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Last active September 10, 2023 19:16
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JXA (JavaScript for Automation) snippets for applet.
function MenuItem(title, action, target) {
if (!title && !action && !target) return $.NSMenuItem.separatorItem
let i = $.NSMenuItem.alloc.init
i.title = title
i.action = action = target
return i
function StatusItem() {
return $.NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar.statusItemWithLength($.NSVariableStatusItemLength)
function Window(x, y, width, height) {
let r = $.NSMakeRect(x, y, width, height)
let s = $.NSTitledWindowMask
s|= $.NSClosableWindowMask
s|= $.NSMiniaturizableWindowMask
let b = $.NSBackingStoreBuffered
let d = false
let w = $.NSWindow.alloc.initWithContentRectStyleMaskBackingDefer(r, s, b, d)
w.releasedWhenClosed = false
if (x==-1 && y==-1)
return w
function WindowDelegate() {
if (!$.WindowDelegate) ObjC.registerSubclass({
protocols: ['NSWindowDelegate'],
methods: {
'windowWillClose:' (notification) {
return $.NSApplication.sharedApplication.terminate(null)
return $.WindowDelegate.alloc.init
function Button(x, y, width, height) {
let r = $.NSMakeRect(x, y, width, height)
let b = $.NSButton.alloc.initWithFrame(r)
b.bezelStyle = $.NSRoundedBezelStyle
return b
function Label(x, y, width, height) {
let r = $.NSMakeRect(x, y, width, height)
let t = $.NSTextField.alloc.initWithFrame(r)
t.drawsBackground = false
t.bordered = false
t.editable = false
t.selectable = true
return t
function TextField(x, y, width, height) {
let r = $.NSMakeRect(x, y, width, height)
let t = $.NSTextField.alloc.initWithFrame(r)
return t
function Line(x, y, width, height) {
let r = $.NSMakeRect(x, y, width, height)
let b = $.NSBox.alloc.initWithFrame(r)
b.boxType = $.NSBoxSeparator
return b
function WebView(url) {
let z = $.NSZeroRect
let c = $.WKWebViewConfiguration.alloc.init
let w = $.WKWebView.alloc.initWithFrameConfiguration(z, c)
let u = $.NSURL.URLWithString(url)
let r = $.NSURLRequest.requestWithURL(u)
return w
function WebViewWindow(url, x=-1, y=-1, width=1024, height=576) {
let web = WebView(url)
web.frame = $.NSMakeRect(0, 0, width, height)
web.autoresizingMask = $.NSViewWidthSizable | $.NSViewHeightSizable
let win = Window(x, y, width, height)
win.styleMask |= $.NSResizableWindowMask
win.delegate = WindowDelegate()
return win
function SimpleSubclass(_name, methods) {
if ($[_name]) return $[_name].alloc.init
let _methods = {}
for (let m in methods) {
_methods[m+':'] = {
types: ['void', ['id']],
implementation: methods[m],
name: _name,
methods: _methods,
return $[_name].alloc.init
MyAction = SimpleSubclass('Action', {
hello(sender) {
quit(sender) {
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