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Last active December 30, 2015 19:49
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* Internally, the client instantiates a Guzzle\Http\Client on Docker's
* default tcp address ( but you could pass your own too
$docker = new Docker\Docker();
* This is how you wrap a Dockerfile with its context
$nginxConfig = <<<NGINX
server {
root /var/www/;
$builder = new Docker\ContextBuilder();
$builder->run('apt-get install nginx');
$builder->add('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default', $nginxConfig);
* And this is how you use it
* Second param is the name of the image to build
$docker->build($builder->getContext(), 'nginx');
* We are going to map port 80
$port = new Docker\Port(80);
* Configure a container
$container = new Container();
$container->setCmd('/usr/bin/nginx -g \'daemon off;\'');
* You can also pass a config array to the constructor
$container = new Container([
'Image' => 'nginx',
'Cmd' => ['/usr/bin/nginx', '-g', '\'daemon off;\''],
'PortSpecs' => $ports->toExposedPorts()
* The ContainerManager has everything you need to manage your containers
* There is also an ImageContainer to manage images
$manager = $docker->getContainerManager();
* You need to create a container before starting it.
* Note: creating a container makes it read-only
* Now start it. You need to add an HostConfig with port definitions and stuff
* The HostConfig needs a bit of work yet :)
$manager->start($container, ['PortBindings' => $port->toSpec()])
* Whoopsie, forgot to bindmount /var/www!
* Since we pass a bindmount to restart, it will stop and start the container
* Otherwise it would just use the restart docker api
$manager->restart($container, ['/var/www' => '/var/www']);
* You can now retrieve the mapped public port!
$publicPort = $container->getMappedPort(80);
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