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Last active March 5, 2023 21:23
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Debounces the execution of a function being called across containers utilising a shared cache
// eslint-disable-next-line node/no-extraneous-import
import Keyv from 'keyv';
* Debounces the execution of a function that takes an ID parameter, ensuring that it only runs once per second
* for each ID across all containers/threads. Uses a combination of shared cache and a locking mechanism to achieve this.
* @param id - The ID parameter for the function being debounced
* @param cache - The Redis cache instance used for locking and storing timestamps
* @param fn - The function being debounced, which takes the ID parameter and returns a Promise
* @param delay - The delay in milliseconds between each execution of the function
export async function safeDebounce(
id: string | number,
cache: Keyv,
fn: (id: string | number) => Promise<any>,
delay = 1000,
_added =
) {
const lockKey = `lock:${id}`;
const lastAddedKey = `added:${id}`;
// Get the timestamp of the last action for this ID
const latestAdded = await cache.get(lastAddedKey);
if (latestAdded && _added < latestAdded) {
// A newer action has been added, so we can ignore this one
await cache.set(lastAddedKey, _added, delay);
// Check if the lock is already set for this ID
const isLocked = await cache.get(lockKey);
if (!isLocked) {
// Set the lock
await cache.set(lockKey, _added, delay);
try {
// Execute the function
return await fn(id);
} catch (e) {
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
safeDebounce(id, cache, fn, delay, _added);
}, delay / 2);
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Using with Directus? Any ItemsService has a cache property that currently is Keyv so you can pass that through

const service = new ItemsService('products', ctx);
await safeDebounce(123, service.cache, myDebounceFn);

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