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Created June 10, 2016 20:19
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public static List<Wallet> GetWallets(Database Db, User user)
double pendingCredits = Wallet.GetPendingCredits(Db, user.customerId);
* Get the customer's current sum of activity this week. According to the SP,
* it follows this formula:
* total = amountWon + creditAdjustment + casinoAmountWon
* - amountLost - debitAdjustment - casinoAmountLost
//double thisWeeksActivity = 0;
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, object> {
{ "customerID", user.customerId }
object result = Db.ExecuteStoredProcedureScalar("spInetGetThisWeeksFigure", parameters);
double thisWeeksActivity = (!Convert.IsDBNull(result)) ? double.Parse(result.ToString()) : 0;
* Now fetch balances
IDataReader data = Db.ExecuteStoredProcedure("spInetGetCustomerBalances", parameters);
* Every user has precisely two wallets, "cash" and "free-play." These are both
* constructed from the same (single) customer balance record.
Wallet cash = new Wallet("cash");
Wallet freeplay = new Wallet("free-play");
if (data.Read())
bool weeklyLimits = (!Convert.IsDBNull(data["WeeklyLimitFlag"])) && Convert.ToChar(data["WeeklyLimitFlag"]) == 'Y';
/* CASH */
cash.pendingBalance = Convert.ToDouble(data["PendingWagerBalance"]) / 100;
cash.pendingWagers = Convert.ToInt32(data["PendingWagerCount"]);
cash.balance = Convert.ToDouble(data["CurrentBalance"]) / 100;
cash.balance += Convert.ToDouble(data["CreditLimit"]) / 100;
cash.creditLimit = Convert.ToDouble(data["CreditLimit"])/100;
cash.balance += Convert.ToDouble(data["CasinoBalance"]) / 100;
cash.casinoBalance = Convert.ToDouble(data["CasinoBalance"]) / 100;
cash.currentBalance = Convert.ToDouble(data["CurrentBalance"]) / 100;
cash.balance += pendingCredits / 100;
if (weeklyLimits)
cash.balance += thisWeeksActivity / 100;
cash.balance -= Convert.ToDouble(data["PendingWagerBalance"]) / 100;
* If the user has been extended credit from the sportsbook, then
* subtract their pending wager balance from their available balance.
if (user.isCredit)
cash.balance -= Convert.ToDouble(data["PendingWagerBalance"]) / 100;
freeplay.balance = Convert.ToDouble(data["FreePlayBalance"]) / 100;
freeplay.pendingBalance = Convert.ToDouble(data["FreePlayPendingBalance"]) / 100;
freeplay.pendingWagers = Convert.ToInt32(data["FreePlayPendingCount"]);
List<Wallet> wallets = new List<Wallet>();
cash.balance = Math.Round(cash.balance, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
cash.creditLimit = Math.Round(cash.creditLimit, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
cash.casinoBalance = Math.Round(cash.casinoBalance, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
cash.currentBalance = Math.Round(cash.currentBalance, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
cash.pendingBalance = Math.Round(cash.pendingBalance, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
freeplay.balance = Math.Round(freeplay.balance, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
freeplay.pendingBalance = Math.Round(freeplay.pendingBalance, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
return wallets;
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