达克迅猛龙卵。
.goto ZulDrak,77.0,16.7,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,72.1,20.1,70,0
.goto ZulDrak,71.9,31.2
>>Loot the small raptor eggs found next to the trees. Also kill Gundrak Raptors, loot them for their eggs
>> 完成:杜布拉金需要迅猛龙卵 - 古达克迅猛龙卵 x 12
.goto ZulDrak,70.0,21.0
>>返回 Ha'wana
>> 交任务:杜布拉金需要迅猛龙卵
step << Shaman
#completewith next
.hs >> 炉石返回 Zim'Torga
step << !Shaman
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,70.4,23.3
.fp Dubra'Jin >> Get the Dubra'Jin flight path
.fly Zim'Torga >> 飞往 Zim'Torga
.goto ZulDrak,59.5,58.0
>>返回 Zim'Torga. 交谈 Khufu
>> 交任务:狂暴
>> 接任务:诸神的指引
>> | 将完美的守卫者精华和充满活力的典狱官精华交给希姆托加的哈克娅。
step << !Warrior !Rogue !DK
#completewith next
>>If you have 10+ Drakkari Offerings, turn in at the statue of Zim'Rhuk to get the buff
>> 交任务:希姆鲁克的祝福
.itemcount 38551,10
.goto ZulDrak,58.8,45.4
>>Kill Guardians of Zim'Rhuk in the area. Loot them for the Unblemished Heart
>> 完成:诸神的指引 - 完美的守卫者精华1
.goto ZulDrak,71.3,55.2
>>Kill Altar Wardens in the area. Loot them for their Gusty Essence
>> 完成:诸神的指引 - 充满活力的典狱官精华1
.goto ZulDrak,60.3,57.7
>>返回 Zim'torga. 交谈 Har'koa
>> 交任务:诸神的指引
>> 接任务:在佐尔赫布相会
>> | 希姆托加的哈克娅要求你杀死阿卡里先知。
.goto ZulDrak,77.5,36.6
.use 39566 >>Use the Prophet of Akali Convocation in your bags at the green circle atop Zol'Heb. Kill the Prophet of Akail that appears. This quest is VERY hard, so group up for it if needed.
>> 完成:在佐尔赫布相会 - 阿卡里先知1
#completewith next
.hs >> 炉石返回 Zim'Torga
.goto ZulDrak,60.2,57.8
>>返回 Zim'Torga. 交谈 Har'koa
>> 交任务:在佐尔赫布相会
>> 接任务:未完的事情
>> | 哈克娅要你去跟杜布拉金的托玛尔谈一谈。
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,60.0,56.7
.fly Gundrak >> 飞往 Gundrak
.goto ZulDrak,70.0,22.9
>> 交任务:未完的事情
#completewith DalaranTP2
.goto ZulDrak,60.04,56.71
.fly The Argent Stand >> 飞往 The Argent Stand
.istrained 53140 << Mage
step << !Mage !Priest !Warlock
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,36.7,72.7
>>Turn in 10 Drakkari Offerings for the Blessing of Zim'Abwa to gain a 1h-long attack power buff
>>Skip this step if you are Balance << Druid
>>Skip this step if you are Elemental << Shaman
>> 交任务:希姆埃巴的祝福
.itemcount 38551,10
>>Look for a group for The Amphitheater of Anguish questline. There are 6 elite quests that give a LOT of fast xp and a weapon that'll last you to 80. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you. (Auto-accept is disabled for this questline). Skip this step if you can't find a group for it
.groundgoto ZulDrak,46.3,57.9,50,0
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:伊戈达斯!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败伊戈达斯!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.xp <75,1
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Yggdras in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:伊戈达斯! - Quest:12932:11
.isOnQuest 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:伊戈达斯!
.isQuestComplete 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:猛犸人!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败恶臭之须!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Stinkbeard in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:猛犸人! - Quest:12933:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:猛犸人!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:异界的对手!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败一位元素领主!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill the Elemental Lord in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:异界的对手! - Quest:12934:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:异界的对手!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:海象人的末日!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败奥里努克·碎牙!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Orinoko in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:海象人的末日! - Quest:12935:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:海象人的末日!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场:血怒者科尔拉克!
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败血怒者科尔拉克!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Korrak in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场:血怒者科尔拉克! - Quest:12936:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场:血怒者科尔拉克!
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.43,56.36
>>交谈 Gurgthock. Only accept this when your party is ready and on the same quest progression as you.
