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Last active March 9, 2021 21:30
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- spInetGetTotalPendingCredit
- spInetGetThisWeeksFigure
- spInetGetCustomerBalances
- uSp_Message_ValidateMessage
- uSp_Local_IsCashBackCustomer
- requestSignUp: ''
- signUpValidate: ''
- activateAccount: ''
- forgotPwd: ''
- resetPwd: ''
- updatePassword: ''
- uSp_Inet_GetInetTargetFromAddress
- spInetGetCustomerInfoInetMembers
- uSp_SubStore_GetCustSubStoreProfile
- uSp_getCustomerPasswordHash
- uSp_GetPasswordPolicyRule
- uSp_ChangePassword
Customer validation
- uSp_Local_DocIDValidateFileStatus
- utbThirdPartyCashierPayment
- utbThirdPartyCashierPaymentDetails
- uSp_Add_TP_Cashier_Transaction
- uSp_Get_TP_Cashier_Transactions
Account History:
- gs_GetAccountHistory
- gs_GetWagersForTicket
- gs_GetWagersForGradeNumber
- uSp_Local_GetRifHookups
Current Bets:
- uSp_GSAPI_GetCustomerTickets_Detailed
- uSp_Oops_CancelBet
Early Cashout:
- uSp_ECO_GetCustomerTicketsCashoutParlay_V2
- uSp_ECO_GetCustomerTicketsCashout_Contest
- uSp_ECO_VerifyCashout_Contest
- uSp_ECO_WagerGameInfo_Contest
Weekly Figures:
- uSp_Members_GetWeeksWagers
- uSp_Members_GetWeeksAdjustments
Daily Figures:
- uSp_Members_GetCustDailyFigureByCustByDw
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