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Created November 25, 2011 07:08
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Visitor tracking with PHP and Redis
* Read about why this script was written at
// I'm using Predis from
require '/path/to/predis/lib/Predis/Autoloader.php';
$conf = array();
$conf['host'] = '';
$conf['port'] = 6379;
$client = new Predis\Client( $conf );
function debug ( $msg ) {
if ( false )
printf( "%s <br />\n", $msg );
$host = '';
$hash = $_GET['hash'];
$day = floor( time()/86400 );
if ( array_key_exists('r',$_GET) || $_COOKIE['t'] == 'confirmed' ) {
debug( "Either we've already been redirected or the cookie is already confirmed, so mark this as a page view" );
$client->hincrby( 'pageviews:'.$hash, $day, 1 );
if ( isset($_COOKIE['t']) ) {
debug( 'The cookie has been set [t='.$_COOKIE['t'].']' );
if ( $_COOKIE['t'] == 'confirmed' ) {
debug( 'Cookie exists and was already confirmed, so do nothing' );
} else if ( array_key_exists('r',$_GET) ) {
debug( "We've already been redirected, so the browser CAN accept cookies" );
debug( "Setting cookie 't' to confirmed" );
setCookie( 't', 'confirmed', time()+1576800000, '/', $host, false );
debug( 'Incrementing the uniques' );
$client->hincrby( 'unique:'.$hash, $day, 1 );
} else {
debug( "Something fishy happened - the cookie is there but not confirmed, but we have't been redirected" );
} else {
debug( 'No cookie has been set' );
if ( array_key_exists('r',$_GET) ) {
debug( "We've already been redirected, so the browser CANNOT accept cookies" );
$client->hincrby( 'nocookie:'.$hash, $day, 1 );
} else {
debug( 'The cookie has not been attempted, so we need to set it and redirect' );
debug( "Setting cookie 't' to redirect" );
setCookie( 't', 'redirect', time()+1576800000, '/', $host, false );
header( 'Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate' );
header( 'Expires: Fri, 9 Sep 1988 05:55:00 EST' );
header( 'Location: /?r=1&hash='.$hash, true, 302 );
header( 'Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate' );
header( 'Expires: Fri, 9 Sep 1988 05:55:00 EST' );
header( 'Content-Type: image/gif' );
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