>> 接任务:痛苦斗兽场的冠军
>> | 进入痛苦斗兽场,击败屠夫乌拉多弗!回到巨魔仆从伍迪那里领取你的奖励。
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,47.83,56.83
>>Kill Vladof in the Amphitheater of Anguish
>> 完成:痛苦斗兽场的冠军 - Quest:12948:11
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
.goto ZulDrak,48.47,56.41
>>交谈 Wodin
>> 交任务:痛苦斗兽场的冠军
.isQuestTurnedIn 12932
step << !Druid !DK !Mage
.goto ZulDrak,40.8,66.3
>>返回 银色前沿
.home >> 设定炉石 银色前沿
>>Buy Food/water if needed
step << !DK !Mage !Druid !Paladin !Priest
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
>>交谈 Teronus
>> 接任务:魔法王国达拉然
>> | 将肯瑞托徽记之戒交给达拉然紫罗兰之门的大法师塞琳德拉。
.zoneskip Stormwind City << Alliance
.zoneskip Orgrimmar << Horde
.zoneskip Dalaran
step << !DK !Mage !Druid !Paladin !Priest
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
.zone Dalaran >>Ask Teronus to be teleported to Dalaran
.zoneskip Stormwind City << Alliance
.zoneskip Orgrimmar << Horde
step << !DK !Druid !Mage !Paladin !Priest
.abandon 12796 >> Abandon The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran. DO NOT TURN THIS IN
step << Alliance !DK !Druid !Mage !Paladin !Priest
.goto Dalaran,40.2,56.3,20,0
.goto Dalaran,40.1,62.8
.zone Stormwind City >>Go into The Silver Enclave. Take the portal to Stormwind
step << Alliance Shaman
.goto Stormwind City,61.9,84.0
.train 58803 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Alliance Warlock
.goto Stormwind City,29.2,74.0,20,0
.goto Stormwind City,27.2,78.1,15 >> Go into The Slaughtered Lamb and go downstairs
.goto Stormwind City,25.3,78.7
.train 47813 >> 职业训练师
.xp <77,1
step << Alliance Hunter
.goto Stormwind City,67.3,37.1,15,0
.goto Stormwind City,67.3,36.2
.train 53338 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Alliance Rogue
.goto Stormwind City,74.6,52.8
.train 48637 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Alliance Warrior
.goto Stormwind City,77.7,64.3,15,0
.goto Stormwind City,80.1,61.5,15,0
.goto Stormwind City,81.4,59.5,15,0
.goto Stormwind City,78.6,45.8
.train 47436 >> 职业训练师
.xp <78,1
step << Alliance !DK !Druid !Mage !Paladin !Priest
.goto Stormwind City,50.1,65.8
.zone ZulDrak >> Ghetto 炉石返回 The Argent Stand. To do this, enter The Stockades, then copy paste the link below into chat. Wait out the 1 minute warning
.link /run InviteUnit("a");C_Timer.After(1,function() LeaveParty() end) >> CLICK HERE
step << Horde !DK !Druid !Mage !Paladin !Priest
.goto Dalaran,55.5,37.1,20,0
.goto Dalaran,55.3,25.4
.zone Orgrimmar >>Go into Sunreaver's Sanctuary. Take the portal to Orgrimmar
step << Horde Shaman
.goto Orgrimmar,40.5,36.9,25,0
.goto Orgrimmar,38.6,36.0
.train 58803 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Horde Warlock
.goto Orgrimmar,40.4,54.5,30,0
.goto Orgrimmar,48.0,46.0
.train 47813 >> 职业训练师
.xp <77,1
step << Horde Hunter
.goto Orgrimmar,63.6,38.2,30,0
.goto Orgrimmar,66.1,18.5
.train 53338 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Horde Rogue
.goto Orgrimmar,40.4,54.5,30,0
.goto Orgrimmar,44.0,54.6
.train 48637 >> 职业训练师
.xp <76,1
step << Horde Warrior
.goto Orgrimmar,63.6,38.2,30,0
.goto Orgrimmar,76.9,32.6,20,0
.goto Orgrimmar,79.8,31.4
.train 47436 >> 职业训练师
.xp <78,1
step << Horde !DK !Druid !Mage !Paladin !Priest
.goto Orgrimmar,53.8,48.0
.zone ZulDrak >> Ghetto 炉石返回 The Argent Stand. To do this, enter Ragefire Chasm, then copy paste the link below into chat. Wait out the 1 minute warning
.link /run InviteUnit("a");C_Timer.After(1,function() LeaveParty() end) >> CLICK HERE
#label DalaranTP2
#completewith next
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
>>交谈 Teronus
>> 接任务:魔法王国达拉然
>> | 将肯瑞托徽记之戒交给达拉然紫罗兰之门的大法师塞琳德拉。
.zoneskip Dalaran
.goto ZulDrak,40.63,66.90
.zone Dalaran >>Ask Teronus to be teleported to Dalaran
.abandon 12796 >> Abandon The Magical Kingdom of Dalaran. DO NOT TURN THIS IN
step << Alliance !Mage
.goto Dalaran,45.1,60.5,15,0
.goto Dalaran,44.66,63.36
.home >>设定炉石 达拉然
step << Horde !Mage
.goto Dalaran,57.5,33.5,30,0
.goto Dalaran,63.8,32.8,20,0
.goto Dalaran,65.6,32.2
.home >>设定炉石 达拉然
step << Mage
.goto Dalaran,56.3,46.7
.train 53140 >>Go inside the building. Train your Dalaran Portals
.goto Dalaran,72.18,45.77
.fp Dalaran >> Get the Dalaran flight path
.xp <77,1
.goto Dalaran,69.81,45.45
.train 54197 >> Train Cold Weather Flying from Hira Snowdawn
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