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Last active October 9, 2022 03:18
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  • Save uXeBoy/0d46e2f1560f73dd573d83e78309bfa0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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`default_nettype none // disable implicit definitions by Verilog
// minimalDVID_encoder.vhd : A quick and dirty DVI-D implementation
// Author: Mike Field <>
// DVI-D uses TMDS as the 'on the wire' protocol, where each 8-bit
// value is mapped to one or two 10-bit symbols, depending on how
// many 1s or 0s have been sent. This makes it a DC balanced protocol,
// as a correctly implemented stream will have (almost) an equal
// number of 1s and 0s.
// Because of this implementation quite complex. By restricting the
// symbols to a subset of eight symbols, all of which having have
// five ones (and therefore five zeros) this complexity drops away
// leaving a simple implementation. Combined with a DDR register to
// send the symbols the complexity is kept very low.
module top(
clk100, hdmi_p, // hdmi_n
input clk100;
output [3:0] hdmi_p;
// output [3:0] hdmi_n;
// For holding the outward bound TMDS symbols in the slow and fast domain
reg [9:0] c0_symbol; reg [9:0] c0_high_speed;
reg [9:0] c1_symbol; reg [9:0] c1_high_speed;
reg [9:0] c2_symbol; reg [9:0] c2_high_speed;
reg [9:0] clk_high_speed;
reg [1:0] c2_output_bits;
reg [1:0] c1_output_bits;
reg [1:0] c0_output_bits;
reg [1:0] clk_output_bits;
wire clk_x5;
reg [2:0] latch_high_speed = 3'b100; // Controlling the transfers into the high speed domain
wire vsync, hsync;
wire [1:0] syncs; // To glue the HSYNC and VSYNC into the control character
assign syncs = {vsync, hsync};
// video structure constants
parameter hpixels = 800; // horizontal pixels per line
parameter vlines = 525; // vertical lines per frame
parameter hpulse = 96; // hsync pulse length
parameter vpulse = 2; // vsync pulse length
parameter hbp = 144; // end of horizontal back porch (96 + 48)
parameter hfp = 784; // beginning of horizontal front porch (800 - 16)
parameter vbp = 35; // end of vertical back porch (2 + 33)
parameter vfp = 515; // beginning of vertical front porch (525 - 10)
// registers for storing the horizontal & vertical counters
reg [9:0] vc;
reg [9:0] hc;
// generate sync pulses (active high)
assign vsync = (vc < vpulse);
assign hsync = (hc < hpulse);
always @(posedge clk_x5) begin
// Now take the 10-bit words and take it into the high-speed
// clock domain once every five cycles.
// Then send out two bits every clock cycle using DDR output
// registers.
c0_output_bits <= c0_high_speed[1:0];
c1_output_bits <= c1_high_speed[1:0];
c2_output_bits <= c2_high_speed[1:0];
clk_output_bits <= clk_high_speed[1:0];
if (latch_high_speed[2]) begin // pixel clock 25MHz
c0_high_speed <= c0_symbol;
c1_high_speed <= c1_symbol;
c2_high_speed <= c2_symbol;
clk_high_speed <= 10'b0000011111;
latch_high_speed <= 3'b000;
if (hc < hpixels)
hc <= hc + 1;
hc <= 0;
if (vc < vlines)
vc <= vc + 1;
vc <= 0;
else begin
c0_high_speed <= {2'b00, c0_high_speed[9:2]};
c1_high_speed <= {2'b00, c1_high_speed[9:2]};
c2_high_speed <= {2'b00, c2_high_speed[9:2]};
clk_high_speed <= {2'b00, clk_high_speed[9:2]};
latch_high_speed <= latch_high_speed + 1'b1;
always @(*) // display 100% saturation colourbars
// first check if we're within vertical active video range
if (vc >= vbp && vc < vfp)
// now display different colours every 80 pixels
// while we're within the active horizontal range
// -----------------
// display white bar
if (hc >= hbp && hc < (hbp+80))
c2_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // red
c1_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // green
c0_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // blue
// display yellow bar
else if (hc >= (hbp+80) && hc < (hbp+160))
c2_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // red
c1_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // green
c0_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // blue
// display cyan bar
else if (hc >= (hbp+160) && hc < (hbp+240))
