- Hack Regular 16 點
- [v] 柔邊處理文字
- 使用粗體
- [v] 閃爍游標
(please remove line comments first)
$ brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
$ brew cask install \
font-anonymous-pro \ # Anonymous Pro (slashed zero)
font-fira-code \ # Fira Code (programming ligatures)
font-hack \ # Hack (dotted zero)
font-source-code-pro \ # Source Code Pro (dotted zero)
font-source-han-sans \ # 思源黑體 | Source Han Sans
font-source-han-serif # 思源宋體 | Source Han Serif
- font name suffix with
: Nerd Fonts
$ brew cask install \
qlcolorcode \ # source-code, 原本無上色預覽
qlcommonmark \ # CommonMark, 無上色預覽
quicklook-csv \ # CSV files, 有簡單預覽
quicklook-json # JSON files, 無預覽
# Setting the font size (default is 10):
$ defaults write org.n8gray.QLColorCode fontSizePoints 12
# Setting the color style
$ defaults write org.n8gray.QLColorCode hlTheme Zenburn
$ brew install fish
# `fisher` installation (https://github.com/jorgebucaran/fisher)
$ curl https://git.io/fisher --create-dirs -sLo ~/.config/fish/functions/fisher.fish
$ fisher add jethrokuan/z
$ fisher add oh-my-fish/theme-bobthefish
$ brew install mongodb mysql redis
$ brew install \
exiftool \
ffmpeg \ # Swiss Army knife for audio/video processing
graphicsmagick \ # Swiss Army knife for image processing
graphviz \
pandoc \ # Swiss Army knife for text/document processing
$ brew install imagemagick --with-libheif
$ brew install ack jq git-flow git-lfs textql opencc
# go
$ brew install golang glide
# python
$ brew install python
# node
$ brew install node
$ brew install docker
$ brew cask install \
docker \ # Docker.app
minikube \ # `kubectl` will be installed with `minikube` as dependency
google-cloud-sdk #
# @hyww ref. https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/69223/how-to-replace-mac-os-x-utilities-with-gnu-core-utilities
$ brew install coreutils findutils gnu-tar gnu-sed gawk gnutls gnu-indent gnu-getopt grep
# @denny
$ brew install --with-default-names coreutils diffutils findutils gnu-tar gnu-sed gawk gnutls gnu-indent gnu-getopt grep
- Alfred
- DayOne (Mac App Store)
- Chrome
- Adobe CC
- VSCode (brew cask install visual-studio-code)
- VLC (brew cask install vlc)
- Unity
- RescueTime (brew cask install rescuetime)
- Line (Mac App Store)
- NTFS for Mac (官網下載)
- Google Drive (brew cask install google-backup-and-sync)
- TeamViewer (brew cask)
- OpenEmu (brew cask)
- Xee (Mac App Store)
- DB Browser for SQLite (brew cask install db-browser-for-sqlite)
- ExtFS for Mac
- Wacom 數位版
- Java (brew cask install java)
- brew install rename