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Created December 6, 2011 10:01
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#!/usr/local/bin/perl -wT
use Carp;
use strict;
# Be paranoid about using grouping!
my $nz_digit = '[1-9]';
my $nz_digits = "(?:$nz_digit\\d*)";
my $digits = '(?:\d+)';
my $space = '(?:%20)';
my $nl = '(?:%0[Aa])';
my $dot = '\.';
my $plus = '\+';
my $qm = '\?';
my $ast = '\*';
my $hex = '[a-fA-F\d]';
my $alpha = '[a-zA-Z]'; # No, no locale.
my $alphas = "(?:${alpha}+)";
my $alphanum = '[a-zA-Z\d]'; # Letter or digit.
my $xalphanum = "(?:${alphanum}|%(?:3\\d|[46]$hex|[57][Aa\\d]))";
# Letter or digit, or hex escaped letter/digit.
my $alphanums = "(?:${alphanum}+)";
my $escape = "(?:%$hex\{2})";
my $safe = '[$\-_.+]';
my $extra = "[!*'(),]";
my $national = '[{}|\\^~[\]`]';
my $punctuation = '[<>#%"]';
my $reserved = '[;/?:@&=]';
my $uchar = "(?:${alphanum}|${safe}|${extra}|${escape})";
my $xchar = "(?:${alphanum}|${safe}|${extra}|${reserved}|${escape})";
$uchar =~ s/\Q]|[\E//g; # Make string smaller, and speed up regex.
$xchar =~ s/\Q]|[\E//g; # Make string smaller, and speed up regex.
# URL schemeparts for ip based protocols:
my $user = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[;?&=])*)";
my $password = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[;?&=])*)";
my $hostnumber = "(?:${digits}(?:${dot}${digits}){3})";
my $toplabel = "(?:${alpha}(?:(?:${alphanum}|-)*${alphanum})?)";
my $domainlabel = "(?:${alphanum}(?:(?:${alphanum}|-)*${alphanum})?)";
my $hostname = "(?:(?:${domainlabel}${dot})*${toplabel})";
my $host = "(?:${hostname}|${hostnumber})";
my $hostport = "(?:${host}(?::${digits})?)";
my $login = "(?:(?:${user}(?::${password})?\@)?${hostport})";
# The predefined schemes:
# FTP (see also RFC959)
my $fsegment = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[?:\@&=])*)";
my $fpath = "(?:${fsegment}(?:/${fsegment})*)";
my $ftpurl = "(?:ftp://${login}(?:/${fpath}(?:;type=[AIDaid])?)?)";
my $fileurl = "(?:file://(?:${host}|localhost)?/${fpath})";
my $hsegment = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[~;:\@&=])*)";
my $search = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[/;:\@&=])*)";
my $hpath = "(?:${hsegment}(?:/${hsegment})*)";
my $httpurl = "(?:http://${hostport}(?:/${hpath}(?:${qm}${search})?)?)";
# GOPHER (see also RFC1436)
my $gopher_plus = "(?:${xchar}*)";
my $selector = "(?:${xchar}*)";
my $gtype = ${xchar}; # Omitted parens!
my $gopherurl = "(?:gopher://${hostport}(?:/${gtype}(?:${selector}" .
# MAILTO (see also RFC822)
my $encoded822addr = "(?:$xchar+)";
my $mailtourl = "(?:mailto:$encoded822addr)";
# NEWS (see also RFC1036)
my $article = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[;/?:&=])+\@${host})";
my $group = "(?:${alpha}(?:${alphanum}|[_.+-])*)";
my $grouppart = "(?:${article}|${group}|${ast})";
my $newsurl = "(?:news:${grouppart})";
# NNTP (see also RFC977)
my $nntpurl = "(?:nntp://${hostport}/${group}(?:/${digits})?)";
my $telneturl = "(?:telnet://${login}/?)";
# WAIS (see also RFC1625)
my $wpath = "(?:${uchar}*)";
my $wtype = "(?:${uchar}*)";
my $database = "(?:${uchar}*)";
my $waisdoc = "(?:wais://${hostport}/${database}/${wtype}/${wpath})";
my $waisindex = "(?:wais://${hostport}/${database}${qm}${search})";
my $waisdatabase = "(?:wais://${hostport}/${database})";
# my $waisurl = "(?:${waisdatabase}|${waisindex}|${waisdoc})";
# Speed up: the 3 types share a common prefix.
my $waisurl = "(?:wais://${hostport}/${database}" .
my $fieldvalue = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[?:\@&])*)";
my $fieldname = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[?:\@&])*)";
my $fieldspec = "(?:;${fieldname}=${fieldvalue})";
my $psegment = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[?:\@&=])*)";
my $ppath = "(?:${psegment}(?:/${psegment})*)";
my $prosperourl = "(?:prospero://${hostport}/${ppath}(?:${fieldspec})*)";
# LDAP (see also RFC1959)
# First. import stuff from RFC 1779 (Distinguished Names).
# We've modified things a bit.
my $dn_separator = "(?:[;,])";
my $dn_optional_space = "(?:${nl}?${space}*)";
my $dn_spaced_separator = "(?:${dn_optional_space}${dn_separator}" .
my $dn_oid = "(?:${digits}(?:${dot}${digits})*)";
my $dn_keychar = "(?:${xalphanum}|${space})";
my $dn_key = "(?:${dn_keychar}+|(?:OID|oid)${dot}${dn_oid})";
my $dn_string = "(?:${uchar}*)";
my $dn_attribute = "(?:(?:${dn_key}${dn_optional_space}=" .
my $dn_name_component = "(?:${dn_attribute}(?:${dn_optional_space}" .
my $dn_name = "(?:${dn_name_component}" .
