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Last active December 4, 2020 09:08
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package pi.prelude
import pi.prelude.either.\/._
import zio.ZIO
import zio.prelude.{Bicovariant, Covariant}
package object either {
sealed trait \/[+E, +A] { self =>
private final def map0[B](f: A => B): \/[E, B] =
self match {
case \/-(a) => \/-(f(a))
case error @ -\/(_) => error
private final def mapError0[F](f: E => F): \/[F, A] =
self match {
case -\/(e) => -\/(f(e))
case success @ \/-(_) => success
def toEither: Either[E, A] = self match {
case \/.-\/(e) => Left(e)
case \/.\/-(x) => Right(x)
object \/ {
final case class -\/[+E](e: E) extends (E \/ Nothing)
final case class \/-[+A](x: A) extends (Nothing \/ A)
def fromEither[E, A](e: Either[E, A]): E \/ A = e match {
case Left(value) => -\/(value)
case Right(value) => \/-(value)
def fromOption[E, A](ifNone: => E)(o: Option[A]): E \/ A =\/-(_)).getOrElse(-\/(ifNone))
implicit def EitherBicovariant: Bicovariant[\/] = new Bicovariant[\/] {
override def bimap[A, B, AA, BB](f: A => AA, g: B => BB): A \/ B => AA \/ BB =
implicit def EitherCovariant[E]: Covariant[({ type lambda[+x] = \/[E, x] })#lambda] =
new Covariant[({ type lambda[+x] = \/[E, x] })#lambda] {
override def map[A, B](f: A => B): E \/ A => E \/ B = _.map0(f)
implicit def ValidationFailureCovariant[A]
: Covariant[({ type lambda[+x] = newtypes.Failure[Validation[x, A]] })#lambda] =
new Covariant[({ type lambda[+x] = newtypes.Failure[Validation[x, A]] })#lambda] {
def map[E, E1](f: E => E1): newtypes.Failure[Validation[E, A]] => newtypes.Failure[Validation[E1, A]] =
validation => newtypes.Failure.wrap(newtypes.Failure.unwrap(validation).mapError(f))
implicit class ZEitherOps[A](private val x: A) extends AnyVal {
def left[B]: A \/ B = -\/(x)
def right[B]: B \/ A = \/-(x)
implicit class EitherToZIOOps[E, A](private val x: E \/ A) extends AnyVal {
def io: ZIO[Any, E, A] = ZIO.fromEither(x.toEither)
implicit class ZIOAbsolveOps[R, E, A](private val z: ZIO[R, E, E \/ A]) extends AnyVal {
def absolve: ZIO[R, E, A] =
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