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Created October 9, 2011 08:19
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Alternative Japanese localization for Growl 1.3.1
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Alert! Enabling this option will add to your login items" = "注意!このオプションをオンにすると Growl がログイン項目に追加されます";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Allowing this will let Growl launch everytime you login, so that it is available for applications which use it at all times" = "ログイン時に Growl を起動し、すべてのアプリケーションから使えるようにする";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Application: %@\nTitle: %@\nDescription: %@\nClick to open the log" = "アプリケーション: %1$@\nタイトル: %2$@\n説明: %3$@\nクリックしてログを開く";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Are you sure you want to remove %@?" = "%@を削除しますか?";
/* Button title for canceling */
"Cancel" = "キャンセル";
/* Next page is enabling growl at login */
"Continue on to enable Growl at login" = "ログイン時に Growl を起動";
/* Next page is whats new in the current growl */
"Continue to learn whats new in Growl 1.3" = "続行してGrowl 1.3の新機能を知る";
/* Next page is removing old growl's */
"Continue to remove old copies of Growl" = "続行して古い Growl を削除";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Could not find sound file named \"%@\"" = "\"%@\"という音声ファイルが見つかりません";
/* Title of menu item for default display */
"Default" = "デフォルト設定";
/* Button label for disabling history */
"Disable History" = "履歴を無効";
/* Done */
"Done" = "完了";
/* Button label to allow growl to start at login */
"Enable Growl to run on Login" = "ログイン時に Growl を起動";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Enabling this option will cause Growl to run without showing a dock icon or a menu item.\n\nTo access preferences, tap Growl in Launchpad, or open Growl in Finder." = "このオプションを有効にすると Growl は Dock やメニューバーに表示されません。\n\n設定を変更するには Growl を Launchpad でタップするか、Finder で開いてください";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Growl 1.3 comes with a completely new networking system, called GNTP. GNTP can talk to Growl 1.3 and above, and other GNTP compliant software, such as Growl for Windows" = "Growl 1.3 は GNTP というまったく新しいネットワーキングシステムを利用しています。GNTP はバージョン1.3 以上の Growl、および Growl for Windows などの GNTP 対応ソフトウェアと通信できます";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Growl 1.3 comes with a number of changes and new features for users. Growl now runs as a status bar item, and preferences can be reached from there" = "Growl 1.3はユーザーの為に多くの変更点や新たな機能が追加されてきました。Growlはステータスバーで起動し、設定はステータスバーから開くことができます。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Growl History Disabled" = "Growl の履歴は無効です";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Growl must restart for this change to take effect." = "変更した設定は Growl の再起動後に有効となります";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Growl needs to run all of the time in order to work. Please click this button to enable Growl to run at Login" = "Growl は常に起動している必要があります。ログイン時に Growl を起動するためにこのボタンをクリックしてください";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Hide Rollup" = "ロールアップを隠す";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Hide the History Rollup" = "履歴を隠す";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"History, and the notification rollup are also new. When you are idle, notifications will be stored in a window for when you return to your computer.\nHistory is on by default, but you can click below to turn it off" = "履歴、または通知ロールアップも新しくなっています。あなたがコンピュータを操作していないとき、通知はウインドウに保管され、後で見ることができます。\n履歴はオンになっていますが、下のボタンをクリックするとオフにすることができます";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Inform %@ when a notification is clicked" = "通知がクリックされたとき %@ に知らせる";
/* GNTP packet parsing error */
"Invalid protocol version. Only version 1.0 is supported" = "無効なプロトコルバージョンです。バージョン1.0のみサポートされます";
/* Button label for showing a website with more information on GNTP */
"Learn more about GNTP" = "GNTP について知る";
/* Button label for removing old copies of growl */
"Legacy Growl Uninstaller" = "旧 Growl アンインストーラ";
/* Title for starting growl at login */
"Let Growl Start at Login" = "ログイン時に Growl を開始";
/* GNTP packet parsing error */
"Missing initialization vector for encryption" = "暗号化用の初期化ベクトルが存在しない";
/* GNTP packet parsing error */
"Missing, malformed, or invalid key hash string" = "キーハッシュ文字列が存在しないか不正な形式、または無効";
/* Title for whats new to growl */
"New to Growl 1.3" = "Growl 1.3 の新機能";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"No" = "いいえ";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"No Recent Notifications" = "最近の通知なし";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Ok" = "Ok";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"OK" = "OK";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Open Growl Preferences..." = "Growl の設定を開く…";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Open the Growl preference pane" = "Growl の設定を開く";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Pause Growl" = "Growl を一時停止";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Pause Growl visual notifications" = "Growl のビジュアル通知を一時停止";
