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Created October 18, 2015 18:03
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from sage.all import *
import string
p = 123722643358410276082662590855480232574295213977
q = 164184701914508585475304431352949988726937945291
n = p * q
t = (p-1)*(q-1)
e = 31415926535897932384
rt = Integers(t)
#flag = open('flag').read().strip()
#assert len(flag) == 50
#m = int(flag.encode('hex'), 16)
#print gcd(t/16,e)
x = inverse_mod(e/16,t/16)
#print rt(x*e)
c = 19103602508342401901122269279664114182748999577286972038123073823905007006697188423804611222902
lower = int('hitcon{'.encode('hex') + '20'*43, 16)
upper = int('hitcon{'.encode('hex') + '7f'*43, 16)
squares = [mod(pow(c,x,n),n)]
sqrts = []
for i in range(4):
for square in squares:
#print ("square",square,hex(int(square)))
s1 = mod(square,p)
s2 = mod(square,q)
ss1 = s1.sqrt()
ss2 = s2.sqrt()
#print(int(ss1), int(ss2))
for s1m in [-1,1]:
for s2m in [-1,1]:
x = crt(int(mod(mod(ss1,n)*s1m,n)), int(mod(mod(ss2,n)*s2m,n)), p, q)
sqrts += [mod(x,n)]
except ValueError:
#print ""
squares = sqrts
#squares = list(set(squares))
sqrts = []
for s in squares:
s = int(s)
low = (lower-s)/n
high = (upper-s)/n
diff = (high - low) / 0x100
s += low*n
while s % 0x100 != 0x7d:
s += n
for i in range(diff):
x = '%x' % (s,)
h = ('0' * (len(x) % 2)) + x
hh = h.decode('hex')
if all(c in string.printable for c in hh):
s += 0x100*n
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