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Last active February 22, 2019 15:53
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Solution to 8.11 Problem 2 in _Programming Erlang: Software for a Concurrent World_
% Write a ring benchmark. Create N processes in a ring. Send a mes- sage round the
% ring M times so that a total of N * M messages get sent. Time how long this takes
% for different values of N and M.
-export([create_ring/2, benchmark/2]).
benchmark(N, M) ->
Entry = self(),
E = spawn(fun() -> create_ring(N, M, Entry) end),
E ! "Start",
stop -> ok
{_, T1} = statistics(runtime),
{_, T2} = statistics(wall_clock),
io:format("Ring benchmark for ~p processes and ~p messages
= ~p (~p) millisecends.~n", [N, M, T1, T2]).
create_ring(N, M) ->
io:format("Spawn Node#[~p]~n", [N]),
Ch = create_node(N - 1, self()),
loop(N, Ch, M).
create_ring(N, M, Entry) ->
create_ring(N, M),
Entry ! stop.
create_node(0, Root) -> Root;
create_node(N, Root) ->
io:format("Spawn Node#[~p]~n", [N]),
Ch = create_node(N - 1, Root),
spawn(fun() -> loop(N, Ch) end).
loop(Seq, Ch, M) ->
stop ->
io:format("[Node#~p] Stop~n", [Seq]),
Ch ! stop,
Message when M > 0 ->
io:format("------ Loop ~p~n", [M]),
io:format("[Node~p] Get message: [~p].~n", [Seq, Message]),
Ch ! Message,
loop(Seq, Ch, M - 1);
_ ->
Ch ! stop,
loop(Seq, Ch)
loop(Seq, Ch) ->
stop ->
io:format("[Node~p] Stop~n", [Seq]),
Ch ! stop,
Message ->
io:format("[Node~p] Get message: [~p].~n", [Seq, Message]),
Ch ! Message,
loop(Seq, Ch)
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