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Created January 20, 2022 16:39
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This is an interactive file that can be run with the zx utility:

$.verbose = false
const DEFAULT_REF_BRANCH = 'develop';
const DEFAULT_BRANCH_FILTER = 'renovate';
const DEFAULT_REMOTE = 'origin';

if ( || argv.h) {
    --help | -h     display help information
    --ref           specify the reference branch (default=${DEFAULT_REF_BRANCH})
    --filter        specify the branch filter (default=${DEFAULT_BRANCH_FILTER})
    --remote        specify the remote (default=${DEFAULT_REMOTE})

const refBranch = argv.ref || DEFAULT_REF_BRANCH;
const branchFilter = argv.filter || DEFAULT_BRANCH_FILTER;
const remote = argv.remote || DEFAULT_REMOTE;

const mergeBranch = async (branch) => {
    const localBranch = new RegExp(`^${remote}\/(.*)`).exec(branch)[1];
    await nothrow( $`git branch -D ${localBranch}`)
    await $`git branch --track ${localBranch} ${branch}`
    await $`git checkout ${localBranch}`
    const results = (await $`git rebase ${refBranch}`).stdout
    await $`git checkout ${refBranch}`
    await $`git merge --ff-only ${localBranch}`
    console.log(`Merged branch ${} into ${}`)

await $`git checkout ${refBranch}`
await $`git fetch --all`
const filteredBranches = (await $`git branch -r --sort=-committerdate | grep -i ${remote} | grep -i ${branchFilter}`).stdout.split(/\n/).map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => s)

if (!filteredBranches.length) {
    console.log(`No potential branches to merge!`)
while (filteredBranches.length) {
    console.log(`${filteredBranches.length} possible branches to merge: \n\n${chalk.yellow(filteredBranches.join('\n'))}\n`)
    const branch = await question('Choose a branch to merge: '), {
        choices: filteredBranches
    console.log(`Attempting to merge branch: ${}`)
    // remove the choice for now
    filteredBranches.splice(filteredBranches.indexOf(branch), 1);
    await mergeBranch(branch);
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