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Last active May 11, 2021 07:15
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Kubernetes sig-network e2e tests

Kubernetes sig-network e2e tests

The list was produced by executing e2e tests with --ginkgo.dryRun=true and post-processing the result.

kubetest --provider=skeleton --test \
  --test_args="--ginkgo.focus=\[sig-network\] --ginkgo.dryRun=true --ginkgo.noColor=true" > \
grep -oE 'PASSED[^"]*' sig-network-tests-raw.txt | sort > /tmp/sig-network-tests.txt
sed -i -e 's,PASSED ,,' /tmp/sig-network-tests.txt

The sig-network-tests.txt can be used to fine-tune your specs;

grep -E '\[sig-network\].*ervice' sig-network-tests.txt | \
  grep -Ev 'Disruptive|affinity|DNS|GCE|finalizer' | wc -l
[sig-network] ClusterDns [Feature:Example] should create pod that uses dns
[sig-network] Conntrack should be able to preserve UDP traffic when server pod cycles for a ClusterIP service
[sig-network] Conntrack should be able to preserve UDP traffic when server pod cycles for a NodePort service
[sig-network] Conntrack should drop INVALID conntrack entries
[sig-network] DNS configMap nameserver Change stubDomain should be able to change stubDomain configuration [Slow][Serial]
[sig-network] DNS configMap nameserver Forward external name lookup should forward externalname lookup to upstream nameserver [Slow][Serial]
[sig-network] DNS configMap nameserver Forward PTR lookup should forward PTR records lookup to upstream nameserver [Slow][Serial]
[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for ExternalName services [Conformance]
[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for pods for Hostname [LinuxOnly] [Conformance]
[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for pods for Subdomain [Conformance]
[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for services [Conformance]
[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for the cluster [Conformance]
[sig-network] DNS should provide DNS for the cluster [Provider:GCE]
[sig-network] DNS should provide /etc/hosts entries for the cluster [LinuxOnly] [Conformance]
[sig-network] DNS should resolve DNS of partial qualified names for services [LinuxOnly] [Conformance]
[sig-network] DNS should resolve DNS of partial qualified names for the cluster [LinuxOnly]
[sig-network] DNS should support configurable pod DNS nameservers [Conformance]
[sig-network] DNS should support configurable pod resolv.conf
[sig-network] EndpointSliceMirroring should mirror a custom Endpoints resource through create update and delete [Conformance]
[sig-network] EndpointSlice should create and delete Endpoints and EndpointSlices for a Service with a selector specified [Conformance]
[sig-network] EndpointSlice should create Endpoints and EndpointSlices for Pods matching a Service [Conformance]
[sig-network] EndpointSlice should have Endpoints and EndpointSlices pointing to API Server [Conformance]
[sig-network] EndpointSlice should support creating EndpointSlice API operations [Conformance]
[sig-network] ESIPP [Slow] should handle updates to ExternalTrafficPolicy field
[sig-network] ESIPP [Slow] should only target nodes with endpoints
[sig-network] ESIPP [Slow] should work for type=LoadBalancer
[sig-network] ESIPP [Slow] should work for type=NodePort
[sig-network] ESIPP [Slow] should work from pods
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should be able to handle large requests: http
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should be able to handle large requests: udp
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should function for client IP based session affinity: http [LinuxOnly]
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should function for client IP based session affinity: udp [LinuxOnly]
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should function for endpoint-Service: http
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should function for endpoint-Service: udp
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should function for node-Service: http
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should function for node-Service: udp
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should function for pod-Service: http
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should function for pod-Service: sctp [Feature:SCTPConnectivity][Disruptive]
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should function for pod-Service: udp
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should function for service endpoints using hostNetwork
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should update endpoints: http
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] Granular Checks: Services Secondary IP Family should update endpoints: udp
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] should be able to reach pod on ipv4 and ipv6 ip
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] should create a single stack service with cluster ip from primary service range
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] should create pod, add ipv6 and ipv4 ip to pod ips
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] should create service with ipv4 cluster ip
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] should create service with ipv4,v6 cluster ip
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] should create service with ipv6 cluster ip
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] should create service with ipv6,v4 cluster ip
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] should have ipv4 and ipv6 internal node ip
[sig-network] [Feature:IPv6DualStack] [LinuxOnly] should have ipv4 and ipv6 node podCIDRs
[sig-network] [Feature:PerformanceDNS][Serial] Should answer DNS query for maximum number of services per cluster
[sig-network] Firewall rule control plane should not expose well-known ports
[sig-network] Firewall rule should have correct firewall rules for e2e cluster
[sig-network] Firewall rule [Slow] [Serial] should create valid firewall rules for LoadBalancer type service
[sig-network] HostPort validates that there is no conflict between pods with same hostPort but different hostIP and protocol [LinuxOnly] [Conformance]
[sig-network] Ingress API should support creating Ingress API operations [Conformance]
[sig-network] IngressClass API should support creating IngressClass API operations [Conformance]
[sig-network] IngressClass [Feature:Ingress] should not set default value if no default IngressClass [Serial]
