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Bob R tzbob

  • Cleverbase
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tzbob / build.sbt
Created September 9, 2016 12:06
sbt-web-scalajs alternative structure
lazy val foo = crossProject
organization := "foo",
name := "foo",
tzbob / bashrc
Created November 18, 2013 12:52
# ~/.bashrc
Color_Off='\e[0m' # Text Reset
Black='\e[0;30m' # Black
Red='\e[0;31m' # Red
Green='\e[0;32m' # Green
Yellow='\e[0;33m' # Yellow
Blue='\e[0;34m' # Blue
tzbob / uhosts.scala
Created November 7, 2013 23:20
automatically update pdnsd.adblock
#!/usr/bin/env scala
import java.util.Calendar
import scala.util.matching.Regex
val resources = List(
resize_grip = false
scroll_on_output = false
scroll_on_keystroke = true
audible_bell = false
visible_bell = true
mouse_autohide = false
allow_bold = false
dynamic_title = true
urgent_on_bell = true
tzbob / .vimrc
Created October 16, 2013 19:55
current .vimrc using vundle as bundler
" Vundle "
" ========== "
set nocompatible
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
call vundle#rc()
Bundle 'gmarik/vundle'
# Config file for Syslinux -
# /boot/syslinux/syslinux.cfg
# Comboot modules:
# * menu.c32 - provides a text menu
# * vesamenu.c32 - provides a graphical menu
# * chain.c32 - chainload MBRs, partition boot sectors, Windows bootloaders
# * hdt.c32 - hardware detection tool
# * reboot.c32 - reboots the system
# * - shutdown the system
tzbob / .vimrc
Created September 1, 2013 12:11
" Vundle "
" ========== "
set nocompatible
filetype off
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/vundle/
call vundle#rc()
Bundle 'gmarik/vundle'
resize_grip = false
scroll_on_output = false
scroll_on_keystroke = true
audible_bell = false
visible_bell = false
mouse_autohide = false
allow_bold = false
dynamic_title = true
urgent_on_bell = true
Config {
font = "xft:inconsolata:size=10:antialias=true"
, fgColor = "#EFEFEF"
, bgColor = "#333333"
, position = Static { xpos = 0, ypos = 1050, width = 1920, height = 30 }
, lowerOnStart = True
, commands = [
Run Battery ["-t", "<left>"] 100
, Run MultiCpu ["-t","<total0>"] 30
, Run Date "%_d %#B %Y <fc=#AEB898>|</fc> %H:%M" "date" 600
tzbob / gist:3959764
Created October 26, 2012 16:31
Micro TDD Prolog
% test predicate
test(Summary, Predicate) :-
string_concat('\n ', Summary, Buf),
string_concat(Buf, ' is running', Message),
% example
force(anakin, 9).