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Created December 12, 2011 18:08
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Save ubermajestix/1468390 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Override inspect on objects so RSpec failures aren't as frightening.
# When an RSpec test like this fails,
# @my_array.should == [@some_model, @some_model2]
# RSpec will call inspect on each of the objects to "help" you figure out
# what went wrong. Well, inspect will usually dump a TON OF SHIT and make trying
# to figure out why `@my_array` is not made up of `@some_model` and `@some_model2`
# really really painful.
# This little module and technique helps get around that. It will redefine `inspect`
# when you include it in any object.
# You can define a whitelist of methods that inspect will dump, and it will always
# provide `object_id` at a minimum.
# To use it, drop it in spec/support/inspector.rb and class_eval the models that
# you need override `inspect` on!
# Thanks to Jeff at PivotalLabs Boulder for showing me the basic technique.
module Inspector
def inspect
string = "<#{}:#{self.object_id} "
fields ={|field| "#{field}: #{self.send(field)}"}
string << fields.join(", ")
def self.included source
$stdout.puts "Overriding inspect on #{source}"
source.class_eval do
def self.inspector *fields
@inspector_fields = *fields
def self.inspector_fields
@inspector_fields ||= []
SomeModel.class_eval do
include Inspector
inspector :id, :title
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