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Last active October 26, 2018 20:25
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Little time-saver script, because Microsoft's UI is not able to cancel/rollback a "Delete all" action (no operation possible on Trash's Select all)
# py -m pip install imapclient
import imapclient
server = imapclient.IMAPClient('')
server.login('user', 'pass)
messages =
total_move = len(messages)
moved = 0
per_call = 100
while len(messages) > 0:
to_move = min(per_call, len(messages))
moving = messages[0:to_move]
server.move(moving, 'Inbox')
del messages[0:to_move]
moved += to_move
print('Done {}/{} ({}%)'.format(moved, total_move, int(moved/total_move*100)))
except Exception as e:
print('Failed {}/{} ({}%) : {}'.format(moved, total_move, int(moved/total_move*100), e))
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