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Created June 11, 2015 17:58
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Jenkins Workflow implementing CD
// Global Libraries
// Tomcat library to deploy / undeploy to tomcat
tomcat = new com.cb.web.Tomcat(hostname: "localhost", port: "8180", adminUser: "admin", adminPassword: "tomcat")
// Simple utility
util = new com.cb.util.BasicUtilities()
// Local variables
artifactName = 'webapp.war'
artifact = "target/${artifactName}"
// Closures to be executed by tomcat library to deploy/undeploy
deployClosure = {war, url, id -> sh "curl --upload-file ${war} '${url}?path=/${id}&update=true'"}
undeployClosure = {url, id -> sh "curl '${url}?path=/${id}'"}
deployClosure.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
undeployClosure.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST
// Execute the following steps on the master
node('master') {
git url: ''
def devQAStaging() {
// Execute maven build and archive artifacts
stage 'Build'
sh 'mvn clean package'
archive artifact
// TODO : Setup code coverage
stage 'Code Coverage'
echo 'Using Sonar for code coverage'
// Run tests in parallel and publish report
stage 'QA'
parallel(longerTests: {
runWithServer {url ->
sh "mvn -f sometests/pom.xml test -Durl=${url} -Dduration=10"
}, quickerTests: {
runWithServer {url ->
sh "mvn -f sometests/pom.xml test -Durl=${url} -Dduration=5"
step([$class: 'JUnitResultArchiver', testResults: '**/target/surefire-reports/TEST-*.xml'])
// Assuming the tests above take a while (which is probably true in real world)
// Setup a checkpoint so that if the build fails after the checkpoint, its possible
// to restart the build from the checkpoint
// NOTE: The try/catch block makes sure the build does not fail if checkpoint functionality
// doesn't exist (because its available through CloudBees Jenkins Enterprise)
try {
checkpoint('Before Staging')
} catch (NoSuchMethodError _) {
echo 'Checkpoint feature available in Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees.'
// Make sure only one build can enter this stage
stage name: 'Staging', concurrency: 1
// Deploy the artifact to Tomcat
tomcat.deploy(artifact, 'staging', deployClosure)
def production() {
// Wait for someone to validate that the deployment looks good.
// Its also possible to add security here to make sure only people
// With a specific role can resume the build from here
input message: "Does ${tomcat.hostUrl}/staging/ look good?"
try {
checkpoint('Before production')
} catch (NoSuchMethodError _) {
echo 'Checkpoint feature available in Jenkins Enterprise by CloudBees.'
stage name: 'Production', concurrency: 1
node('master') {
sh "curl -I ${tomcat.hostUrl}/staging/"
unarchive mapping: ['target/webapp.war' : 'webapp.war']
tomcat.deploy(artifactName, 'production', deployClosure)
echo "Deployed to ${tomcat.hostUrl}/production/"
// Simple utility function to run tests on tomcat at random url
def runWithServer(body) {
def id = util.random()
tomcat.deploy(artifact, id, deployClosure)
try { "${tomcat.hostUrl}/${id}/"
} finally {
tomcat.undeploy(id, undeployClosure)
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