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Last active September 27, 2020 01:34
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require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
echo $nodefined; // Variable $nodefined might not be defined.
$tmp1 = new NoExist(); // Instantiated class NoExist not found.
$tmp2 = noFunction(); // Function noFunction not found
class Hoge {
public function someMethod(int $someArg): string {
return 1; // Method Hoge::someMethod() should return string but returns int.
// return 1 // Syntax error, unexpected '}', expecting ';' on line 12
private function privateMethod() {}
public function noTypeHint($arg) {
// Method Hoge::noTypeHint() has parameter $arg with no typehint specified.
return true; // Method Hoge::noTypeHint() has no return typehint specified.
* @param Hoge $var
public function phpdoc1(): void {} // PHPDoc tag @param references unknown parameter: $var
* @param Hoge[] $hoges
public function phpdoc2(array $hoges): void {
echo $hoges[0]; // Parameter #1 (Hoge) of echo cannot be converted to string.
echo $hoges[0]->methodMissing(); // Call to an undefined method Hoge::methodMissing().
// Method Hoge::phpdoc3() has parameter $hoges with no value type specified in iterable type array.
public function phpdoc3(array $hoges): void {}
$hoge = new Hoge();
echo $hoge->fuga; // Access to an undefined property Hoge::$fuga
echo $hoge->hello(); // Call to an undefined method Hoge::hello().
echo $hoge->someMethod(); // Method Hoge::someMethod() invoked with 0 parameters, 1 required.
echo $hoge->someMethod('123'); // Parameter #1 $someArg of method Hoge::someMethod() expects int, string given.
echo $hoge->privateMethod(); // Call to private method privateMethod() of class Hoge.
echo in_array([], ""); // Parameter #2 $haystack of function in_array expects array, string given
if (false) {
// dead code // If condition is always false.
$var = new stdClass();
if ($var instanceof Hoge) {} // Instanceof between stdClass and Hoge will always evaluate to false.
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