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Created April 22, 2013 14:57
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Save ucchyocean/5435722 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* @author ucchy
* @license GPLv3
* @copyright Copyright ucchy 2013
package test;
import java.util.HashMap;
* @author ucchy
* ローマ字からかな文字へ変換するクラス
public class Kana {
private static final HashMap<String, String[]> TABLE;
static {
TABLE = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
TABLE.put( "", new String[]{"あ","い","う","え","お"});
TABLE.put( "k", new String[]{"か","き","く","け","こ"});
TABLE.put( "s", new String[]{"さ","し","す","せ","そ"});
TABLE.put( "t", new String[]{"た","ち","つ","て","と"});
TABLE.put( "n", new String[]{"な","に","ぬ","ね","の"});
TABLE.put( "h", new String[]{"は","ひ","ふ","へ","ほ"});
TABLE.put( "m", new String[]{"ま","み","む","め","も"});
TABLE.put( "y", new String[]{"や","い","ゆ","いぇ","よ"});
TABLE.put( "r", new String[]{"ら","り","る","れ","ろ"});
TABLE.put( "w", new String[]{"わ","うぃ","う","うぇ","を"});
TABLE.put( "g", new String[]{"が","ぎ","ぐ","げ","ご"});
TABLE.put( "z", new String[]{"ざ","じ","ず","ぜ","ぞ"});
TABLE.put( "j", new String[]{"じゃ","じ","じゅ","じぇ","じょ"});
TABLE.put( "d", new String[]{"だ","ぢ","づ","で","ど"});
TABLE.put( "b", new String[]{"ば","び","ぶ","べ","ぼ"});
TABLE.put( "p", new String[]{"ぱ","ぴ","ぷ","ぺ","ぽ"});
TABLE.put("gy", new String[]{"ぎゃ","ぎぃ","ぎゅ","ぎぇ","ぎょ"});
TABLE.put("zy", new String[]{"じゃ","じぃ","じゅ","じぇ","じょ"});
TABLE.put("jy", new String[]{"じゃ","じぃ","じゅ","じぇ","じょ"});
TABLE.put("dy", new String[]{"ぢゃ","ぢぃ","ぢゅ","ぢぇ","ぢょ"});
TABLE.put("by", new String[]{"びゃ","びぃ","びゅ","びぇ","びょ"});
TABLE.put("py", new String[]{"ぴゃ","ぴぃ","ぴゅ","ぴぇ","ぴょ"});
TABLE.put( "l", new String[]{"ぁ","ぃ","ぅ","ぇ","ぉ"});
TABLE.put( "v", new String[]{"ヴぁ","ヴぃ","ヴ","ヴぇ","ヴぉ"});
TABLE.put("sh", new String[]{"しゃ","し","しゅ","しぇ","しょ"});
TABLE.put("sy", new String[]{"しゃ","し","しゅ","しぇ","しょ"});
TABLE.put("ch", new String[]{"ちゃ","ち","ちゅ","ちぇ","ちょ"});
TABLE.put("cy", new String[]{"ちゃ","ち","ちゅ","ちぇ","ちょ"});
TABLE.put( "f", new String[]{"ふぁ","ふぃ","ふ","ふぇ","ふぉ"});
TABLE.put( "q", new String[]{"くぁ","くぃ","く","くぇ","くぉ"});
TABLE.put("ky", new String[]{"きゃ","きぃ","きゅ","きぇ","きょ"});
TABLE.put("ty", new String[]{"ちゃ","ちぃ","ちゅ","ちぇ","ちょ"});
TABLE.put("ny", new String[]{"にゃ","にぃ","にゅ","にぇ","にょ"});
TABLE.put("hy", new String[]{"ひゃ","ひぃ","ひゅ","ひぇ","ひょ"});
TABLE.put("my", new String[]{"みゃ","みぃ","みゅ","みぇ","みょ"});
TABLE.put("ry", new String[]{"りゃ","りぃ","りゅ","りぇ","りょ"});
TABLE.put("ly", new String[]{"ゃ","ぃ","ゅ","ぇ","ょ"});
TABLE.put("lt", new String[]{"た","ち","っ","て","と"});
TABLE.put("xy", new String[]{"ゃ","ぃ","ゅ","ぇ","ょ"});
TABLE.put("xt", new String[]{"た","ち","っ","て","と"});
TABLE.put( "x", new String[]{"ぁ","ぃ","ぅ","ぇ","ぉ"});
private static String getKanaFromTable(String s, int n) {
if ( TABLE.containsKey(s) ) {
return TABLE.get(s)[n];
return s + TABLE.get("")[n];
* ローマ字をかな文字へ変換する
* @param org 変換元文字列
* @return 変換後の文字列
protected static String conv(String org) {
String last = "";
StringBuilder line = new StringBuilder();
for ( int i=0; i<org.length(); i++ ) {
String tmp = org.substring(i,i+1);
if ( tmp.equals("a") ) {
line.append( getKanaFromTable(last, 0) );
last = "";
} else if ( tmp.equals("i") ) {
line.append( getKanaFromTable(last, 1) );
last = "";
} else if ( tmp.equals("u") ) {
line.append( getKanaFromTable(last, 2) );
last = "";
} else if ( tmp.equals("e") ) {
line.append( getKanaFromTable(last, 3) );
last = "";
} else if ( tmp.equals("o") ) {
line.append( getKanaFromTable(last, 4) );
last = "";
} else {
if ( last.equals("n") && !(tmp.equals("y")) ) {
last = "";
if ( tmp.equals("n") ) {
if ( java.lang.Character.isLetter(tmp.charAt(0)) ) {
if ( last.equals(tmp) ) {
last = tmp;
} else {
last = last + tmp;
} else {
line.append(last + tmp);
last = "";
return line.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
String testee = "koreha tyanto henkan dekimasuka? doudesyouka?";
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「これは ちゃんと へんかん できますか? どうでしょうか?」

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