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JXA with Require
// hello.js
// Created by uchcode on 2016/05/28.
// Copyright © 2016 uchcode. All rights reserved.
eval( Library('JXAReader.js').read('Require.js') )
Sys = Require('Sys')
Sys.puts(`hello (again)`)
// JXAReader.js
// Created by uchcode on 2016/05/28.
// Copyright © 2016 uchcode. All rights reserved.
function read(fname) {
function LibPath(fname, resourcePath) {
return $(resourcePath + '/Script Libraries/' + fname).stringByStandardizingPath.js
const Finder = Application('Finder')
var f
f = LibPath(fname, $.NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath.js)
if ( !Finder.exists( Path(f) ) ) {
f = LibPath(fname, '~/Library')
if ( !Finder.exists( Path(f) ) ) {
f = LibPath(fname, '/Library')
if ( !Finder.exists( Path(f) ) ) {
throw `read('${fname}'): File not found.`
const p = $(f)
const u = $.NSUTF8StringEncoding
var e = $()
const c = $.NSString.stringWithContentsOfFileEncodingError(p, u, e).js
if (e.js) throw $.NSString.stringWithFormat('%@', e).js
return c
// Require.js
// Created by uchcode on 2016/05/28.
// Copyright © 2016 uchcode. All rights reserved.
function Require(fname) {
function LibPath(fname, resourcePath) {
const l = '/Script Libraries/'
const n = resourcePath + l + fname
const p = $(n).pathExtension.js ? n : n+'.js'
return $(p).stringByStandardizingPath.js
const Finder = Application('Finder')
var f
f = LibPath(fname, $.NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath.js)
if ( !Finder.exists( Path(f) ) ) {
f = LibPath(fname, '~/Library')
if ( !Finder.exists( Path(f) ) ) {
f = LibPath(fname, '/Library')
if ( !Finder.exists( Path(f) ) ) {
throw `File '${fname}.js' not found in libs.`
const p = $(f)
const u = $.NSUTF8StringEncoding
var e = $()
const c = $.NSString.stringWithContentsOfFileEncodingError(p, u, e).js
if (e.js) throw $.NSString.stringWithFormat('%@', e).js
const module = {exports: {}}
const exports = module.exports
return module.exports
// Sys.js
// Created by uchcode on 2016/05/22.
// Copyright © 2016 uchcode. All rights reserved.
module.exports = (function() {
// Private functions
function _stdout(data) {
function _stderr(data) {
function _fileHandle(output, obj, opt) {
const u = $.NSUTF8StringEncoding
const t = opt != null && opt.terminator !== null ? opt.terminator : '\n'
if (obj)
output( $(`${obj}${t}`).dataUsingEncoding(u) )
if (obj === false)
output( $(`false${t}`).dataUsingEncoding(u) )
else if (obj === 0)
output( $(`0${t}`).dataUsingEncoding(u) )
output( $(t).dataUsingEncoding(u) )
function _is(type, obj) {
const c =, -1)
return obj !== undefined && obj !== null && c === type
function _d(output, obj, opt) {
if ($(obj).js)
if (_is('id', obj))
output(obj, opt)
output(JSON.stringify(obj), opt)
output(`<${obj}>`, opt)
// Standard I/O
function gets() {
return $.NSString.alloc.initWithDataEncoding($.NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput.availableData, $.NSUTF8StringEncoding).js
function puts(obj, opt) {
_fileHandle(_stdout, obj, opt)
function errs(obj, opt) {
_fileHandle(_stderr, obj, opt)
function p(obj, opt) {
_d(puts, obj, opt)
function e(obj, opt) {
_d(errs, obj, opt)
function log(obj) {
$.NSLog('%@', obj)
// Utilities
function sh(cmd, opt) {
const a = Application.currentApplication()
const p = opt ? opt.withPrompt : null
a.includeStandardAdditions = true
return a.doShellScript(cmd, {
administratorPrivileges: !!p,
withPrompt: p || '',
alteringLineEndings: false
function nstask(launchPath, arguments) {
const t = $
t.launchPath = launchPath
t.arguments = arguments
const p = $
t.standardOutput = p
t.standardError = p
try {
// t.waitUntilExit
} catch(e) {
throw $.NSString.stringWithFormat('%@', e).js
const d = p.fileHandleForReading.readDataToEndOfFile
const u = $.NSUTF8StringEncoding
const r = $.NSString.alloc.initWithDataEncoding(d, u)
const s = t.terminationStatus
if (s!=0) throw $.NSString.stringWithFormat('%@ (status:%@)', r, s).js
return r.js.trim()
function bash(cmd, opt) {
if (opt && opt.withPrompt) {
const c = cmd.replace(/'/g, `\\'`)
const p = ` with prompt "${opt.withPrompt}" with administrator privileges`
const s = `do shell script "${c}"${p}`
const o = `osascript -l AppleScript << '__APPLESCRIPT__'\n${s}\n__APPLESCRIPT__`
return nstask('/usr/bin/env', ['bash', '--login', '-c', o])
return nstask('/usr/bin/env', ['bash', '--login', '-c', cmd])
function StandardizingPath(path) {
return Path($(path).stringByStandardizingPath.js)
// Extensions of Basic
if (!String.readFrom) String.readFrom = function(path) {
const p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath
const u = $.NSUTF8StringEncoding
var e = $()
const c = $.NSString.stringWithContentsOfFileEncodingError(p, u, e).js
if (e.js) throw $.NSString.stringWithFormat('%@', e).js
return c
if (!String.prototype.writeTo) String.prototype.writeTo = function(path) {
const p = $(path).stringByStandardizingPath
const a = true
const u = $.NSUTF8StringEncoding
var e = $()
const c = $(this)
c.writeToFileAtomicallyEncodingError(p, a, u, e)
if (e.js) throw $.NSString.stringWithFormat('%@', e).js
if (!String.prototype.format) String.prototype.format = function(f) {
return $.NSString.stringWithFormat(f||'%@', this.toString()).js
if (!String.prototype.echo) String.prototype.echo = function(format) {
if (format)
return this
if (!Function.prototype.toJSON) Function.prototype.toJSON = Function.prototype.toString
return {
gets: gets,
puts: puts,
errs: errs,
p: p,
e: e,
log: log,
nstask: nstask,
bash: bash,
sh: sh,
StandardizingPath: StandardizingPath
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uchcode commented May 28, 2016

We can create a command that is no need to write eval() like this:

(echo "eval( Library('JXAReader.js').read('Require.js') )" && cat hello.js) | osascript -l JavaScript

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