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Last active November 8, 2019 17:51
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  • Save uc-compass-bot/0482affa54e8fe202866b6dcf0703f5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import {Context} from 'probot/lib/context';
import {ChecksUpdateParamsOutput} from '@octokit/rest';
import {WebhookPayloadPullRequest} from '@octokit/webhooks';
import CheckRun, {ICheckRun} from './CheckRun';
export default class SampleCheck extends CheckRun implements ICheckRun {
static checkName: string = 'my-cool-check';
public payload: WebhookPayloadPullRequest;
constructor(event: Context) {
super(SampleCheck.checkName, event);
this.payload = event.payload;
async run(): Promise<void> {
const output: ChecksUpdateParamsOutput = {summary: ''}; // The API requires a summary no matter the outcome
// Updates the GitHub UI to switch the status from "queued" to "in progress"
await this.update('in_progress');
// Do some sort of business logic here. For this example, we'll randomly pass or fail
const success = Math.random() >= 0.5;
if (!success) {
output.title = 'Failed coin toss'
output.summary = 'Luck is not on your side today, you failed to be pass the test.'
await this.finish(success, output);
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