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Last active April 11, 2019 15:50
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Populate first column of Gravity Form multi-column list and mark as readonly
Dynamically populates the first column of a Gravity Form multi-column list field
(1) The end of the the `gform_field_value_$parameter_name` filter must match the parameter you've set to allow field to be populated dynamically
(2) The key in each row's array element must match the header you have set for the column.
add_filter( 'gform_field_value_certifications', 'typewheel_prefill_certifications_list' );
function typewheel_prefill_certifications_list( $value ) {
$list_array = array(
"Certificate / License" => "Aquatics or Waterfront",
"Certificate / License" => "Medical",
"Certificate / License" => "Horsemanship",
"Certificate / License" => "Wilderness",
"Certificate / License" => "Food Service",
"Certificate / License" => "",
return $list_array;
Sets inputs in column of Gravity Form multi-column list field as readonly
Removes icons for adding/removing rows from list field.
(1) Ensure you set the field ID & column number targeted in the jQuery selector
(2) Add this script to an HTML field at the start of your form
jQuery( '.gfield_list_53_cell1' ).find( 'input, select, textarea' ).each(
function() {
if ( jQuery( this ).val() != '' ) {
jQuery( this ).prop( 'readonly', true );
jQuery( this ).css({'background':'none','border':'none','box-shadow':'none'});
jQuery( this ).attr('tabindex','-1');
jQuery( this ).parents('tr:not(:last-child)').find('.gfield_list_icons').hide();
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