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Created June 10, 2020 14:58
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  • Save u01jmg3/0de75521c4a54350887087f81fe46754 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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AutoHotkey - speak aloud the currently playing track 🗣
#SingleInstance, Force
If ProcessExist("wmplayer.exe")
wmp := new RemoteWMP
!4:: ; Alt+4
; Skip to next track
; Fade media volume down
wmp.player.settings.volume := 90
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 80
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 70
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 60
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 50
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 40
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 30
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 20
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 10
; Increase master volume
SoundGet, master_volume
Sleep, 200
SoundSet, 60
; Speak aloud what is currently playing
SplitPath, % wmp.player.currentMedia.sourceURL, , , , track
voice := ComObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice")
voice.volume := 100
; Return master volume to original value
SoundSet, master_volume
Sleep, 200
; Fade media volume back up
wmp.player.settings.volume := 20
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 30
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 40
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 50
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 60
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 70
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 80
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 90
Sleep, 50
wmp.player.settings.volume := 100
class RemoteWMP
__New() {
static IID_IOleClientSite := "{00000118-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
, IID_IOleObject := "{00000112-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
Process, Exist, wmplayer.exe
if !ErrorLevel
throw Exception("wmplayer.exe is not running")
if !this.player := ComObjCreate("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
throw Exception("Failed to get WMPlayer.OCX.7 object")
this.rms := IWMPRemoteMediaServices_CreateInstance()
this.ocs := ComObjQuery(this.rms, IID_IOleClientSite)
this.ole := ComObjQuery(this.player, IID_IOleObject)
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(this.ole+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "Ptr", this.ole, "Ptr", this.ocs)
__Delete() {
if !this.player
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(this.ole+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "Ptr", this.ole, "Ptr", 0)
for k, obj in [this.ole, this.ocs, this.rms]
this.player := ""
static vtblUnk, vtblRms, vtblIsp, vtblOls, vtblPtrs := 0, size := (A_PtrSize + 4)*4 + 4
if !VarSetCapacity(vtblUnk) {
extfuncs := ["QueryInterface", "AddRef", "Release"]
VarSetCapacity(vtblUnk, extfuncs.Length()*A_PtrSize)
for i, name in extfuncs
NumPut(RegisterCallback("IUnknown_" . name), vtblUnk, (i-1)*A_PtrSize)
if !VarSetCapacity(vtblRms) {
extfuncs := ["GetServiceType", "GetScriptableObject", "GetCustomUIMode"]
VarSetCapacity(vtblRms, (3 + extfuncs.Length())*A_PtrSize)
DllCall("ntdll\RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr", &vtblRms, "Ptr", &vtblUnk, "Ptr", A_PtrSize*3)
for i, name in extfuncs
NumPut(RegisterCallback("IWMPRemoteMediaServices_" . name, "Fast"), vtblRms, (2+i)*A_PtrSize)
if !VarSetCapacity(vtblIsp) {
VarSetCapacity(vtblIsp, 4*A_PtrSize)
DllCall("ntdll\RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr", &vtblIsp, "Ptr", &vtblUnk, "Ptr", A_PtrSize*3)