/* Localhost in a forwarding destination is not allowed */
"Please do not enter localhost, Growl does not support forwarding to itself." = "Growl 自身に転送することは不可能なので、localhost を入力しないでください";
/* A valid IP or domain is needed to forward to */
"Please enter a valid IPv4 or IPv6 address, or a valid domain name" = "有効な IPv4、 IPv6 アドレス、またはドメイン名を入力してください";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Plugin '%@' has been installed successfully. Do you want to configure it now?" = "'%@'というプラグインのインストールは成功しました。今すぐ設定しますか?";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Plugin '%@' is already installed, do you want to overwrite it?" = "'%@'というプラグインはすでにインストールされています。上書きしますか?";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Plugin '%@' will not work on this Mac running this version of Mac OS X. Install it anyway?" = "'%@'というプラグインはこのバージョンを使用する Mac では起動できません。それでもインストールしますか?";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Plugin already exists" = "すでにプラグインが存在します";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Plugin installed" = "プラグインがインストールされました";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Plugin missing native architecture" = "プラグインに固有のアーキテクチャがありません";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Plugin not installed" = "プラグインがインストールされていません";
/* Title of the Preview notification shown to demonstrate Growl displays */
"Preview" = "プレビュー";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Quit" = "終了";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Quit Growl entirely" = "Growl を完全に終了";
/* Button title for removing something */
"Remove" = "削除";
/* Title for removing old copies of growl */
"Remove old copies of Growl" = "古い Growl を削除";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Resume Growl" = "Growl を再開";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Resume Growl visual notifications" = "Growl のビジュアル通知を再開";
/* Button label for showing the preference pane */
"Show me the preference pane" = "Growl の設定を表示";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Show Rollup" = "ロールアップを表示";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Show the History Rollup" = "履歴を表示";
/* GNTP packet parsing error */
"Somehow we got here parsing the protocol identifier without an error, this should be impossible, either its valid or its not" = "何らかの方法でエラーなしにプロトコル識別子を解析できたとしても、この状態は不可能である。有効か無効かのどちらかです。";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"There are no new notifications" = "新しい通知はありません";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"There was %lu notification while you were away" = "不在中に%lu件の通知がありました";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"There was an error while installing the plugin '%@'." = "'%@'というプラグインのインストール中にエラーが起こりました";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"There were %lu notifications while you were away" = "不在中に%lu件の通知がありました";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"This action cannot be undone, please confirm that you want to delete the entire notification history" = "この動作はやり直しできません。本当にすべての通知履歴を削除しますか?";
/* Preview message shown when clicking Preview in the system preferences pane. %@ becomes the name of the display style being used. */
"This is a preview of the %@ display" = "これは %@ というディスプレイのプレビューです";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"This will remove all Growl settings for %@." = "%@ のための Growl の設定を削除します";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"To prevent the history database from growing indefinitely, at least one type of automatic trim must be active" = "履歴データベースが増え続けないよう、自動切断が少なくとも一種類以上実行可能でなければなりません";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Turning off both automatic trim functions is not allowed." = "二つの自動切断を停止することはできません";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Warning! About to delete ALL history" = "警告!全ての履歴を削除します";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"We have found an old installation of Growl on your computer. Please click on this button to go to our website to download the uninstaller. Manual removal instructions are also available." = "古い Growl がインストールされています。このボタンをクリックして、 Growl の web サイトからアンインストーラをダウンロードしてください。手動でアンインストールするための手順も見られます";
/* Title welcoming a new user to growl */
"Welcome to Growl!" = "Growl へようこそ!";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Welcome to the Growl walkthrough. Even if you have used Growl before, it would be helpful to you if you take a moment to get to know Growl 1.3." = "Growl のツアーへようこそ!これまでに Growl を使用したことがあっても、このツアーは Growl 1.3を知るのに役立ちます";
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Yes" = "はい";
/* Done with first launch dialog */
"You are all ready to go, enjoy Growl!" = "すべての準備ができました。 Growl をお楽しみください!";
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uasi commented Nov 10, 2011

Just updated for Growl 1.3.1.

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