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Last active September 26, 2015 08:41
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#Set working directory
#dir_SM <- "F:/Kaitlyn_Toledo_Data/RMP_Project/SMData"
dir_SM <- "/home/nak/kate-R/try1"
# We an use the recursive option to get all the CSV files
csv_filenames <- list.files(dir_SM,
# Initialize empty list to store dataframes from each logger
# After the loop runs, access each logger with all_data[["Logger1"]]
all_data = list()
# This loops over all the CSV files, 25 of them
for (i in 1:length(csv_filenames)) {
data <- read.csv(csv_filenames[i],
colClasses=c("character", rep("numeric",5)),
# Find the logger name from file path
logger_regex <- regexpr("Logger[[:digit:]]", csv_filenames[i])
logger_name <- regmatches(csv_filenames[i], logger_regex)
# V1 is the first column, V2 is 2nd, etc
# Re-name them to match reality
port_names <- c("V2" = "Port1",
"V3" = "Port2",
"V4" = "Port3",
"V5" = "Port4",
"V6" = "Port5")
# Re-name columns
names(data) <- c("V1" = "DateTime", port_names)
# Try the first Date format, if we get a warning try the 2nd format
data$DateTime <- as.POSIXct(data$DateTime, format="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p")
}, warning = function(w) {
data$DateTime <- as.POSIXct(data$DateTime, format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M")
# Only get a subset of dates
data <- subset(data,
DateTime > "2015-04-01" &
DateTime < "2015-08-01")
# Bind the rows of this file with previous files loaded into the list
all_data[[logger_name]] <- rbind(all_data[[logger_name]], data)
# Now that we've loaded all the CSV data into a list of data frames (all_data)
# we can loop over each logger data frame object and then plot it
for(logger_name in names(all_data)) {
data <- all_data[[logger_name]]
# Remove columns that are completely NA (thanks StackOverflow)
data <- data[, colSums( != nrow(data)]
# Melt takes a wide data format and makes it into a column instead
# This is needed for ggplot2
data <- melt(data,
# Here I'm just getting all the names of the ports, avoiding
# The DateTime column
measure.vars = names(data)[c(2:length(names(data)))],
na.rm = TRUE)
# Remove data points less than zero
data <- subset(data, value > 0)
# Print is needed to show ggplots in a loop, that's it!
print(ggplot(data, aes(x = DateTime, y = value)) +
geom_line() +
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