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Last active March 6, 2016 02:54
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@type twitter
consumer_key ****
consumer_secret ****
oauth_token ****
oauth_token_secret ****
tag input.twitter.sampling # Required
timeline tracking # Required (tracking or sampling or location or userstream)
keyword 乃木坂,欅坂,秋元真夏,生田絵梨花,生駒里奈,伊藤かりん,伊藤純奈,伊藤万理華,井上小百合,衛藤美彩,川後陽菜,川村真洋,北野日奈子,齋藤飛鳥,斎藤ちはる,相楽伊織,桜井玲香,佐々木琴子,白石麻衣,新内眞衣,鈴木絢音,高山一実,寺田蘭世,中田花奈,中元日芽香,永島聖羅,西野七瀬,能條愛未,橋本奈々未,樋口日奈,深川麻衣,星野みなみ,堀未央奈,松村沙友理,山崎玲奈,若月佑美,渡辺みり愛,和田まあや,石森虹花,今泉佑唯,上村莉菜,尾関梨香,織田奈那,小池美波,小林由依,齋藤冬優花,佐藤詩織,志田愛佳,菅井友香,鈴本美愉,長沢菜々香,土生瑞穂,原田葵,平手友梨奈,守屋茜,米谷奈々未,渡辺梨加,渡邉理佐,長濱ねる # Optional (keyword is priority than follow_ids)
output_format flat # Optional (nest or flat or simple[default])
<match input.twitter.sampling>
@type copy
@type record_reformer
renew_record true
enable_ruby false
keep_keys text,user_id_str,user_name,created_at,user_lang,user_time_zone,place,coordinates,time,tag,lang,geo,id_str,timestamp_ms
tag filtered.${tag}
@type s3
aws_key_id AKI******
aws_sec_key *********
s3_bucket *******
s3_region ap-northeast-1
path sakamichi/
buffer_path /var/log/td-agent/s3
time_slice_format %Y%m%d
s3_object_key_format %{path}%{time_slice}_%{index}_%{hostname}.%{file_extension}
time_slice_wait 10m
format json
include_time_key true
include_tag_key true
buffer_chunk_limit 8m
<match filtered.input.twitter.sampling>
@type copy
@type elasticsearch
host localhost
port 9200
type_name idle
logstash_format true
@type bigquery
method insert # default
auth_method json_key
json_key /home/tzm/.keys/****.json
email *****@*****
project *****
dataset *****
auto_create_table true
table tweet_sakamichi_%{time_slice}
time_format %s
time_field timestamp_ms
field_integer timestamp_ms
field_string text,user_id_str,user_name,created_at,user_lang,user_time_zone,place,coordinates,time,tag,lang,geo,id_str
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