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Last active May 26, 2020 17:18
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resizing /tmp cpanel centos 7 on linode

goto linode dashboard > node

1st, setting > shutdown watchdog > disable

second, boot into rescue mode

disclaimer: i'm not responsible for any problems with your system (but you may contact me)

mkdir /mnt/r
mount /dev/sda /mnt/r

cd /mnt/r/usr
cp tmpDSK tmpDSK2
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1MiB of=tmpDSK2 conv=notrunc oflag=append count=14024# size in MB
e2fsck -yf tmpDSK2 # make sure this works without error
resize2fs -f tmpDSK2 # and this works without error
mv tmpDSK tmpDSKori
mv tmpDSK2 tmpDSK

then, goto linode dashboard, and click on reboot

shell into system

df -h# tada!

once its working, goto linode dashboard, setting > shutdown watchdog > enable

to check for all loop0 devics

/sbin/losetup --list
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