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Last active June 30, 2018 17:24
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Aria automatic downloader script
# root@omv:/export/Medias/!Dépot/Aria# ls -la
# total 16
# drwxrwsr-x 2 nobody users 4096 Aug 21 22:26 .
# -rw-r----- 1 root users 3258 Aug 21 22:25 !Archives.txt
# -rwxr-xr-- 1 root users 1.1K May 29 18:38 !
# -rw-rw-r-- 1 alex users 0 Aug 21 22:25 !ToDL.txt
# -rwxr-xr-- 1 root users 1223 Aug 21 22:22 !
# SU owned, rw, r
# User owned, rw, rw, r
idn_convert='python3 !'
wecho() {
echo $*$'\r'
# Entering working directory
pushd `dirname "$0"` >/dev/null
wecho >> "$todl"
sed -i '/^\s*$/d' "$todl"
# Do we have something to download ?
if [ -e "$lock" ]; then
echo 'Lock present, skipping.'
elif [ -s "$todl" ]; then
# Create lock file
touch "$lock"
# Add new list to download list & empty new list
wecho "# New content at $(date +'%F %T %z')" >> "$archives"
wecho "# $sepline" >> "$archives"
# UTF-8 ou pas ?
if iconv -f utf8 $todl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
cat "$todl" | $idn_convert >> "$archives"
iconv -f cp1252 -t utf8 "$todl" | $idn_convert >> "$archives"
wecho "# $sepline" >> "$archives"
# Sanity check
chmod 640 "$archives"
chmod 664 "$todl"
# Empty ToDL file
# Download (extract download result)
#umask 0002
wecho "# Results" >> "$archives"
wecho "# $sepline" >> "$archives"
sudo -u 'nobody' -g 'users' -- sh -c "umask 0002; aria2c -j3 -U 'aria2/$VERSION - Alex' --summary-interval=0 --auto-file-renaming=false --seed-time=0 --input-file=$archives" | \
sed -n '/Results/,/Legend/p' | head -n -2 | tail -n +2 | sed 's/^/# /;s/$/\r/' | tee -a "$archives"
wecho "# $sepline" >> "$archives"
wecho "#" >> "$archives"
wecho "#" >> "$archives"
# Comment out downloaded content
sed -i '/^[^#]/ s/^/#/' "$archives"
# Remove lock
rm -f "$lock"
echo 'Nothing to do.'
# Leaving directory
popd >/dev/null
# Done
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