"(?:${dn_spaced_separator}${dn_name_component})*" .
# RFC 1558 defines the filter syntax, but that requires a PDA to recognize.
# Since that's too powerful for Perl's REs, we allow any char between the
# parenthesis (which have to be there.)
my $ldap_filter = "(?:\(${xchar}+\))";
# This is from RFC 1777. It defines an attributetype as an 'OCTET STRING',
# whatever that is.
my $ldap_attr_type = "(?:${uchar}+)"; # I'm just guessing here.
# The RFCs aren't clear.
# Now we are at the grammar of RFC 1959.
my $ldap_attr_list = "(?:${ldap_attr_type}(?:,${ldap_attr_type})*)";
my $ldap_attrs = "(?:${ldap_attr_list}?)";
my $ldap_scope = "(?:base|one|sub)";
my $ldapurl = "(?:ldap://(?:${hostport})?/${dn_name}" .
"(?:${qm}${ldap_attrs}" .
# RFC 2056 defines the format of URLs for the Z39.50 protocol.
my $z_database = "(?:${uchar}+)";
my $z_docid = "(?:${uchar}+)";
my $z_elementset = "(?:${uchar}+)";
my $z_recordsyntax = "(?:${uchar}+)";
my $z_scheme = "(?:z39${dot}50[rs])";
my $z39_50url = "(?:${z_scheme}://${hostport}" .
"(?:/(?:${z_database}(?:${plus}${z_database})*" .
"(?:${qm}${z_docid})?)?" .
"(?:;esn=${z_elementset})?" .
"(?:;rs=${z_recordsyntax}" .
# RFC 2111 defines the format for cid/mid URLs.
my $url_addr_spec = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[;?:@&=])*)";
my $message_id = $url_addr_spec;
my $content_id = $url_addr_spec;
my $cidurl = "(?:cid:${content_id})";
my $midurl = "(?:mid:${message_id}(?:/${content_id})?)";
# RFC 2122 defines the Vemmi URLs.
my $vemmi_attr = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[/?:@&])*)";
my $vemmi_value = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[/?:@&])*)";
my $vemmi_service = "(?:(?:${uchar}|[/?:@&=])*)";
my $vemmi_param = "(?:;${vemmi_attr}=${vemmi_value})";
my $vemmiurl = "(?:vemmi://${hostport}" .
# RFC 2192 for IMAP URLs.
# Import from RFC 2060.
# my $imap4_astring = "";
# my $imap4_search_key = "";
# my $imap4_section_text = "";
my $imap4_nz_number = $nz_digits;
my $achar = "(?:${uchar}|[&=~])";
my $bchar = "(?:${uchar}|[&=~:\@/])";
my $enc_auth_type = "(?:${achar}+)";
my $enc_list_mbox = "(?:${bchar}+)";
my $enc_mailbox = "(?:${bchar}+)";
my $enc_search = "(?:${bchar}+)";
my $enc_section = "(?:${bchar}+)";
my $enc_user = "(?:${achar}+)";
my $i_auth = "(?:;[Aa][Uu][Tt][Hh]=(?:${ast}|${enc_auth_type}))";
my $i_list_type = "(?:[Ll](?:[Ii][Ss][Tt]|[Ss][Uu][Bb]))";
my $i_mailboxlist = "(?:${enc_list_mbox}?;[Tt][Yy][Pp][Ee]=${i_list_type})";
my $i_uidvalidity = "(?:;[Uu][Ii][Dd][Vv][Aa][Ll][Ii][Dd][Ii][Tt][Yy]=" .
my $i_messagelist = "(?:${enc_mailbox}(?:${qm}${enc_search})?" .
my $i_section = "(?:/;[Ss][Ee][Cc][Tt][Ii][Oo][Nn]=${enc_section})";
my $i_uid = "(?:/;[Uu][Ii][Dd]=${imap4_nz_number})";
my $i_messagepart = "(?:${enc_mailbox}(?:${i_uidvalidity})?${i_uid}" .
my $i_command = "(?:${i_mailboxlist}|${i_messagelist}|${i_messagepart})";
my $i_userauth = "(?:(?:${enc_user}(?:${i_auth})?)|" .
my $i_server = "(?:(?:${i_userauth}\@)?${hostport})";
my $imapurl = "(?:imap://${i_server}/(?:$i_command)?)";
# RFC 2224 for NFS.
my $nfs_mark = '[\$\-_.!~*\'(),]';
my $nfs_unreserved = "(?:${alphanum}|${nfs_mark})";
$nfs_unreserved =~ s/\Q]|[//g;
my $nfs_pchar = "(?:${nfs_unreserved}|${escape}|[:\@&=+])";
my $nfs_segment = "(?:${nfs_pchar}*)";
my $nfs_path_segs = "(?:${nfs_segment}(?:/${nfs_segment})*)";
my $nfs_url_path = "(?:/?${nfs_path_segs})";
my $nfs_rel_path = "(?:${nfs_path_segs}?)";
my $nfs_abs_path = "(?:/${nfs_rel_path})";
my $nfs_net_path = "(?://${hostport}(?:${nfs_abs_path})?)";
my $nfs_rel_url = "(?:${nfs_net_path}|${nfs_abs_path}|${nfs_rel_path})";
my $nfsurl = "(?:nfs:${nfs_rel_url})";
# Combining all the different URL formats into a single regex.
my $url = join "|", $httpurl, $ftpurl, $newsurl, $nntpurl,
$telneturl, $gopherurl, $waisurl, $mailtourl,
$fileurl, $prosperourl, $ldapurl, $z39_50url,
$cidurl, $midurl, $vemmiurl, $imapurl,
print $url, "\n";
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