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Last active November 8, 2019 17:45
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  • Save uc-compass-bot/35b5886cd2df23331aa439433c21ef4a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save uc-compass-bot/35b5886cd2df23331aa439433c21ef4a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import {ChecksUpdateResponse, ChecksUpdateParamsOutput, ChecksCreateResponse, Response, ReposCompareCommitsResponse} from '@octokit/rest';
import {WebhookPayloadCheckRun, WebhookPayloadCheckSuite, WebhookPayloadPullRequest} from '@octokit/webhooks';
import {GitHubAPI} from 'probot/lib/github';
import {Context} from 'probot/lib/context';
import {Logger} from 'probot/lib';
export default class CheckRun {
public context: Context;
public github: GitHubAPI;
public payload: WebhookPayloadCheckSuite | WebhookPayloadCheckRun | WebhookPayloadPullRequest;
public logger: Logger;
public action: string;
public name: string;
public id: number | undefined;
* @param {String} name Name of the Check as it appears in the Checks UI. This name is used to
* reference Checks when re-running them.
* @param {Context} event Probot event context
constructor(name: string, event: Context) { = name;
this.context = event;
this.github = event.github;
this.payload = event.payload;
this.action = event.payload.action;
this.logger = event.log;
* Helper getter to gather the common API options needed for most Check API queries. Tries its
* best to figure out if there's a Pull Request attached to the payload and uses that as its
* head sha for doing comparisons against.
get options() {
const payloadData = (this.payload as WebhookPayloadCheckSuite).check_suite || (this.payload as WebhookPayloadCheckRun).check_run;
const pr = (this.payload as WebhookPayloadPullRequest).pull_request;
return {
owner: this.payload.repository.owner.login,
head_sha: payloadData && payloadData.head_sha || pr && pr.head.sha,
* Function called to createa a Check Run. When extending this Class, you have the option of
* instead returning false instead of calling this super function to prevent the Check from
* getting queued. This is useful for Checks that only start in specific situations as opposed
* to on every Check webhook event.
async start(): Promise<Response<ChecksCreateResponse>|false> {
try {
const resp: Response<ChecksCreateResponse> = await this.github.checks.create(Object.assign({
status: 'queued' as 'queued',
}, this.options)); =;
return resp;
} catch (e) {
return false;
* Updates the status of a previosly created CheckRun. By default, will set the status to "in_progress"
* @param {String} status The CheckRun's status in the Checks API.
* @param {String} conclusion If the CheckRun has finished running, the final outcome of the run.
* Automatically sets the status to "completed" if set.
* @param {ChecksUpdateParamsOutput} output Output options given to the Check API, usually
* containing a "title", a "summary", and "text".
* @param {String} details_url URL that contains more details about the run.
async update(
status: 'queued' | 'in_progress' | 'completed' = 'in_progress',
conclusion?: 'success' | 'failure' | 'neutral' | 'cancelled' | 'timed_out'
| 'action_required',
output?: ChecksUpdateParamsOutput,
details_url?: string
): Promise<Response<ChecksUpdateResponse>> {
return this.github.checks.update({
check_run_id: as number,
...status === 'completed' && {completed_at: new Date().toISOString()},
...output && {output},
* Convenience function that updates the status to completed as either "success" or "failure"
* based on the success parameter.
* @param {Boolean} success Whether or not the run passed or failed.
* @param {ChecksUpdateParamsOutput} output Output options given to the Check API, usually
* containing a "title", a "summary", and "text".
async finish(success: boolean, output?: ChecksUpdateParamsOutput):
Promise<Response<ChecksUpdateResponse>> {
return this.github.checks.update({
check_run_id: as number,
conclusion: success ? 'success' as 'success' : 'failure' as 'failure',
completed_at: new Date().toISOString(),
...success ? {} : {output},
* Convenience function that updates the status to "neutral". Neutral Check Runs are those that
* neither approve nor block a PR.
async neutral(): Promise<Response<ChecksUpdateResponse>> {
return this.github.checks.update({
check_run_id: as number,
conclusion: 'neutral',
completed_at: new Date().toISOString(),
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