c2_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // red
c1_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // green
c0_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // blue
// display green bar
else if (hc >= (hbp+240) && hc < (hbp+320))
c2_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // red
c1_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // green
c0_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // blue
// display magenta bar
else if (hc >= (hbp+320) && hc < (hbp+400))
c2_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // red
c1_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // green
c0_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // blue
// display red bar
else if (hc >= (hbp+400) && hc < (hbp+480))
c2_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // red
c1_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // green
c0_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // blue
// display blue bar
else if (hc >= (hbp+480) && hc < (hbp+560))
c2_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // red
c1_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // green
c0_symbol = 10'b1011110000; // blue
// display black bar
else if (hc >= (hbp+560) && hc < hfp)
c2_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // red
c1_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // green
c0_symbol = 10'b0111110000; // blue
// we're outside active horizontal range
c2_symbol = 10'b1101010100; // red
c1_symbol = 10'b1101010100; // green
// Channel 0 carries the blue pixels, and also
// includes the HSYNC and VSYNCs during
// the CTL (blanking) periods.
case (syncs)
2'b00 : c0_symbol = 10'b1101010100;
2'b01 : c0_symbol = 10'b0010101011;
2'b10 : c0_symbol = 10'b0101010100;
default : c0_symbol = 10'b1010101011;
// we're outside active vertical range
c2_symbol = 10'b1101010100; // red
c1_symbol = 10'b1101010100; // green
// Channel 0 carries the blue pixels, and also
// includes the HSYNC and VSYNCs during
// the CTL (blanking) periods.
case (syncs)
2'b00 : c0_symbol = 10'b1101010100;
2'b01 : c0_symbol = 10'b0010101011;
2'b10 : c0_symbol = 10'b0101010100;
default : c0_symbol = 10'b1010101011;
// red
defparam hdmip2.PIN_TYPE = 6'b010000;
defparam hdmip2.IO_STANDARD = "SB_LVCMOS";
SB_IO hdmip2 (
.PACKAGE_PIN (hdmi_p[2]),
.OUTPUT_CLK (clk_x5),
.D_OUT_0 (c2_output_bits[1]),
.D_OUT_1 (c2_output_bits[0])
// green
defparam hdmip1.PIN_TYPE = 6'b010000;
defparam hdmip1.IO_STANDARD = "SB_LVCMOS";
SB_IO hdmip1 (
.PACKAGE_PIN (hdmi_p[1]),
.OUTPUT_CLK (clk_x5),
.D_OUT_0 (c1_output_bits[1]),
.D_OUT_1 (c1_output_bits[0])
// blue
defparam hdmip0.PIN_TYPE = 6'b010000;
defparam hdmip0.IO_STANDARD = "SB_LVCMOS";
SB_IO hdmip0 (
.PACKAGE_PIN (hdmi_p[0]),
.OUTPUT_CLK (clk_x5),
.D_OUT_0 (c0_output_bits[1]),
.D_OUT_1 (c0_output_bits[0])
// clock
defparam hdmip3.PIN_TYPE = 6'b010000;
defparam hdmip3.IO_STANDARD = "SB_LVCMOS";
SB_IO hdmip3 (
.PACKAGE_PIN (hdmi_p[3]),
.OUTPUT_CLK (clk_x5),
.D_OUT_0 (clk_output_bits[1]),
.D_OUT_1 (clk_output_bits[0])
// D_OUT_0 and D_OUT_1 swapped?
.DIVR (4'b0000),
.DIVF (7'b0001001),
.DIVQ (3'b011),
.FILTER_RANGE (3'b101)
) uut (
.RESETB (1'b1),
.BYPASS (1'b0),
.PACKAGEPIN (clk100),
.PLLOUTGLOBAL (clk_x5) // DVI clock 125MHz
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peepo commented Aug 1, 2019


could you provide the constraints file you used?

and explain how hdmi_n fits in?
is it just not required?


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uXeBoy commented Aug 1, 2019

The constraints file I used was very simple, only 5 pins:

set_io clk100     129 # Onboard 100Mhz oscillator
set_io hdmi_p[3]    1 # PMOD27 = PMOD  7/8 pin  5
set_io hdmi_p[0]    2 # PMOD26 = PMOD  7/8 pin  7
set_io hdmi_p[1]    9 # PMOD25 = PMOD  7/8 pin  9
set_io hdmi_p[2]   10 # PMOD24 = PMOD  7/8 pin 11

Because I was using this Pmod with a level-shifter onboard to convert single-ended outputs into differential TMDS / CML signals, hdmi_n was not needed... But your implementation is going to depend on what hardware you are using??

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