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Created November 11, 2009 16:25
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  • Save uKev/232086 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save uKev/232086 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
simple script creates tiles of a picture. Works well for splitting an image into many parts e.g. for an imprint of a website to make it more complicated for spammer to collect data. It creates the html code for the composition as well. Created by Manuel
simple script creates tiles of a picture. Works well for splitting an image into many parts e.g. for an imprint of a website to make it more complicated for spammer to collect data.
It creates the html code for the composition as well.
Created by Manuel Lausch
Live Example:
$src = imagecreatefrompng($bild);
$x = imagesX($src);
$y = imagesY($src);
$dst = imagecreatetruecolor($dx, $dy);
echo "orginal image: $x x $y <br>";
$cy = 0;
$i = 0;
$cx = 0;
if(($cx + $dx) > $x) $w = $dx-(($cx+$dx)-$x); else $w = $dx;
if(($cy + $dy) > $y) $h = $dy-(($cy+$dy)-$y); else $h = $dy;
echo "$w x $h <br>";
$dst = imagecreatetruecolor($w,$h);
imageCopy($dst, $src, 0,0, $cx,$cy, $w,$h);
// imagePNG($dst, "img_" . ($cx / $dx) . "x" . ($cy / $dy) . ".png");
imagePNG($dst, "img_" . $i .".png");
$cx += $dx;
} while ($cx < $x);
$cy += $dy;
} while ($cy < $y);
for($j = 0; $j < $i; $j++)
$sum[$j] = md5_file("img_" . $j . ".png");
echo "<pre>";print_r($sum);echo "</pre>";
echo "tiles: " . $cx / $dx . " x " . $cy / $dy;
$file = fopen("display.html", "w");
fwrite($file, "<html><body><table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style=\"border-collapse: collapse\">\n");
for($y = 0; $y < (($cy) / $dy); $y++)
fwrite($file, "<tr>\n");
for($x = 0; $x < (($cx) / $dx); $x++)
$p = array_search($sum[$i], $sum);
// fwrite($file, "<td><img src=img_" . $x ."x" . $y . ".png></td>\n");
fwrite($file, "<td><img src=img_" . $p . ".png></td>\n");
fwrite($file, "</tr>\n");
fwrite($file, "</table></body></html>");
echo "finished";
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