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Created October 31, 2021 13:05
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use std::any::type_name;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
trait Ordering {}
struct Less;
struct Equal;
struct Greater;
impl Ordering for Less {}
impl Ordering for Equal {}
impl Ordering for Greater {}
trait N {}
struct Z;
struct S<X: N>(PhantomData<X>);
impl N for Z {}
impl<X: N> N for S<X> {}
type N0 = Z;
type N1 = S<N0>;
type N2 = S<N1>;
type N3 = S<N2>;
trait Compare<B: N> {
type Result: Ordering;
impl<A: N> Compare<S<A>> for Z {
type Result = Less;
impl Compare<Z> for Z {
type Result = Equal;
impl<A: N> Compare<Z> for S<A> {
type Result = Greater;
impl<A: N + Compare<B>, B: N> Compare<S<B>> for S<A> {
type Result = <A as Compare<B>>::Result;
trait Add<B: N> {
type Result: N;
impl<A: N> Add<Z> for A {
type Result = A;
impl<A: N + Add<B>, B: N> Add<S<B>> for A {
type Result = S<<A as Add<B>>::Result>;
trait Mul<B: N> {
type Result: N;
impl<A: N> Mul<Z> for A {
type Result = Z;
impl<A: N + Mul<B> + Add<<A as Mul<B>>::Result>, B: N> Mul<S<B>> for A {
type Result = <A as Add<<A as Mul<B>>::Result>>::Result;
fn main() {
println!("{}", type_name::<<N1 as Compare<N3>>::Result>());
println!("{}", type_name::<<N2 as Compare<N2>>::Result>());
println!("{}", type_name::<<N3 as Compare<N1>>::Result>());
println!("{}", type_name::<<N2 as Add<N3>>::Result>());
println!("{}", type_name::<<N2 as Mul<N3>>::Result>());
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