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Last active December 15, 2019 00:29
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  • Save u1735067/05e58782fa044f78c37fef224758adf1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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htaccess to display the resume PDF in the locale matching the requested subdomain
# Display the PDF when possible, instead of downloading it
<FilesMatch "My Name - CV (?<CV_LANG>[A-Z]{2})\.pdf">
Header set "Content-disposition" "inline; filename=\"My Name - CV %{MATCH_CV_LANG}e.pdf\"; filename*=UTF-8''My%%20Name%%20-%%20CV%%20%{MATCH_CV_LANG}e.pdf"
# Finally, default to FR
SetEnvIf HOST "^resume\." CV_LANG=EN
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} "!=/favicon.ico"
RewriteRule ".*" "My Name - CV %{env:CV_LANG}.pdf" [L]
#<Files "favicon.ico">
# FallbackResource disabled
#FallbackResource "/My Name - CV FR.pdf"
# # Fails when entering the If case : favicon.ico would return the PDF
#<If "%{HTTP_HOST} =~ /^resume\./">
# FallbackResource "/My Name - CV EN.pdf"
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