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Last active May 22, 2023 04:33
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Sayantan Das
Email: GitHub: //ucalyptus
Alternate Email: LinkedIn: //ucalyptus
Research interests Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision.
Education Queen’s University Kingston, Canada
MASc in Electrical and Computer Engineering Sept 2021 – Present
Mentor: Professor Ali Etemad. GPA: 4.0/4.3
Teaching Assistantships: ELEC 390, APSC 143
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology Kolkata, India
BTech in Computer Science and Engineering July 2016 – July 2020
Mentors: Professors Sourav Saha, and Amit Kumar Das. GPA: 8.39/10.0
Publications Topo Sampler: A Topology Constrained Noise Sampling for GANs
First Authors in Bold Adrish Dey, Sayantan Das
NeurIPS 2020 Workshop TDA and Beyond
Dual Attention Residual Band Selection Network for Spectral-Spatial
Hyperspectral Classification
First Authors in Bold Swalpa Kumar Roy, Sayantan Das, Tiecheng Song, Bhabatosh Chanda
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (Impact Factor:3.38), 2020.
Work Experience Queen’s University
Mentor: Dr Ali Etemad Sep 2021 – Present
Applications of self-supervised Learning (SSL) methods on Facial Forensics.
ETH Zurich
Mentors: Dr Bastian Rieck Sep 2020 – Feb 2021
Manifold Learning for Generative Models, Topological Data Analysis
Indian Statistical Institute
Mentors: Dr Bhabatosh Chanda, Dr Swalpa Kumar Roy Mar 2020 - Jul 2020
Worked at the Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Unit, ISI Kolkata un-
der Prof. Bhabatosh Chanda on Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery applications.
A work accepted to IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters was done
during this internship.
Indian Space Research Organisation
Mentors: Manavalu Ramanujam, Jalpa Modi June 2019 – Aug 2019
Worked at the Signal and Image Processing Group Lab on Satellite Imagery
applications in military surveillance such as Ground Moving Target Indica-
tion(GMTI) using Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) microwave images from
Sentinel-2 and indian satellites.
Projects BongoVaad
BongoVaad is a python framework to transcribe Bengali YouTube videos using
Whisper Large V2. I performed Low Rank Adaptation (LoRA) finetuning of
this model on Mozilla Common Voice 13 dataset.
The ESRGAN CLI package is a command-line tool that enhances images using
the ESRGAN (Enhanced Super-Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks)
algorithm. It provides a convenient interface to interact with an ESRGAN API
service and process images for improved visual quality.
A Gradio webapp (hosted on Huggingface Spaces) to perform vector-
based search and response (Retrieval Augmented Generation in NLP) using
Langchain, FAISS and OpenAI Embeddings.
Technical Reports Inject Noise to Remove Noise: A Deep Dive into Score-Based Generative
Modeling Techniques
The Geometry of Deep Generative Image Models
Pivotal Tuning for Latent-Based Editing of Real Images
Academic Service Poster 27 Ontario Workshop on Computer Vision
Program Committee, Reviewer ICML 2021 - LatinX in AI
Reviewer AAAI 2023 - Representation Learning for Responsible Human-
Centric AI, ICML 2021 - Computational Approaches to Mental Health
Member Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network.
Awards Queen’s General Bursary 2022-23
Vector Institute Scholarship in Artificial Intelligence 2021-22
Pradeep Khare Memorial Scholarship 2021-22
Test Scores GRE General Test - 317/340
Quant-163, Verbal-154, AWA-4.0
TOEFL iBT - 106/120
Reading-28, Listening-29, Speaking-23, Writing-26
Open Source Google Code In 2019 Mentor
Tensorflow: Mentored and assisted high school students in developing projects
using tf, tf.js and tflite. Example tasks include reviewing pull requests to ten-
sorflow/tfds repository
Code Contributions (more on GitHub)
torchsde, torchdyn
Talks and Tutorials Is India prepared for emerging technologies? Feb 2020
Panel discussion at IEEE CALCON 2020
Point Target Analysis and Detection of Moving Targets in SAR Images
June 2019
Talk on my research internship project at Indian Space Research Organisation.
Satellite Imagery meets Computer Vision Oct 2020
IEM Kolkata
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