NumPut(RegisterCallback("IServiceProvider_QueryService", "Fast"), vtblIsp, A_PtrSize*3)
if !VarSetCapacity(vtblOls) {
extfuncs := ["SaveObject", "GetMoniker", "GetContainer", "ShowObject", "OnShowWindow", "RequestNewObjectLayout"]
VarSetCapacity(vtblOls, (3 + extfuncs.Length())*A_PtrSize)
DllCall("ntdll\RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr", &vtblOls, "Ptr", &vtblUnk, "Ptr", A_PtrSize*3)
for i, name in extfuncs
NumPut(RegisterCallback("IOleClientSite_" . name, "Fast"), vtblOls, (2+i)*A_PtrSize)
if !vtblPtrs
vtblPtrs := [&vtblUnk, &vtblRms, &vtblIsp, &vtblOls]
pObj := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "UInt", 0, "Ptr", size, "Ptr")
for i, ptr in vtblPtrs {
off := A_PtrSize*(i - 1) + 4*(i - 1)
NumPut(ptr, pObj+0, off, "Ptr")
NumPut(off, pObj+0, off + A_PtrSize, "UInt")
NumPut(1, pObj+0, size - 4, "UInt")
return pObj
IUnknown_QueryInterface(this_, riid, ppvObject)
static IID_IUnknown, IID_IWMPRemoteMediaServices, IID_IServiceProvider, IID_IOleClientSite
if !VarSetCapacity(IID_IUnknown) {
VarSetCapacity(IID_IUnknown, 16), VarSetCapacity(IID_IWMPRemoteMediaServices, 16), VarSetCapacity(IID_IServiceProvider, 16), VarSetCapacity(IID_IOleClientSite, 16)
DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "WStr", "{00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", "Ptr", &IID_IUnknown)
DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "WStr", "{CBB92747-741F-44FE-AB5B-F1A48F3B2A59}", "Ptr", &IID_IWMPRemoteMediaServices)
DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "WStr", "{6d5140c1-7436-11ce-8034-00aa006009fa}", "Ptr", &IID_IServiceProvider)
DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "WStr", "{00000118-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", "Ptr", &IID_IOleClientSite)
if DllCall("ole32\IsEqualGUID", "Ptr", riid, "Ptr", &IID_IUnknown) {
off := NumGet(this_+0, A_PtrSize, "UInt")
NumPut(this_ - off, ppvObject+0, "Ptr")
return 0 ; S_OK
if DllCall("ole32\IsEqualGUID", "Ptr", riid, "Ptr", &IID_IWMPRemoteMediaServices) {
off := NumGet(this_+0, A_PtrSize, "UInt")
NumPut((this_ - off)+(A_PtrSize + 4), ppvObject+0, "Ptr")
return 0 ; S_OK
if DllCall("ole32\IsEqualGUID", "Ptr", riid, "Ptr", &IID_IServiceProvider) {
off := NumGet(this_+0, A_PtrSize, "UInt")
NumPut((this_ - off)+((A_PtrSize + 4)*2), ppvObject+0, "Ptr")
return 0 ; S_OK
if DllCall("ole32\IsEqualGUID", "Ptr", riid, "Ptr", &IID_IOleClientSite) {
off := NumGet(this_+0, A_PtrSize, "UInt")
NumPut((this_ - off)+((A_PtrSize + 4)*3), ppvObject+0, "Ptr")
return 0 ; S_OK
NumPut(0, ppvObject+0, "Ptr")
return 0x80004002 ; E_NOINTERFACE
off := NumGet(this_+0, A_PtrSize, "UInt")
iunk := this_-off
NumPut((_refCount := NumGet(iunk+0, (A_PtrSize + 4)*4, "UInt") + 1), iunk+0, (A_PtrSize + 4)*4, "UInt")
return _refCount
IUnknown_Release(this_) {
off := NumGet(this_+0, A_PtrSize, "UInt")
iunk := this_-off
_refCount := NumGet(iunk+0, (A_PtrSize + 4)*4, "UInt")
if (_refCount > 0) {
NumPut(--_refCount, iunk+0, (A_PtrSize + 4)*4, "UInt")
if (_refCount == 0)
DllCall("GlobalFree", "Ptr", iunk, "Ptr")
return _refCount
IWMPRemoteMediaServices_GetServiceType(this_, pbstrType)
NumPut(DllCall("oleaut32\SysAllocString", "WStr", "Remote", "Ptr"), pbstrType+0, "Ptr")
return 0
IWMPRemoteMediaServices_GetScriptableObject(this_, pbstrName, ppDispatch)
return 0x80004001
IWMPRemoteMediaServices_GetCustomUIMode(this_, pbstrFile)
return 0x80004001
IServiceProvider_QueryService(this_, guidService, riid, ppvObject)
return IUnknown_QueryInterface(this_, riid, ppvObject)
Process, Exist, %Name%
Return Errorlevel
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u01jmg3 commented Jun 10, 2020

  • Alt+4

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