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Last active March 23, 2021 02:48
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DartJson Class Implementation to encode and decode/parse complex nested json objects directly in flutter/dart. Direct object manipulation.
import 'dart:convert';
/* To handle(read/write) complex json in dart */
/* Reference */
/* Usage:-
var myjson = '''your strigified json''';
var jsonObject = DartJson(myjson);
var jsonObject = DartJson(myjson, customSeperator: '/');
var newObj ='Employee.Entitlements.GP.Balance');'').raw();
var newObj ='Employee.Entitlements.GP.Balance', rawData: true); //return rawValues instead of DartJSON object'Employee.Entitlements.GP.Balance', defaultValue: 0);'Dependents.0.Relationship').raw();
jsonObject.write('Dependents.5.Relationship', 10); //create new segments as object only
jsonObject.write('Dependents.5.Relationship', {'newKey1': true, 'newKey2': '3'}, appendMode: true); //appendItem if already exists(works on both array and object)
jsonObject.write('Dependents.5.Relationship', 10, arrayMode: true); //create new segments as array if possible
jsonObject.write('Dependents.5.Relationship', null, delete: true); //create new segments as object only
jsonObject.encode(); //encodeJSON object as string
jsonObject.type(); //check basic return type existing currently
jsonObject.raw(); //return the raw value of object else it will always be wrapped in a DartJson wrapper. Need always to get values.
jsonObject.raw(''); //return the raw value of object on given path
jsonObject.isValid(); //if passed string is a valid json
class DartJson {
dynamic _json;
String customSeperator;
bool _isInvalidJson = false;
final bool isReadOnly;
static final ThemeAction themeAction = ThemeAction();
int toInt({dynamic jsMode = true}) =>
themeAction.toInt(_json, jsMode: jsMode);
bool toBool({bool isStrict = false}) =>
themeAction.toBool(_json, isStrict: isStrict);
List toList() => themeAction.toList(_json);
double toDouble({dynamic jsMode = true}) =>
themeAction.toDouble(_json, jsMode: jsMode);
String toString() => themeAction.toStr(_json);
/// Constructs a DartJson Object
/// The constructor accepts any type of object
/// and if it is a string then tries parsing to JSON object
/// if parsing fails then marks it as invalid json
/// a customSeperator can be used to seperate perperties of object
/// by default the seperator is .(dot)
DartJson(json, {this.customSeperator: '.', this.isReadOnly: false}) {
if (json is DartJson) {
json = json.raw();
if (json is String) {
try {
_json = jsonDecode(json);
} catch (e) {
_isInvalidJson = true;
_json = json;
} else {
if (json is! Map<String, dynamic>) {
_isInvalidJson = true;
_json = json;
void forEach(Function fun) {
if (_json != null) {
if (_json is Map) {
(_json as Map).forEach(fun);
} else if (_json is List) {
(_json as List).forEach(fun);
bool isTypeOf<T>() {
return this._json is T;
/// If the json/object is a valid Map<String, dynamic>
bool isValid() {
return !_isInvalidJson;
/// If json is a valid Map<String, dynamic> object
/// then return stringified version else return blank string
String encode({bool doCatch: true}) {
try {
return jsonEncode(_json);
} catch (e) {
if (doCatch) {
return '';
} else {
throw e;
/// Edit json content by defining the path
/// The path should have the same seperator as defined in the constructor
/// delete: If some attribute needs to be deleted(false by default)
/// arrayMode: Try creating array based structure i.e. if integers are passed in path and new object has to created
/// then it would be an array (false by default). arrayMode scenario:-
/// obj.write('con.2.a', 6, arrayMode: true) -> {'con': [null, null, 'a': 6]}
/// obj.write('con.2.a', 6) -> {'con': {'2': {'a': 6}}}
/// appendMode: If true then try to append Map or List items in existing List or Map, by default false which means
/// replace with given value(object/array or any other)
/// onReplace: is a callback function which will be invoke to edit the current value
DartJson write(String path, newValue,
{bool delete: false,
bool arrayMode: false,
bool appendMode: false,
Function onReplace}) {
try {
if (!isReadOnly && (_json is Map || _json is List)) {
dynamic current = _json;
var pathArr = path.split(this.customSeperator);
int counter = 0;
for (final segment in pathArr) {
final maybeInt = int.tryParse(segment);
var isArray = (maybeInt != null && current is List);
if (isArray && maybeInt >= current.length) {
while (maybeInt >= current.length) {
var nextIndex = maybeInt == null || !arrayMode ? segment : maybeInt;
if (isArray) {
nextIndex = int.tryParse(nextIndex);
if (counter == pathArr.length - 1) {
if (delete) {
if (maybeInt != null) {
current[maybeInt] = null;
} else {
return this;
} else {
if (onReplace != null) {
current[nextIndex] = onReplace(current[nextIndex]);
} else if (appendMode && current[nextIndex] is List) {