[sig-network] IngressClass [Feature:Ingress] should prevent Ingress creation if more than 1 IngressClass marked as default [Serial]
[sig-network] IngressClass [Feature:Ingress] should set default value on new IngressClass [Serial]
[sig-network] kube-proxy migration [Feature:KubeProxyDaemonSetMigration] Downgrade kube-proxy from a DaemonSet to static pods should maintain a functioning cluster [Feature:KubeProxyDaemonSetDowngrade]
[sig-network] kube-proxy migration [Feature:KubeProxyDaemonSetMigration] Upgrade kube-proxy from static pods to a DaemonSet should maintain a functioning cluster [Feature:KubeProxyDaemonSetUpgrade]
[sig-network] KubeProxy should set TCP CLOSE_WAIT timeout [Privileged]
[sig-network] LoadBalancers should be able to change the type and ports of a TCP service [Slow]
[sig-network] LoadBalancers should be able to change the type and ports of a UDP service [Slow]
[sig-network] LoadBalancers should be able to create an internal type load balancer [Slow]
[sig-network] LoadBalancers should be able to switch session affinity for LoadBalancer service with ESIPP off [Slow] [DisabledForLargeClusters] [LinuxOnly]
[sig-network] LoadBalancers should be able to switch session affinity for LoadBalancer service with ESIPP on [Slow] [DisabledForLargeClusters] [LinuxOnly]
[sig-network] LoadBalancers should handle load balancer cleanup finalizer for service [Slow]
[sig-network] LoadBalancers should have session affinity work for LoadBalancer service with ESIPP off [Slow] [DisabledForLargeClusters] [LinuxOnly]
[sig-network] LoadBalancers should have session affinity work for LoadBalancer service with ESIPP on [Slow] [DisabledForLargeClusters] [LinuxOnly]
[sig-network] LoadBalancers should only allow access from service loadbalancer source ranges [Slow]
[sig-network] LoadBalancers should reconcile LB health check interval [Slow][Serial]
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:Ingress] multicluster ingress should get instance group annotation
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:Ingress] should conform to Ingress spec
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:kubemci] should conform to Ingress spec
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:kubemci] should create ingress with backend HTTPS
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:kubemci] should create ingress with pre-shared certificate
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:kubemci] should remove clusters as expected
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:kubemci] should support https-only annotation
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:kubemci] single and multi-cluster ingresses should be able to exist together
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:NEG] [Flaky] rolling update backend pods should not cause service disruption
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:NEG] [Flaky] should be able to create a ClusterIP service
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:NEG] [Flaky] should be able to switch between IG and NEG modes
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:NEG] [Flaky] should conform to Ingress spec
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:NEG] [Flaky] should create NEGs for all ports with the Ingress annotation, and NEGs for the standalone annotation otherwise
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:NEG] [Flaky] should sync endpoints for both Ingress-referenced NEG and standalone NEG
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 GCE [Slow] [Feature:NEG] [Flaky] should sync endpoints to NEG
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 Scalability GCE [Slow] [Serial] [Feature:IngressScale] Creating and updating ingresses should happen promptly with small/medium/large amount of ingresses
[sig-network] Loadbalancing: L7 [Slow] Nginx should conform to Ingress spec
[sig-network] Netpol API should support creating NetworkPolicy API operations
[sig-network] Netpol [Feature:SCTPConnectivity][LinuxOnly][Disruptive] NetworkPolicy between server and client using SCTP should enforce policy based on Ports [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [Feature:SCTPConnectivity][LinuxOnly][Disruptive] NetworkPolicy between server and client using SCTP should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a pod in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [Feature:SCTPConnectivity][LinuxOnly][Disruptive] NetworkPolicy between server and client using SCTP should support a 'default-deny-ingress' policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [Feature:UDPConnectivity][LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client using UDP should enforce policy based on Ports [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [Feature:UDPConnectivity][LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client using UDP should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a pod in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [Feature:UDPConnectivity][LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client using UDP should support a 'default-deny-ingress' policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow egress access on one named port [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow egress access to server in CIDR block [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from namespace on one named port [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from updated namespace [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from updated pod [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access on one named port [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should deny egress from all pods in a namespace [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should deny egress from pods based on PodSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should deny ingress access to updated pod [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should deny ingress from pods on other namespaces [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce egress policy allowing traffic to a server in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce except clause while egress access to server in CIDR block [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce ingress policy allowing any port traffic to a server on a specific protocol [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Feature:UDP]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple egress policies