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Last active January 14, 2022 20:27
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  • Save tzaffi/6166662066920ca321b598bc56389c05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tzaffi/6166662066920ca321b598bc56389c05 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio.
"spin(application,application)(byte[3],byte[17],byte[17],byte[17])": [
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" }
"spin(application,application)(byte[3],byte[17],byte[17],byte[17])": [
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" }
"spin(application,application)(byte[3],byte[17],byte[17],byte[17])": [
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" }
"spin(application,application)(byte[3],byte[17],byte[17],byte[17])": [
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" }
"spin(application,application)(byte[3],byte[17],byte[17],byte[17])": [
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" }
"spin(application,application)(byte[3],byte[17],byte[17],byte[17])": [
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" },
{ "appl": "appl" }
# The commit that removed this friend of mine:
def transactions_trace(
atc: AtomicTransactionComposer, results: List[ABIResult], quote='"'
) -> str:
Return a json-like representation of the transactions call graph that occured during execution
TODO: this only works when all the transactions are method calls. Should make this work when
other kinds of transactions are added with AtomicTransactionComposer.add_transaction()
def _wrap(k, v):
return "{" + quote + k + quote + ":" + v + "}"
def _wrap_iter(vs):
vs = list(vs)
return vs[0] if len(vs) == 1 else "[" + ",".join(vs) + "]"
def _tt(tx: Union[int, list, dict]) -> str:
if isinstance(tx, list):
if isinstance(tx, dict):
k = tx["txn"]["txn"]["type"]
tx_info = tx
# top level only:
assert isinstance(tx, int)
tx_info = results[tx].tx_info
k = (
if tx in atc.method_dict
else tx_info["txn"]["txn"]["type"]
vs = tx_info.get("inner-txns", [])
return _wrap(k, _wrap_iter(map(_tt, vs))) if vs else quote + k + quote
return _wrap_iter(map(_tt, range(len(atc.tx_ids))))
'I can retrieve all inner transactions that were called from the atomic transaction with call graph "{callGraph}".'
def can_retrieve_all_inner_txns(context, callGraph):
actual = transactions_trace(
assert actual == callGraph, f"expected: {callGraph} but got: {actual}"
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