var arr = (current[nextIndex] as List);
(newValue is List) ? arr.addAll(newValue) : arr.add(newValue);
} else if (appendMode && current[nextIndex] is Map) {
var obj = (current[nextIndex] as Map);
(newValue is Map)
? obj.addAll(newValue)
: obj[nextIndex] = newValue;
} else {
current[nextIndex] = newValue;
return this;
var nextValue = current[nextIndex];
if ((isArray && current[maybeInt] == null) ||
(current is Map && current[segment] == null) ||
(nextValue is! Map && nextValue is! List)) {
final segmentNext = pathArr[counter + 1];
final maybeIntNext = int.tryParse(segmentNext);
if (maybeIntNext != null && arrayMode) {
current[nextIndex] = List<dynamic>();
} else {
current[nextIndex] = Map<String, dynamic>();
current = current[nextIndex];
} catch (error) {
return this;
DartJson writeAll<K, T>(Map<K, T> newMap, {bool forceCreate = false}) {
if (newMap != null) {
if (forceCreate && (_json is! Map || _json == null)) {
_json = {};
_isInvalidJson = false;
(_json as Map).addAll(newMap);
return this;
operator [](String key) {
return raw(of: key);
/// provide path to read the value, if blank then returned the stored value of current node
/// defaultValue will be returned if nothing found(by default null)
/// raw value is returned
/// caseInSensitive(default false), if true search for keys ignoring case
dynamic raw<T>({
String of = '',
dynamic defaultValue,
bool caseInSensitive = false,
}) {
if (of == '') {
return (this._json is T ? this._json : null) ?? defaultValue;
try {
if (_json is! Map && _json is! List) {
return (defaultValue);
dynamic current = _json;
var pathArr = of.split(this.customSeperator);
for (final segment in pathArr) {
final maybeInt = int.tryParse(segment);
if (maybeInt != null && current is List<dynamic>) {
current = current.length <= maybeInt ? null : current[maybeInt];
} else if (current is Map) {
if (caseInSensitive && current[segment] == null) {
var lowerSegment = segment.toLowerCase();
current = current[(current as Map).keys.firstWhere(
(key) => themeAction.toStr(key).toLowerCase() == lowerSegment,
orElse: () => segment)];
} else {
current = current[segment];
} else {
current = defaultValue;
return ((current is T ? current : null) ?? defaultValue);
} catch (error) {
return (defaultValue);
/// provide path to read the value
/// defaultValue will be returned if nothing found(by default null)
/// DartJson wrapped object to perform further operations
/// caseInSensitive(default false), if true search for keys ignoring case
DartJson read(
String path, {
dynamic defaultValue,
bool caseInSensitive = false,
}) {
return DartJson(this.raw(
of: path,
defaultValue: defaultValue,
caseInSensitive: caseInSensitive,
class ThemeAction {
bool isNullOrEmpty(value) {
if (value == null) {
return true;
} else if (value is List || value is Map || value is String) {
return value.isEmpty;
} else {
return false;
/// Convert to int from int, double, bool, string etc. along with null values
int toInt(value, {bool jsMode: true}) {
if (value is num) {
return value.toInt();
} else if (value is bool) {
return value ? 1 : 0;
} else if (value is String) {
var i = num.tryParse(value);
return jsMode ? (value.isEmpty ? 0 : (i ?? 1).toInt()) : (i ?? 0);
return value == null ? 0 : 1;
/// Convert to double from int, double, bool, string etc. along with null values
double toDouble(value, {bool jsMode: true}) {
if (value is num) {
return value.toDouble();
} else if (value is bool) {
return value ? 1.0 : 0.0;
} else if (value is String) {
var i = num.tryParse(value);
return jsMode ? (value.isEmpty ? 0.0 : (i ?? 1.0).toDouble()) : (i ?? 0.0);
return value == null ? 0 : 1;
/// Convert to bool from int, double, bool, string etc. along with null values
/// Useful while directly using in the if and other conditional statements
bool toBool(value, {bool isStrict: false}) {
if (value is num) {
return value != null && value != 0;
} else if (value is bool) {
return value;
} else if (isStrict && value is List) {
return value != null && value.length > 0;
} else if (isStrict && value is Map) {
return value != null && value.length > 0;
} else if (value is String) {
if (value == null || value.isEmpty) {
return false;
} else {
return isStrict
? (num.tryParse(value) != 0 && value.toLowerCase() != "false")
: num.tryParse(value) != 0;
return value != null;
List toList(value, {bool forceOnKey = false, String splitKey = ","}) {
if (value == null) {
return [];
} else if (value is Map) {
return (forceOnKey ? value.keys : value.values).toList();
} else if (value is List) {
return value;
} else if (value is String) {
return value.split(splitKey);
} else {
return [];
String toStr(value, [String defaultValue]) {
var retVal = value == null ? '' : value.toString();
return defaultValue != null && retVal.isEmpty ? defaultValue : retVal;
void main() {
print(DartJson('{"5": [1,3]}').raw(of: '5.1'));
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