with egress allow-all policy taking precedence [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple ingress policies with ingress allow-all policy taking precedence [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple, stacked policies with overlapping podSelectors [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policies to check ingress and egress policies can be controlled independently based on PodSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on any PodSelectors [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on Multiple PodSelectors and NamespaceSelectors [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on NamespaceSelector with MatchExpressions[Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector or NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector with MatchExpressions[Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on Ports [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow ingress traffic for a target [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow ingress traffic from pods in all namespaces [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic from pods within server namespace based on PodSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a different namespace, based on NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a pod in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce updated policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should ensure an IP overlapping both IPBlock.CIDR and IPBlock.Except is allowed [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should not allow access by TCP when a policy specifies only SCTP [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Feature:SCTP]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should not allow access by TCP when a policy specifies only UDP [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Feature:UDP]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should stop enforcing policies after they are deleted [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support a 'default-deny-all' policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support a 'default-deny-ingress' policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support allow-all policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support denying of egress traffic on the client side (even if the server explicitly allows this traffic) [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Netpol [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should work with Ingress, Egress specified together [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for intra-pod communication: http [NodeConformance] [Conformance]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for intra-pod communication: sctp [LinuxOnly][Feature:SCTPConnectivity][Disruptive]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for intra-pod communication: udp [NodeConformance] [Conformance]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for node-pod communication: http [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for node-pod communication: sctp [LinuxOnly][Feature:SCTPConnectivity][Disruptive]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Pods should function for node-pod communication: udp [LinuxOnly] [NodeConformance] [Conformance]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should be able to handle large requests: http
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should be able to handle large requests: udp
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for client IP based session affinity: http [LinuxOnly]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for client IP based session affinity: udp [LinuxOnly]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for endpoint-Service: http
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for endpoint-Service: sctp [Feature:SCTPConnectivity][Disruptive]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for endpoint-Service: udp
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for multiple endpoint-Services with same selector
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for node-Service: http
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for node-Service: sctp [Feature:SCTPConnectivity][Disruptive]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for node-Service: udp
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for pod-Service: http
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for pod-Service: sctp [Feature:SCTPConnectivity][Disruptive]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for pod-Service: udp
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should function for service endpoints using hostNetwork
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should support basic nodePort: udp functionality
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should update endpoints: http
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should update endpoints: udp
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should update nodePort: http [Slow]
[sig-network] Networking Granular Checks: Services should update nodePort: udp [Slow]
[sig-network] Networking IPerf2 [Feature:Networking-Performance] should run iperf2
[sig-network] Networking should check kube-proxy urls
[sig-network] Networking should provide Internet connection for containers [Feature:Networking-IPv4]
[sig-network] Networking should provide Internet connection for containers [Feature:Networking-IPv6][Experimental][LinuxOnly]
[sig-network] Networking should provide unchanging, static URL paths for kubernetes api services
[sig-network] Networking should recreate its iptables rules if they are deleted [Disruptive]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy API should support creating NetworkPolicy API operations
