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Last active August 5, 2020 15:50
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$total_free_reads = 3;
$cookie_name = 'article_reads';
function check_update_cookie() {
global $cookie_name;
if( is_single() ){
$expiry = strtotime('+1 month');
if( ! isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ){
setcookie($cookie_name, serialize([]), $expiry, '/');
$article_ids = unserialize($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]);
//reading new article? add its ID to the cookie
if( ! in_array( get_the_id(), $article_ids ) ){
$article_ids[] = get_the_id();
setcookie($cookie_name, serialize($article_ids), $expiry, '/');
function check_remove_block() {
global $total_free_reads, $cookie_name;
//if cookie is not set or limit not reached, deactivate plugin block
if( ! isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) || sizeof(unserialize($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) < ($total_free_reads-1) ){
//unregister content filter
remove_filter('the_content', array('ARU_ReadMoreLogin\ContentLoader', 'FilterContent'), 99);
//remove the dead shortcode from content view
add_shortcode('rml_read_more', function( $atts, $content = "" ){
return '';
//only run for guest users
if( ! is_user_logged_in() ){
add_action('template_redirect', 'check_update_cookie');
add_action('init', 'check_remove_block');
//remove cookie if user is logged in
if( is_user_logged_in() && isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name]) ){
setcookie($cookie_name, '', (time() - 3600), '/');
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