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [Feature:SCTPConnectivity][LinuxOnly][Disruptive] NetworkPolicy between server and client using SCTP should enforce policy based on Ports [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [Feature:SCTPConnectivity][LinuxOnly][Disruptive] NetworkPolicy between server and client using SCTP should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a pod in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [Feature:SCTPConnectivity][LinuxOnly][Disruptive] NetworkPolicy between server and client using SCTP should support a 'default-deny' policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow egress access on one named port [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow egress access to server in CIDR block [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from namespace on one named port [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from updated namespace [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access from updated pod [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow ingress access on one named port [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should deny ingress access to updated pod [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce egress policy allowing traffic to a server in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce except clause while egress access to server in CIDR block [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple egress policies with egress allow-all policy taking precedence [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple ingress policies with ingress allow-all policy taking precedence [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce multiple, stacked policies with overlapping podSelectors [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policies to check ingress and egress policies can be controlled independently based on PodSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on NamespaceSelector with MatchExpressions[Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector or NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on PodSelector with MatchExpressions[Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy based on Ports [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic from pods within server namespace based on PodSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a different namespace, based on NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce policy to allow traffic only from a pod in a different namespace based on PodSelector and NamespaceSelector [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should enforce updated policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should ensure an IP overlapping both IPBlock.CIDR and IPBlock.Except is allowed [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should not allow access by TCP when a policy specifies only SCTP [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Feature:SCTP]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should stop enforcing policies after they are deleted [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support a 'default-deny-all' policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support a 'default-deny-ingress' policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should support allow-all policy [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should work with Ingress,Egress specified together [Feature:NetworkPolicy]
[sig-network] NoSNAT [Feature:NoSNAT] [Slow] Should be able to send traffic between Pods without SNAT
[sig-network] Proxy version v1 A set of valid responses are returned for both pod and service ProxyWithPath [Conformance]
[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy logs on node using proxy subresource
[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy logs on node with explicit kubelet port using proxy subresource
[sig-network] Proxy version v1 should proxy through a service and a pod [Conformance]
[sig-network] SCTP [Feature:SCTP] [LinuxOnly] should allow creating a basic SCTP service with pod and endpoints
[sig-network] SCTP [Feature:SCTP] [LinuxOnly] should create a ClusterIP Service with SCTP ports
[sig-network] SCTP [Feature:SCTP] [LinuxOnly] should create a Pod with SCTP HostPort
[sig-network] Service endpoints latency should not be very high [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should allow pods to hairpin back to themselves through services
[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ClusterIP to ExternalName [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ExternalName to ClusterIP [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from ExternalName to NodePort [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should be able to change the type from NodePort to ExternalName [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should be able to create a functioning NodePort service [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should be able to switch session affinity for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should be able to up and down services
[sig-network] Services should be able to update service type to NodePort listening on same port number but different protocols
[sig-network] Services should be possible to connect to a service via ExternalIP when the external IP is not assigned to a node
[sig-network] Services should be rejected when no endpoints exist
[sig-network] Services should check NodePort out-of-range
[sig-network] Services should complete a service status lifecycle [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should create endpoints for unready pods
[sig-network] Services should find a service from listing all namespaces [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should have session affinity timeout work for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should have session affinity timeout work for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should have session affinity work for NodePort service [LinuxOnly] [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should have session affinity work for service with type clusterIP [LinuxOnly] [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should implement
[sig-network] Services should implement
[sig-network] Services should preserve source pod IP for traffic thru service cluster IP [LinuxOnly]
[sig-network] Services should prevent NodePort collisions
[sig-network] Services should provide secure master service [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should release NodePorts on delete
[sig-network] Services should serve a basic endpoint from pods [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should serve multiport endpoints from pods [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should test the lifecycle of an Endpoint [Conformance]
[sig-network] Services should work after restarting apiserver [Disruptive]
[sig-network] Services should work after restarting kube-proxy [Disruptive]
[sig-network] Services [Slow] should be able to create and tear down a standard-tier load balancer [Slow]
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